What do nice guys listen to?

What do nice guys listen to?

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Metallica, GNR and fun.

their girlfriends

childish gambino, brockhampton, injury reserve

what do you listen to?

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My dick slapping their taint while one of my balls is stuffed in their ass and the other is stuffed in their girlfriend’s vagina

Me fucking their girlfriend

If you’re an ugly male who isn’t rich, the only hope that you have is being funny. Don’t fall into the trap of being nice. Girls will treat you like a tampon

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what's the fucking secret then? if you're not a nice guy, you're toxic, if you're a nice guy, you're toxic, if you're male, you're toxic.
What's the solution to this game other than being filthy rich?

you sound pathetic

What is preventing you from being mean sometimes and being nice for most of the time? If you're nice and you throw in some meanness, but not too much, people like it because you seem more human rather than someone trying to please everyone.

sounds like the perspective an actual child would have

Well I have to considering I am talking to children.

come on, user, no way you haven't figured it out
a nice guy is just an unattractive male
pic itself is a prime example as she "funnily" makes a connection between the thickness of your wrist joints and whether you fall into the nice guy category

I thought it was more about careful hoverhand

Stop listening to what women want

this. women want a big ogre-ish brute that will dominate them mentally and physically, if they say otherwise they're lying

That's because women have mental capacity of a child

You sound pretty bitter. A lot like Elliot Rodgers in fact.

>lol youre bitter who hurt you
Shut up you simp

why would I be bitter lol

not hard at all to do those things

Absolutely this. If you’re over the age of like 21 and still believe women know what they want, you’re stunted

the girls who have the reserved holier than thou act hate nothing more than little beta males denying them any sort of attention. they strive for at least your gaze, it fills them with energy and confidence. ignoring them will make them moist. not in an evil way, just pretend they don't exist

>sounds like the perspective an actual child would have
No, it sounds like the perspective an actual human would have. Nice guys are essentially weak men you can step on without repercussion. This isn't natural. This is an evolutionary flaw, you cannot pass your progeny if you let yourself getting abused by your peers. That's why it's inherently seen as cringe behavior by virtually anyone.

t. nice guy khhv

what if you are genuinely just a nice person, why would you go out of your way to be an asshole just to seem "normal"

like how often in your day to day life do you have a legitimate reason to lash out and show this dominant anger, that looks more pathetic honestly

>nice guys are actually weak mean
lmao roasties will use all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify only fucking jocks and asholes

I don't think "nice guy" refers to people who never get angry, it just refer to any male that isn't a criminal or filthy rich.

I never really understood this meme, what' it conveying? that nice guys have bitch ass skinny hands?

also worth mentioning you can only pull off that "normal" asshole shtick if you're tall and handsome, otherwise you'll seem like an angry incel loser

That they’re disgusting and weak and gross and women see them as subhuman chicken creatures

Nice guys are as attractive to women as fat landwhales are to men

The difference is that fat landwhales are easily describable: they're fat, obese, etc.
"Nice guys" though? It could be anyone who isn't a literal savage.

that too but most importantly the lack of robustness, see:

It has to do with looks. Obviously they wouldn’t hate a good looking guy who was nice

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nice guy here, can confirm.

Obviously it has a huge part to do with this.

>implying you would care if pic related came up to you and started talking about post-punk's influence on techno music

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You don't have to be "mean" out of nowhere. Just that if you get disrespected for no reason, you don't just take it without batting an eye. It's not about LARPing as much as it is valuing yourself.
For example, nice guys will let themselves be doormats to women. That is weak behavior.
In what world do you live in?

no I wouldn't, that's just how the world works. But to act like it isn't 100% about looks you'd be delusional

>came up to you
did she roll up to me?

ok I understand now, you're right

meh. If you actually have a sex life, the world stops becoming the life of an incel. It stops being looks. You can talk to anyone about anything and feel free.

So nice guys have a great taste? Damn

whatever they think will get them laid.
and (non-comedy) podcasts.

It was the opposite to me, once I started having sex, life became so much more difficult and cruel.
Back when I wasn't even playing the game, I had no real clue.

prog and stoner rock/metal

Is your sex life consistent? Do you have a GF or an SO?
Find people who share your interests enough and you'll get there, user.
Find consistent fucks and your life will change.

Not yet, it's very hard to find a stable relationship and I guess that's part of my stress. Most girls will run away once you start suggesting more serious relationships, and the only girl who actually seemed a nice homely girls who accepted to start a serious relationship, ended up cheating on me a year into the relationship.
I don't know, for now I find that my best bet at keeping the sex game active is to just go for casual sex and trying to maintain as many fixed points as possible, the thing is, these girls are also playing their own game and looking for their own fixed points, I'm just another point for them but the moment someone better comes up I lose my position, so the game is constantly changing/evolving.
Fuck I don't know if that made any sense, but I guess what I mean to say is that it's very hard to keep it up, but yeah the sex is consistent.

none care about being nice idiots ugly heterosexual males are fucked

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I fucking hate roasties so much

There's a difference between being a good, kind person and being "nice" because you expect a cookie.

we all do. you have a place on this website always brother

For people who actually think like the girl in OP's pic, no there isn't.

most of these movies are great

Roastie projecting this hard lol

OP image was made by a man you gullible moron

I know, doesn't mean that many women didn't find it actually accurate and retweeted it ad-nauseam.
The thing is.. what did they mean by this?