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Other urls found in this thread:

wony p

Stay safe..

Attached: M.png (198x175, 30.46K)

Attached: sua milkers.webm (1080x1200, 2.81M)

Which DC variety should I start with?


what kind of retard can't tell a chink and a gook apart?

will nct get a win over bts

Bros, help me out
Who's this?

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>most infectious pandemic in the past 50 years
>thousands dead
>entire cities across east asian in lockdown
>permanent lung damage even after cured
>millions quarantined

>no fask masks or protection at fansign
>entirety of dc are alive and well

how do they do it?

Attached: 1582460342040.jpg (2048x1536, 504.73K)



fuck mia

Attached: ESPxX0gXcAA3oXr.jpg (2856x4096, 1.93M) This one has the most DC lore. They don't really have much varieties, but they have hundreds of 10 minute+ vlogs on the happyface channel and dcc channel


Attached: 1583572422370.jpg (1024x1024, 118.08K)

By not being boomers

massive would be an overstatement for sana's sanas, but they're nice

Attached: 01r.jpg (1536x2048, 204.4K)

gladly, now please post mia pics and not this girl

looks like a really slutty jisun

The Poison of Wuhan defends them with her grace.

Attached: 1578039801728.jpg (1500x2250, 1.19M)

Is she a good leader?

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They're young girls that are in great shape.


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would if i could chingu

Attached: EVERGLOW_(14).jpg (1200x1800, 397.85K)

They look ready to be soiled...

Attached: 'jin.jpg (452x452, 89.67K)

Attached: doobus.webm (552x1012, 1.31M)

wth i like jackpot now

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why the fuck was lia dating lee kwangsoo

Attached: wtf.jpg (750x1028, 144.37K)

busters minji

They have their official youtube channel
Im gonna recomended some of their performance

Suas voice fit this song

Kino performance

Attached: 1583315086877.jpg (682x1024, 108.17K)

yes. she alone nourished the other members during their hiatus

the best of all his sex songs

Attached: ESWUn7CUYAEaK0E.jpg (360x360, 26.01K)

Attached: frick.webm (554x563, 1.15M)

Ollounder getting BTFO by Mia akgaes

>Jennie is 6 years older than Somi
that doesn’t sound right

Attached: 57FFA740-446D-4324-9413-2418BCBED950.jpg (1242x1244, 513.4K)

binnie looking a little weird here

in comparison to jihyo, she is a god.

guide to dreamcatcher

Very happy to see all this love for Mia.


looks like uncle and niece or something

what did yeonhee mean by this?

Attached: [V LIVE] [Full] Rocket Punch X LieV - 로켓펀치의 눕방라이브!-147268-[09.04.210-09.08.882].webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

it's worse than most of the february songs, but still listenable to.

Attached: dcbackinthedays.webm (500x888, 2.91M)

Something without that busted whore please

Which social media platform is Ollounder active?

for me, it's jungeun

Attached: Ddp6jSCV4AA4Hph.jpg (1300x1950, 229.37K)


its bullshit. you sheep just like her because she's shilled the most
and yes im seething

Attached: dcgahyeonwings.webm (618x720, 194.87K)

we do not endorse Sera here
also this is mostly all lore shit

Cute Sua is alright but it doesn't really suit her face.

>jennie January 16, 1996
>somi March 9, 2001

it's 5 years. jennie is nearly christmas cake too
prepare for YG to retire her soon

Thank you, user
I'm minjoonking tonight

mia and the girls


you know that scene in the thing where the guy is using the defibrillator and the other guy's chest opens up and grows teeth, and his arms go right in, and the chest teeth clamp around the arms? i want to do that with her thighs.

i'm not an akgae, mia is just my favorite.
aisha and yiren are cool too

Attached: EVERGLOW_(42).jpg (1200x1800, 246.62K)

sera is /ournoona/

Attached: ourgirl.jpg (1254x1766, 490.79K)

imagine a threesome

awful feet

Miaglow is a good group!


>Mia akgaes

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omo wouldn't say no to that

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it's weird to think about the fact that there was a time when the people you know now didn't exist at all. Jennie was out here living life as a kid for 5 years before Somi even became a though in this universe. shit freaks me out.

Gonna have a sweet rendezvous with Sera

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Attached: pv9abbVsWa1s03orko6_500.webm (500x223, 490.05K)

i wish dc wear more slutty costume

is atlanta safe, kpg? little worried about everglow

I was 10 years old before my waifu was born

no need for that hostility but mia's importance is entirely artificial. any member of everglow could front the group