
I made a spotify playlist of Yas Forumssicians, so we can all follow/like each other profiles and leave the playlist playing. This makes us look more attractive to curators, etc.

*If you want your track added, follow everyone on the playlist, like the tracks, and leave the playlist playing (on silent if you want).*

As the playlist grows bigger, I'll cycle older tracks in/out, so keep up with the threads and make sure you follow all new artists. Trying to keep it around 1.5hr max. Please be considerate of song length as well, had a few people wanting 13-18 min tracks on it, it's a bit overkill. try to keep it 5-6 minutes at most.

I'll be leaving the thread active on my phone and checking every now and then for new additions, frens. So far it's been mildly successful with artists receiving listens and followers from more diverse locations, so let's keep it up.

Attached: Logoappliandrospotify.png (170x170, 9.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not bad user, decent curation. Thought it would be all wank going in, pleasantly suprised

Attached: 14-142664_pepe-pepe-listening-to-music.jpg (820x652, 128.38K)

If you're interested in the tracks I'm really in to, I've been dropping them in another playlist.


aw thanks for including me.

i am j a b o b o

I like your music bud. You have Instagram, Facebook, etc? Somewhere to keep up with your stuff?

i got those but they're pitiful

ig: j_a_b_o_b_o

Quality dude

it's poorly curated, but then again i mostly just put it on shuffle when i go and walk the dog or whatever.

This playlist is awesome. Props to all involved

2bh I'd drop it back to 1 hour, feels like there's no reason to contribute now on knowing your music isn't going anywhere

Shuffling as always, great initiative

Attached: IMG_20200206_160653_438.jpg (2249x2249, 1.2M)

OP here, I've been thinking the same. I'll do a cull just now.

Added yesterday dude, didn't notice when I seen the "album" tag that it was a single track until after I made the comment yesterday.

Musician here, why should I put my tracks on Spotify?

Honestly, it's easier to recommend it to people if you can just say "search it in Spotify". Dunno about you, but trying to explain Soundcloud or Bandcamp to normies nearly never works. They're sites build for musicians and the vast majority of the community using it are other musicians.

Also there's curated playlists which introduce your music to a wide range of people with similar tastes, and also algorithmic playlists that do the same on a wide playing field. Those people can become fans, they might start following your bands social media, and might turn up to gigs.

Seconding this opinion. Spotify is far more public facing than the SC or BC. Better than YouTube too, because on YouTube you're competing with everything, not just music.

I don't even know what this means. By 'not going anywhere' do you mean get slightly less plays than a 1hr playlist?

hi senpai!!1 looks like u cycled out the old track ihad on there, just dropped a new album yesterday tho so whenever u wanna add yung chuck to da mix i got a new song submission :) thanks for all that u do

slumbernaut here, also just got cycled out. Still spinning everyday and adding new additions

>Honestly, it's easier to recommend it to people if you can just say "search it in Spotify".
But me no get paid.

>Also there's curated playlists which introduce your music to a wide range of people with similar tastes,
They'll never playlist my shit unless I pay them, and don't I risk attracting a lot of pleb cunts?

>and also algorithmic playlists that do the same on a wide playing field.
The algorithm is a meme, that shit is fixed by cunts.

>Those people can become fans,
Ha no

>they might start following your bands social media,
What do I fucking look like, Dua Lipa?

>and might turn up to gigs.
They better not unless they want a bunch of fives, fucking entryist pricks.

what on earth?

What are you saying "what on earth?" to?

Don't understand how this works, explain please.

>not going anywhere
I presumed it to mean "it's staying in the playlist so I'll not bother checking the threads", personally.

Okey dokey.

Gotcha bud, you're that good shit.

Spotify considers your music invisible when it comes to recommendations unless it
>Has a lot of plays
>Gets played in playlists with different musicians
>Gets followers
>Gets saved
By encouraging a variety of Yas Forumssicians to both listen to the playlist and follow the artists and like the individual songs, we increase our chances of getting put in either algorithmic or curated playlists, which will promote our music to potential listeners. It also increases the likelyhood our music will be recommended in other artists pages.

track we released this week:

Make sure you like and follow artists and like all the tracks on the playlist.

thanks for following my stuff, i followed u back

if u could cycle this track back in, that'd be neat:

Gotcha bud

How many are there of us, though, compared to how many there are of the great unwashed? I very much doubt any of us will get included in any playlists. Redditors would have a better chance of achieving this, but not much better. If we do get recommended, it'll probably only be to each other. Am I missing something?

>very much doubt any of us will get included in any playlists
I've already been added to a few algorithmic playlists

Me as well

Yep, same here. Not much, mind you, but considering this has only been on going for a week or so, 10% of my plays were from algorithm playlists.

Hows your guys demographics looking? Sitting at 86% male to 14% female and no snowflakes.

Can you tell whether they listened to the full track or skipped?

>no snowflakes.
Oh, if this is going to be a Yas Forums thing, forget it, I want balanced people to hear my shit, not huwhite nationalists.

Dunno, I'm using the app. Maybe there's more info on a computer?

70% male
29% female
1% non binary
0% other

ya boy Mantis here
still spinning the good shit

Good lad, bud. How you finding it?

There's catchy tunes and the noise/experimental/ambient stuff is good too because it doesn't succumb to directionless wankery. Can't ask for more.

Is there a way to make it collaborative for certain people? Surely having two or three people curating the thing will give more subjective taste?

Why are there two threads with two playlists doing basically the same thing

No it doesnt say

Why not?

Isn't the point of the playlists to invigorate a small community of musicians? Why split it?

I guess it allows people to try different strategies? One culls songs quickly, one does best of playlists, that kind of thing?

Yeah I don't get it.

I dunno fren, I didn't really notice the other thread until recently.
I'm not culling songs quickly, I'm imposing a limit because it's seemingly the only way to keep people active. The older songs get cycled out, and everyone cycled can get back on, they also get reminded to follow the new artists and songs. I'm trying to keep people in to it, not encourage people to drop their track and never check the playlist/threads again.

oh i get your approach OP, just speculating as to the differences.

The other place got up to like 30 songs, so I was just comparing

I dunno really, but would be cool if I could get help from another user. My work can be erratic and I don't always get a chance to keep the thread open and check it.

Weirdly enough, yours has more followers than the amount of people cycled in and out. It was like 40 when I started, now its 126. So somebody is listening besides us? But at the same time it's not a public playlist

I would assume anons are sharing it? It has up to 10 simultaneous listeners at once sometimes. I can't remember how many cycles there have been, but might be a much higher number

It hasn't been almost 50~80 new bands. So ya definitely anons gotta be sharing, or have multiple accounts playing it over and over. But the likes/saves are not near the same amount. But that could just be because I'm not to people's tastes.

I'm not sure how we can get people liking/following before their added, short of requesting a screenshot. Would be beneficial to everyone to just follow each other anyway.

I was on the list before, this time I going to put my other project on.

Pick a track bud and follow all the new people

On it

Gotcha bud
