Death Grips opinion

After all this time, what is your current opinion on Death Grips and how/when did it change (if it even did)

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I believe them to be the only quintessential band of the decade and have not changed my opinion since I listened to all their releases

They're a massive meme. Don't like them but I've heard worse.

they are the band of the 2010s in my opinion

>inxy: Whats your opinion on death grips?

first heard them in 2012 and didn't like it at first. I came back to them during some heavy times and fell in love. Still love DG and almost all of their albums are 7/10 or better for me, fav being NOTM. They are a great band and probably the closest to punk we're going to get these days.

talented band with some good songs and overall solid albums
their fanbase from when TMS dropped have moved on from them and the current fans are underages who got to know them from facebook meme pages and fantano circlejerks
though that last part also describes like 60% of this shit board by now

Easily one of the best bands of the 2010s. Some more recent releases are a little hit or miss, but still way better and more creative than most other electronic stuff. Mixes like Steroids and GatRO show they've still got it.

They're already kind of in the history books, and I think in the coming decades they'll be even more widely regarded as a big part of the "sound of the 2010s". Don't know how any serious music fan could write off every single one of their albums.


Yots was so bad i really dont give a shit anymore

My current opinion is that they're better than ever after the masterpiece that was YOTS.

This, act of the decade
Almost the opposite order

Best group of the 2010s easily, they peaked with TPTB, and things haven’t been the same since. Didn’t like Bottomless Pit, enjoyed YOTS but it wasn’t memorable.

Shit taste fantano drone

>NOTM that low
Post discarded.

theyre too good

Exactly the same for me

'getting' death grips and it 'clicking' is such a meme but honestly I don't think I've had my enjoyment of any other music spike quite so hard as it did with dg

Bottomless pit is their best album
Banger after banger on this kino

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Death grips are shit according to Zero Two


Literally who?

never liked them

Fuck off weeb

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Never liked them. They were alright at best in 2012 or so. So overrated it hurts.

This is the only correct ranking

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White peoples music.

Their new album sucked dick, I hope they come back from it with some better music. Maybe they just need to stop looking at Reddit and the memes and take their time.

>NOTM in S tier
You dropped this, king.

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A lot of what makes Death Grips amazing has still gone unappreciated. I wonder if everyone will realize one day and say “holy shit...they had us that whole fucking time”.

I got bored of them, rather quickly. Last song I unironically enjoyed was No Love.

most significant indie band of the 10s


the only good album by death grips is fashion week because i want to fuck the girl on the cover

Anyone who disowns just because they blew up and have a few annoying fans is a fucking pussy. They kick ass and nobody has done what they were doing, and hopefully continue to do

i just dont like them because theyre not good

realest shit in the biz

This is the most accurate.
Iistened to them from the day Exmilitary dropped, and saw them live in the nldw era.
Later on I just stopped listening to them as most of the material was no longer even comparable, it just sounded forced and regurgitated.

I used to like them, i think their original presence aesthetic was cool but the fact that it was all a big LARP and MCRide is just an average black guy with no criminal background or anything interesting other than possibly some occult interest really ends up giving me sore throat.
Their entire meme appeal is another thing that pisses me off, especially that they did embrace it eventually it feels like betrayal to their original aesthetic in a lot of ways and the fact that it only happened because of fantano (or rather got encouraged by him) is another thing annoying over it.
I still like some of their albums, i won't hate those probably. I feel like the production on them has a lot of value and some of McRides ideas are somewhat iconic lyrically and vocally.
I wish they didn't embrace the memes and i wish McRide was legit, some of my friends found his address in Sacramonto and he has not criminal record or any interesting information about him that would atleast back up his 'musical identity'. I guess after all its just performance.
Certainly 2010s had way better projects coming up and those are and will be underrated, and sadly we will see more and more DG clones come up too.
Best albums: No Love Deep Web, Goverment Plates (i wish they did more of that), Jenny Death, Niggas On The Moon (very fun.), The Money Store (fairly iconic, tons of great prod and catchy songs), Steroids (im a sucker for gabbah and heavy electronica, probably my favourite project of theirs next to JD+NOTM respectively.)
Worst Albums: YOTS, BP (rehashes)

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forgot to rank Exmilitary, i'll just say its middle of the road for me, probably the most uninteresting of their albums, uninteresting sampling but it is also fairly fun and sounds way different than their later stuff so i'd say im neutral about that one with leaning to that i like it.

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You don't need to be a criminal to be an interesting person, dude

>he interprets death grips lyrics literally when they have only ever been metaphors about art, the artist, and the audience and hence never got why NOTM was their finest achievement

i never interpreted their lyrics literally, Stefan often plays a fake character/persona and you can't deny that.
I never implied that, i meant that in contrary to his body of work which often talks about those subjects, retard.


He wasn’t playing a character, you just misunderstood what they were doing.

you're retarded, dilate

What, you want me to say seethe or something?

thankfully grew out of them at 15 when my friends laughed at me when I showed em a song, glad they were right. Nowadays I just dont think about them

They seem like the kind of band you eventually grow out of, i used to be pretty into them in high school but now I tend to listen other stuff. They're still good and i will still check out whatever new stuff they put out

Overrated. GP is their best by far.

TMS = EXM > Steroids > BP > NOTM > Interview 2016 > JD > GP > YOTS

They all have their moments. BP and up are straight heat though


Why cant death Grips be both a meme and the greatest musical act of our generation?

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>After all this time, what is your current opinion on Death Grips
I'm not listening to their music. Although it is interesting and unique at the end of the day its not my aesthetic, and I just enjoyed it for its shock value


Actually spot on, nice


They're one of my favorite bands, but I'm more a fan of Zach Hill than anything else. The thing that sets Death Grips apart from many similar bands is how weird they are. From their batshit music videos to their sometimes strange songwriting, production or sample choices. Some bands are harder and catchier, but every time I listen to a Death Grips-like band to scratch an itch, it almost never works because the itch is that crucial combination of weirdness, harshness and catchiness that DG has, most which I think comes from Zach Hill's artistic sensibilities. I mean who else samples some nasal-voiced faggot doing his best impression of a race car for a song, or wipes his ass to the rhythm of the music?

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Im not really sure what overrated means anymore. But based GP poster

>MCRide is just an average black guy with no criminal background
>i wish McRide was legit

loving every laugh

what's the first one in D?