Are you guys kidding me? Were you all shitposting all this time...

Are you guys kidding me? Were you all shitposting all this time? I put off listening to this but this post kept claiming this album is a gift to mankind or some shit but jesus fucking christ this is probably one of the worst albums I've heard in my life. I mean I get it, its the musical equiavelant of shitposting but you can't really claim this is good outside of the "its so bad its good" lens.

I fucking hate you all, this record is trash

Attached: 100-gecs_09-10-19_19_5d77a4f703ca2.jpg (678x399, 66.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why would you ever even ironically consider listening to something made by a tranny?

Cool thanks for making a thread about it you dumb faggot



It's a shitpost yeah
You should have seen the ironic posts that praise it as your hint

The problem is they're not ironic, some people in this board actually have some sort of brutal psychosis and think this is actually good

by the same logic why would we take in consideration your post
>inb4 n-no you can't just say no u
watch me

>watch me

Attached: hahaa.jpg (800x800, 42.49K)

You have been filtered, have a nice day and continue enjoying your kendrick lamar or whatever current popular music kids listen to

Please explain how an album that makes your ears bleed is good

I'm not a mentally ill tranny so I'm far more creditable just off the bat

imagine being this narrow minded. must suck to be you

Keep in mind, this board has a side of absolute mongoloids and another side of actual geniuses. Don't follow threads that suck an artist's dick so much cuz you know their music taste is garbage.

I really don't understand people that DONT like this album. It's like they take themselves and their music way too seriously

nigga, its not about taking music seriously, its cause it sounds like shit

>Sounds like shit
Yeah, nah

Imagine being this much of a contrarian

It sounds good, you just have a low musical IQ and/or don't get invited to parties.

>It sounds good, you just have a low musical IQ and/or don't get invited to parties.

Attached: wojak.jpg (644x800, 70.69K)

I highly doubt any party in existence is going to play 100 Gecs.

Why are there concerts filled with normal college aged kids having fun?

It is quite literally party music.

Attached: 1580285793874.jpg (597x559, 21.12K)

Explain how it sounds like shit then. Let's have an actual discussion

>laura les intimidates me

Not the same guy who posted but her voice is almost as annoying as yolandi and the production is the equivalent of going on ableton and puting all fucking effects at the same time

>and the production is the equivalent of going on ableton and puting all fucking effects at the same time
This is where you are blaringly filtered.

Dylan is a very good producer and has worked with some big names - laura and dylan both went to college for sound engineering too. You just don't have enough of a musical ear to peel apart what's going on with their production.. you just a childish knee-jerk reaction of "DUUH TOO ABRASIVE, TOO MUCH NOISE AGH"


I literally love Death Grips


Attached: ok coomer.jpg (1209x1430, 280.12K)

I like music like this because it is relaxed and doesn't sound too rehearsed and is more spur of the moment. I can almost guarantee the next gecs album will be technically better and more professional in every way but less interesting this is what always happens

A normal party that is. Looks like a place for crackhead degenerates.

Their next album is going to be a remix album, it was hinted by laura..

The two remixes already out already suck. One has fucking kero kero bonito in it who just sucks the energy out of it

>Looks like a place for crackhead degenerates.

>video shows 50 college aged white kids in normal outfits with normal haircuts

Attached: 1563287304459.png (750x757, 115.28K)

Glad I grew up listening to dubstep over this fucking diarrhea

>Two remixes

this remix is pretty nice

>dilates for 6 hours straight
>molests children
>makes everyone around them uncomfortable
>has 5'o clock shadow

why yes, I am a fan of 100 gecs, what gave it away?

yea but hand crushed by a mallet kind of bangs though


Yeah so basically everyone that likes gecs secretly wants to be a girl

Why is everyone thinking about this record so deep? I don't even care about the lyrics of this thing. It's a pretty pumped up album, the songs are tight and somewhat experimental and the dubstep is fine. What are you so angry about? It's literally just an okay record

rent free

It’s was gonna the kinda weird thing I wanna get to know what it is and how to do it that would be cool to see the new album cover and the new season is gonna it will be fun to be a good and you the one way to make sure he is a home and a lot of things he has been doing

Attached: CC4BA1C2-5B91-42FB-B678-F0CA8AAAAAB8.jpg (1200x1200, 145.43K)

And here you are justifying its existence by giving it a platform and making another thread about it on Yas Forums and the cycle will continue
And this album is limited by its redundancy but this also feeds into its strength, which is the nonsense of it all. The production is interesting, if that kind of technique were applied on any other better album then you could find something fantastic.


you sure use a lot of words you don't understand.


Yes, that's how many cops beat their wives. But what does it have to do with this convo

I actually listen to this


No, I don’t

>I like music like this because it is relaxed and doesn't sound too rehearsed and is more spur of the moment. I can almost guarantee the next gecs album will be technically better and more professional in every way but less interesting this is what always happens

You're probably right, but the two previews we have so far are "came to my show" and "toothless/marshmallow", which sound more professional but just as interesting IMO. Less abrasive, though.

It's ironic that it's probably mostly the Yas Forumscel zoomers who feel the need to point out how music must abide by certain political guidelines else it's immoral propaganda and not art, despite the stereotype that this is a zoomer album

It's fun to listen to, and well made. You don't have to like it.

I had a fucking stroke reading this

>its got strange lyrics therefore its bad

It's like scaruffi
Most are memeing but some brainlets take it as actual seriousness then follow scaruffi's reviews like they are god

Dumb kids think they have to follow the opinion of some music reviewer.
After some time everyone who isn't completely braindead notices that the likes of Fantano and Christgau are absolute and utter faggots that judge music based on morality and how trendy it is; they have a low capacity to think for themselves instead of following others opinion.
When you show these people Scaruffi's blitzkrieg on the beatles, they are shocked: someone doesn't worship these fags like gods and actually seems to have some independent sense of taste.
Scaruffi is actually a lot like this site: shit and contrarian to an extent, but almost everything else is even worse.

>No one liked this album before scaruffi gave it a 7

Explain what is bad about the music

No one still likes the album outside people who couldn't get the sarcasm
It's a trigger point for Yas Forums because the type of music and because one is transgender so they pretend to like and spam it because it gets replies+drama

People use critics as guides to find music, they don't take their opinion as their own.

one is a tranny, and that's bad enough for me to never listen to it. Questions?