Attached: 1212.jpg (1500x1000, 318.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyway aisha is prime material

Dreamcatcher will never win a show

Attached: IloveJeonSoyeon-61.jpg (1536x2048, 469.17K)

finally the seulgi thread we all wanted


I thought she was a fridge

omo omo

Attached: 87402694_1109066672778604_5691169637694921440_n.jpg (1080x1080, 188.34K)

i can tell the quality of a thread by the first 3 posts and occasionally just the op
i rate this thread a slug/10

Attached: sluggie more like huggie.jpg (767x1200, 136.76K)

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cant stop

Attached: ESe4VFzUcAEVU3J.jpg orig.jpg (1024x784, 119.82K)

Hyewon just posted this.
Name another group with a better visual duo.

Attached: 81d5d3bae0eaec4d44cb379a67ffcffb.jpeg.jpg (1000x1000, 153.58K)

I'll never give up as long as they keep making music.

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prude duck needs to show her goodies more

Attached: ESf4KobUUAI2h9k.jpg (900x1200, 261.96K)

Yiren and Sihyeon are objectively more beautiful but it's Aisha who makes my peepee hard

whats wrong with her left eye?

Attached: slugluminati.webm (406x720, 1.89M)

wtf aisha

Attached: ESe8VOIUwAEzaYI.jpg orig.jpg (1024x1024, 169.96K)

fuck you wizcuck
chewy and momo are much prettier

Attached: 1581329014195.jpg (1000x1499, 1000.65K)

for me, it's jung jinsoul

Attached: 1579516574768.jpg (1238x1845, 228.83K)

>slughomo thread

Attached: 1575552464156.jpg (521x261, 36.88K)


i just is such a good song

Attached: paidgi.jpg (1024x767, 98.01K)

wow, she's beautiful

It's the eyes

minju mogs cake irl but she would never beat cake in selfies

Attached: 1570370119558.jpg (1000x1000, 89.69K)

Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 231.jpg (1080x1350, 139.53K)

Attached: slug-zero.jpg (736x1104, 137.2K)

eot ot daeh morf tcefrep

Lal(is a Man)oban

I didn't even notice that it was a slug thread

Attached: lal is a man oban.jpg (384x640, 76.65K)


Attached: 7.jpg (960x960, 135.15K)

maybe it's not Channel but it's a good start

Attached: ESfbUrWU0AAQe-e.jpg (2229x1735, 914.29K)


back tattoo?

Attached: 4073556.jpg (4096x2730, 1.09M)

gahyeon now literally a snack


red sun had really creepy styling

Attached: D4mj9N-UUAAG9-v.jpg (1500x2250, 304.75K)

Attached: 7014560252251.jpg (1080x1920, 789.33K)

you know, there's something about slug's face that i can never get bored of. you think you've discovered all there's to it from that women, and then you find something new about her face. incredible really

It was a temporary tattoo, each Blackpink got one of a different animal during their holiday in Thailand

>showing your shoulders is a big deal
>doing this on stage is normal

I hate women

Attached: 1578055663647.webm (900x1322, 2.97M)

looks like a fucking ghost

thai laws require tranny prostitue to have branding

can any of you with photoshop skills xray this? i want to see if she's wearing a thong.

as you know, kpops wearing thongs is extremely rare

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yujin isnt a woman though

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Nascent cutie

it was really cool. i kept hoping they'd do scream in these outfits but looks like it's not happening rip

Attached: 7_DREAMERS-1235533932201828352-20200305_065339-img4.jpg (1200x800, 117.91K)

CATALLENA (red sun)

Didn't you hear she is 18 now

Attached: 1559338779700.webm (800x1420, 2.97M)

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Sua and Jiu had the best outfits

Attached: Sua.jpg (1500x2000, 1.89M)

I assume this is only in Japan?

you can see her p

dinner is served

Attached: 1548891629888.jpg (2048x1366, 317.26K)

you've assumed right

yup. my overall vote goes to jiu though for two big reasons

Attached: jiuredsun1.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

Thank you for posting my wife

Attached: slugsidedishes.jpg (2048x1152, 271.55K)
I need eunbi solo cam

but word

When is the next BP comeback?

Attached: Capture.png (650x140, 8.01K)


March or April most likely. Also, is there really a no surgery policy?

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Attached: 1501810325524.webm (1120x1078, 1.82M)

Any Seokjin chads in

Looking at Lisa no.

omo omo imagine this kpg:

>putting my head up slug's pits
>she tells to stop
>i don't stop

Yeri has nice Yeris

Attached: 1579995887326.jpg (1363x2048, 389.85K)

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Attached: EJGw8-HUwAEJuWq.jpg (1364x2048, 286.27K)

>Everglow and Dreamcatcher touring night clubs
when will Loona show those nugus how a real World Tour looks like?

Attached: 87418238_626615951507856_1605773726475782386_n.jpg (1080x1350, 131.18K)

found this in my slug folder. those were good times

Attached: 1554250470932.jpg (1385x1200, 360.11K)


when will Arin show those nugus how a real p looks like?

Attached: some dudes kissing sana.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

for me it's yves

Attached: ERy4g9VXUAMItaj.jpg (1344x1881, 509.28K)

all she's good for

you joke but i honestly think loona is fucked with lee soo man. he's going to be obsessed with loona doing well in korea first which means show wins and all that shit
then again who knows how much their international lgbt fans would actually spend on concerts?

Her reaction to the accident is so cute makes me want to cry

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Nice OP.

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They'd probably end up with the same venues if they didn't have 12 members

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she really is the cutest

Attached: bikinirin.jpg (648x972, 271.28K)
would 12 members really not fit here?

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Attached: dudu attacked by a lesbo.webm (946x878, 2.93M)

Attached: jiho butt.webm (1540x1920, 1.15M)

not him but that looks pretty tight even for dc's choreo. imagine scream there

Attached: 1553313058331.jpg (1364x2048, 389.62K)

this song is so bad but she's adorable

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So cute it makes me want to cry is that normal?

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you just realised that you will never ever find a girl like wony

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Gfriend would need a stadium to perform Labyrinth with back up dancers

naega jeil joahaneun geon yeoreume

Attached: wendy red flavor.jpg (1463x2048, 680.73K)

it's just a basic below average b-side cutepop song

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shit taste
so curious>ayayaya

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i keep being surprised that the music show stages are even big enough for bts's on with their legion of marching band backup dancers

right in the feels

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spaceship is the better cutepop song

Slug button.

Attached: 1579914989845.webm (450x800, 2.93M)

what if they sent Handong to china to have more space during tours?

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