butcher edition
read it: pastebin.com
last week on meal:
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These are genuinely two of the best albums of all time.
This but Schizophrenia and Morbid Visions
Post hardcore
Reminder to all newfags (that includes you redditors) that /metal/ is the music division of Yas Forums. This means that if you are upset by words like "jew", "nigger" and "tranny" you need to lurk more or leave. Furthermore, if you are a fan of any of those things which I just mentioned, you do not belong here and almost certainly have shit taste (nu-metal, metalcore, and so on).
Disturbed is based and high test
Disturbed should be called Riff Central
This but unironically.
hmmmmmm i don't think so. i really like them because i'm african and more into the hip-hop side of things. however, my wifes aryan bull listens to brutal death metal or grindcore in the gym or while i prep him. you should look those genres up so maybe people will stop bullying you for your middle-schooler tastes in metal.
no one reply to the incel, he's jealous of us disturbed chads
go back to r*ddit you pathetic samefag. you are mentally ill and your taste in music is shit-tier.
Cope, rifflet.
Disturbed is anti-r*ddit.
I only listen to two off of here
>Yo, bro, pass me the aux!
>*turns on Ten Thousand Fists*
>That's more like it.
look how triggered he gets when you criticize his radio pop-metal. just spamming the thread. god you're such a fucking loser ruining these generals with your tween taste in music.
im actually impressed that you know how to use photoshop considering how fucking retarded you are.
>Damn bro, I love Land of Confusion
>What the fuck is Genesis? Stop bothering me incel
>t. chinlet incel
oughs > riffs
That's an awful lot of words to say you're a rifflet.
If it doesn't riff, what's the point?
Any thoughts on thrash metal?
Best subgenre
what else should go on an essential swamp metal chart?
Faster riffs and downpicking
Thinking man's genre.
>disturbed redditor still going 8 hours later
I've never seen somebody get so butthurt over /meal/ pointing out his taste in music is shit. Disturbed is widely known to be a shit band, even back in 2006 when they were still relevant it was radio garbage for kiddies.
Watch this performance and tell me its not the gayest shit you've ever seen. Draiman is a fat metrosexual jew shaking his hips around consistently singing flat. The instruments are so boring for most songs that you don't even notice them, apart from the drums which are the only semi-redeeming part. Even the fanboys in the comments are ripping him apart.
also check out 22:47, he sounds like parrot. i guess soyy boys like this because of the cheesy melodies draiman comes up with, i really don't see anything else it could be.
>guys in Galneryus had a previous band
>called Aushvitz
What exactly did they mean by this?
>Getting filtered by Disturbed
user, this is just embarrassing.
B a s e d
They meant that Disturbed is dangerously based and high test.
For me, it's M E T A L L I C A
>bottom row
fix your chart fag
Peace Sells ... But Who's Buying?
Give me 2 other albums.
jewish males are just generally poor frontmen, especially for metal, because they tend to be more effeminate. david lee roth was good because he was sort of flamboyant and a genetic anomaly being a tall jew. draiman is a hack, it is pretty pathetic when you realize disturbed is the best band he's actually ever worked with, his producing skills and side-projects are even worse.
Disturbing, to say the least
>jewish males are just generally poor frontmen,
all black metal sounds the same change my mind
just giving my opinion and trying to teach you something. when i logged off this morning you were pissing yourself over people talking shit about them, then when i come back home you're still here, as if you're actually surprised nobody shares your shit taste. post something with blast beats or double kick at least, disturbed are so fucking gay and passe.
Half jews can cut it too, like Mustaine
Listen to this.
Protector - A Shedding of Skin
Solstice - Pray
I'm pretty sure this is about riffs and oughs.
half jew due to his father. judaism is matrilineal, he's more white than he is jewish.
draidle on the other hand, is as J as they come. Read his fucking wikipedia. Yas Forums would have a field day with this.
s/t > Pray
If your music taste doesnt sound like this you're gay
Almighty based
holy shit user he had a family
>Pray for the Sentencing
Superior Defeated Sanity coming through.
Acid bath and slugdge
This guys thrashes.
sneed sells... but who's chuckin?
Essential TF2 metal?
The Metal by Tenacious D in 1.5x faster
Reminder: Press the settings button and then click 1.5x speed
>1.5x speed
Nice. Sounds thrash to me.
>Dripping - Disintegration Of Thought Patterns During A Synthetic Mind Traveling Bliss
Unironically based album.
Rust In Peace is just so fucking good lads
Hangar 18 I know too much