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Other urls found in this thread:

what would you do if this were you?

we all love everglow here

Attached: 1583540733547.jpg (2048x1536, 456.32K)

No nugu bashing allowed

im gay lol

Attached: 2019-10-18.jpg (1231x1800, 486.48K)

kais addiction - kyungsoos hole

there was something sticky in my beard, it tasted sweet

Attached: m6.webm (746x420, 2.68M)

please no smoking itt


eskimo kisses

Attached: DCDau_rUAAANk1W.jpg (1200x1800, 424.69K)

best sohee mentioned

Attached: 1582166374091.jpg (721x961, 89.82K)

Chink bot detected
Mods, get him out of here

what hole

Attached: DiIWRcTUcAE0CUW.jpg (938x982, 93.63K)

Dreamcatcher, Loona, Fromis, Rocket punch, *sigh* I could go on but I’ll stop there
How exactly do you virgins have time to follow these shit-tier ultra nugu groups? I wouldn’t even know their existence if it wasn’t for the specimens spamming their garbage photos/music here

besides elris sohee, are there any objectively pretty kpops?


suga fucked my dad

That guy might be 6 feet tall at most

rocket punch sohee is just a poor man's pristin minkyung

Attached: ESWfvwuXsAAcg8W.jpg (1200x1200, 108.41K)

>no heart hands with one of the members
they aren't even trying

I can't understand japanese.


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Good Cop, Bad Cop

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coffee cunt is so disgusting someone put this bitch out of her misery

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I noticed that too! I think it's cause she has a hard time in those boots

pristin is a poor man's pristin dbh

>ncshit losing to all bts bsides
so this is the power of the INTERNATIONAL boy group from sm

Attached: 00302.png (1080x1670, 288.2K)

>picking eu and yiren
very based

the omegaverse is pleased

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Everglow in your area

Post Nakyung's I demand them!!

Attached: 1563374537271.jpg (2048x1536, 830.14K)

For me?
Why, it would have to be an 18 year old Jennifer Kimberly

Attached: CE21C299-0DC5-4236-A308-FC6B354E25F7.jpg (720x720, 137.8K)

how does Lia so effortlessly mog all of gen 3?

someone should meet everglow at the aquarium

love this corona midget

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yena dabbing on the oncecucks

For me it's Jo Yuri

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is your dad rm


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which one of you coomers is this

mental illness



that's too big for her

why do egg fans draw that stuff

They're going full retard with this hi touch and photo management. They should have left the mics on so people can actually hear

shut up

>BTass retards got this stirred up by NCT boppin them not once but twice
no amount of coping will change the facts

Chimp's pits are pretty rare right?

Attached: Dicon_s_special_day_1080p-3.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

it will melt in her pusy anyways

fuck she is so based

he's over 6ft. aisha is 5'9"

*wiggles in place*

if anyone actually believed that nct would ever do better than bts then they're even more delusional than your average army

is this innuendo

JYP told her how to use her butt muscles to not feel back pain

Attached: 191027 우주소녀 WJSN 엑시 Exy 창원 MAMF 공연 직캠 fancam{cYmx8gxtx7o}-3.webm (804x800, 2.88M)

fag hours are over back to /trash/ roasties

coffee cunt you disgusting ogre

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There's this gif of a girl with a good trunk with skyblueish tight pants, is that sohee??

Attached: D1_uK_bVAAEUZJK.jpg (3000x2182, 307.98K)

No she said she isn't that tall

where's that from?

she is super cute

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>I like to spend my friday nights trashing nugu idols who are one bad comeback from complete irrelevancy and failed dreams

this has to be shopped

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of course an ugly bitch would prefer black chocolate