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Other urls found in this thread:

post the shownudes

heeeeey sexy ladeh

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cubs hot sexy boobs

Attached: hat cub.jpg (1000x1500, 409.59K)

black....wendy's fan...

what a chad

Attached: EEK-oTYUwAENYKe.jpg (1509x2048, 531.83K)

would there actually be a shitstorm if bts cancelled their american tour or would their fans understand?

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wendy's blackened ass from severe bruising

dumb faggot we wanted a chad thread for the chadbros
wow, he's handsome as fuck

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ah i missed the 7s

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imagine getting floor tickets and it has to be cancelled because of some virus

Attached: 2020-02-21.jpg (917x785, 134.7K)

they would be really disappointed but safety of their fans and bts is more important

When will they let yeji have this kind of styling for a comeback

for me, it's going ferAl for seolA

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no need for their fans to cause a shitstorm, every cancelled concert gives refunds to all the tickets

they wouldn't shit themselves too badly i think or at least that's what they say. it would please karmy too. personally i'll seethe because there goes my last chance of seeing them before the boomers enlist.

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pcy is at his best when his forehead is showing

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kpg said hey mitch you want a twicefu?
i said no but i want a slutfu later, so, yes

Attached: MitchHedberg_Screengrab.jpg (1445x938, 213.63K)

i don't know brother, the ponytails are overused so i hope soon we'll get loose hair yeji

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i love this girl

Attached: hyo glare10.jpg (1080x1350, 111.82K)
Kpop is now cancelled in Japan
Please understand

where's wendy

why are korean fans so entitled? they get to see bts all the time

stop this, tyrone....

xiumin is the least gay exo member


isn’t that chen? he never does gay fanservice


>Momo, Sana, Mina, Tzuyu all went out today to eat at Yellow Wu. They all left their signatures and wrote “We really ate well Please always be happy! Thank you~”
>The store owner also said that TWICE's "kindness and cuteness are incomparable"

Attached: 22333.jpg (1080x874, 110.98K)

>japanese prime minsiter schizo
>prime minister schizo
>minister schizo
Isn't that a poster here?

boys in bucket hats

Attached: CEDB8BBB-FFEE-492D-A117-B6C0B50BAC07.png (1120x1680, 2.04M)

maybe the girlscouts will force her to learn how to make proper cookies

i want to thank the user who suggested instagram for finding photos of my waifu

Attached: 1501329139219.jpg (1125x1380, 192.29K)

thanks twice for coming over
*coof* *coof* *coof*
Don't worry it's just dust *coof*

isn't that the most obvious way?

Chen is definitely the least gay member since we 100% know he has ejaculated inside a woman

well i never thought about it since i assumed they would only be pics that i've already seen

for me it's will feral

Imagine being an aspiring japanese idol girl and having your performance judged by Sana and Momo

based or terrifying?

their claims of ifans getting special treatment is a joke. iarmy only recently got subtitles on their dvds.

half of the pics posted here comes from there... anyway post her ass

they can judge these nuts

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why is the camera so close to his face

i'm not going to do that

woah she is pretty bros

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momo signature is high IQ

Attached: 1577829168359.jpg (1200x1598, 275.92K)

Nizi project is now finito
Remember to thank Mr Abe for it.

instagram pics are shit quality. only use that for the instagram exclusive pics if your waifu doesn't post the same stuff on twitter which is always much better quality, especially with add-ons for high res pics


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For me it’s Dubu

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Our reputation was never good, you started caring a little bit late and i'm sure yeji will defend God's values as well, she's a girl of good

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all those girls look so young, they shouldn't be working for jyp yet, would be a shame if someone infected them with the corona virus...

Of course the girls are terrified. They're literally childs also you can't read JYP's face because he's always with that retarded smile.

they never use twitter tho

how come they become white after a while?

shameless grandpa cocksucker

they already recorded every episode tho?

yeji gets her guts tickled by bang chan on a regular basis, she's not a church girl

the girl scouts don't make the cookies they just sell them

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why do koreans like bucket hats so much

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i know, that's why i image search the pics before saving them

Everything sera does is a cry for help

BB cream

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And? They need to train in Korea and can't enter Japan unless they want to be quarantined for 14 days. And repeat everytime they move between countries. Same for the JYP staff aiding them.

imagine hating your own color...

who is it? chaeryeong?

you're telling me some gross old ladies in factories are making them instead?

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only the effay ones liked them

Dubu was a fucking nerd looking dweeb? LMAO

for now the ban i just until the 31st, which gives like 3 days for them to go to japan before kcon starts. they better get on a plane now if they want to do their fan meet in ~17 days. I've waited too damn long to see Fromis again for this to happen

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makes their big heads look small

I thought chaeyoung's eyes were plastic

what is this?

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Wow, very funny and original mr. jackass

chink fangirls have no boundaries

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>PSY makes Kpop well known in America
>BTS astroturfed Kpop into the mainstream conscience
>Parasite got the Oscar and made Korean films well known to the mainstream audience
What could be the next big Korean export? Their god tier food?

Attached: IMG_8865.jpg (1169x1125, 708.71K)

yeji is a nice, kind-hearted good girl indeed, but i'm sure she's not a church girl

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she was a church girl

nothing like momori for some incel triggering

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when they finally debut corona will be long gone

Attached: ESWfv80U0AAdT5Y.jpg (1367x2048, 324.2K)

Fanmeet is cancelled

Attached: 31528.jpg (749x561, 60.05K)

what if they get quarantined in japan for months because of you?

camwhores and twitch streamers
But that's already hit hard

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probably some gross old men too

looked like madeleines when they were done

Attached: hyo grandma.jpg (900x1200, 409.58K)

some women just aren't made for the kitchen...

Attached: SpanishGrippingAntelope.webm (1920x1080, 573.65K)

>twice get corona'd

would be a happy timeline

Attached: 1582178255241.webm (1186x1080, 1.1M)

Korean food has been popular for a while now


>Asymptomatic spreading
>No vaccine
>Long gone
They are debuting in 2 years?

are you some kind of silent mina poster?

Attached: 1578638366053.jpg (1500x1001, 147.35K)

corona is here to stay tho

man face

wtf is going on here?

>their god tier
youre either an african or have shit taste

>getting ready for a bambam facial

it's when BTS becomes the next beatles achieving ultra high elder legend status

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ableism in our modern society. it is a plague and must be fixed

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she forgot her corona mask

almost pavlovian

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can't be worse than being quarantined in OTR's basement for months

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literal ass munchers

they're already pretty big. Look at Netflix.

who are you talking to!?


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me doing this to henlo

there is 1 korean restaurant and almost 20 chinsese ones in the big city i live in

better chance of survival

Attached: file.jpg (586x889, 65.81K)

chen got a nice bubble butt no homo
i will work out like this

Attached: 1582663221062.jpg (2048x1378, 210.27K)

>#COVID19 Top 10 #coronavirus infection countries, cases(deaths), as of March 5, 10PM EST
1. China 80,552(3,042)
2. S. Korea 6,284(43)
3. Italy 3,858(148)
4. Iran 3,513(108)
5. Japan 1,060(12)
6. Germany 545
7. France 423(7)
8. Spain 282(3)
9. USA 226(12)
10. Switzerland 120(1)

wtf amerimuttbros. stream harder let's get the #1!!!

not a fan. wanna see her with jet black hair

>sick enough not to work
>not sick enough not to eat outside

okay mina

Attached: 84046828-D1A8-4A37-8E96-0D6D0807454A.png (1294x2135, 2M)

so everyone in 9muses is depressed and shit?

she's working normally retardbro

Attached: 987ty.jpg (801x1199, 121.42K)

that one's uglier than your usual lot

how does china protect mr ding dong tinglong from pedonoonas

>already attending every schedule
>not working
are you retarded?

everyone in kpop is depressed

why is everyone in italy dying

>SEA time
>all the momocucks crawl out of their holes
what a coincidence

what shownu nudes??

Attached: shark-mogged-by-alligator.jpg (495x495, 73.82K)

to be fair, china's probably lying about their death count

fuck, they are winnning, NOT LIKE THIS BROOOS

Attached: fever boy.jpg (225x225, 31.1K)

you're right, she's not a church girl that only goes the sundays to get bored and don't really caring about what the pastor says, she's a true protestant. let's just get along, you're one of the few people who actually post yeji here :D

Attached: 83732941_1108365169512402_4376547667695306465_n.jpg (961x961, 179.27K)

its just one guy

Pasta boomers

Attached: ESZUNsYXQAAfIlS.jpg (1500x1800, 404.58K)

it was just one and wasn't flattering at all

flaccid shownudick got leaked a few months ago

>Yas Forums said that white people can't die of corona
>pastabros dropping like flies

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shut up

Attached: 3B86112D-CF06-4B92-BA0D-7EB4384E8115.jpg (1536x2048, 484.74K)


Italians are white niggers.

okay brother, let's leave that argument behind
just let's be united as yejibros :)

Attached: 1583296735398.jpg (961x961, 182.69K)

>waifuist incel calling non waifuists cucks
looks like you're lacking some self awareness bro

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Attached: Hi-Seulgi.webm (1200x1080, 1.28M)


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i want to unbuckle


man mo

that’s definitely him, starship was just trying to save his ass

Whiter than you, that's for sure.

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he slept with some girl and she apparently took that picture of him naked, what a scumbag

sera? more like SIRa lmao

more sfw version

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is she balding too?

someone bust out some chimp

Attached: ESZsIgAUMAA_bDt.jpg (1500x1800, 512.57K)

"is just one guy" the eternal anti faggot cope for everything

they dont
china could hate lgbt but not pedonoonas

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looks exactly the same as shownu, that's him for sure

seething about your family dying huh?

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Anyways i just wanted to make clear that chinese will go extinct soon

"And every creeping thing that creeps on the earth shall be an abomination. It shall not be eaten" China is one of the most heretic places in this world.

Was confused by this until I realized where its from

how can one girl be this cute?