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My sweetheart

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Damn, I didn’t realize she’s that cute.

What does it say about me if I’m in love with Ashnikko

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You’re a sane and rational Individual and likely gentlemen and scholar

it means you have excellent taste but will live a life of sadness after she marries me

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I think she's cool.

Isn't she dating Ariel Pink

Literally who?

TikTok sensation and first real artist of the 2020's

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I love her so much

Do you feel that? That slow sinking into irrelvancy that she's heading toward? Slowly, every week she is forgotten about by one person. It's only a matter of time now.

2020 will be the year of Ashnikko

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Who are you


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cal chuchesta here

shes so cute but so obsessed with sex.. Cringe

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In her lyrics? Or otherwise? Haven’t actually listened to her


Its the whole post-ironic thing zoomers do these days. She is a lot different in real life than her music persona

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Damn her shill campaign has really been taking off lately

dont you wish she would suck and spit out ur watermelon seeds user

zoomer girls are easy

I’m about to ask Ashnikko out on Twitter. Wish me luck bros

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damn her anti-shill campaign is really going strong

Other way around. The newer generations are having less and less sex than the older ones

this is literally only true for boys

Literally a shitter version of this based queen

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Is that what Yas Forums told you? The trends are similar for both genders


I really can't imagine how being a gimmicky slut will ever be remotely artistically relevant at this point. You're just a soulless neoliberal shill and artistically void if that's your whole thing.

Like these weak little meme artists with relatively high production behind them whose whole 'content' is just "I'm sexually special and I'mma do what I want and express myself and you can't stop me". Like, it's not the 1960s. There's nothing remotely fresh or necessary about that message. You're just regurgitating the same content with fresh meat for a bunch of creepy old LA producers. And no some 'feminist' or 'queer' angle doesn't make it relevant, that's a cheap loophole to try to validate your gratuitous lazy trash.

calm down spaz



based and correctpilled

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She's based too

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take your pills schizo

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Why do people idolize degeneracy in women now?

>WOAH, she is nihilistic, takes drugs and sucks BBC?

And this is unironically happening.

>I really can't imagine how being a gimmicky slut will ever be remotely artistically relevant at this point.
It's funny how you believe there is an organic supply-and-demand thing going on.

Jews will just promote people these people and make them famous with the media and brainwashing. See that new Bond song Jew girl.

>It's funny how you believe there is an organic supply-and-demand thing going on.
I'm saying the opposite, closer to what you are saying, without the antiSemitic angle though. I'm saying this stuff is forced and uninspired and anyone who buys into it is retarded and lost.

Why can’t i find a throat slut like her

Who is she?

i want to make out with her sweaty red asshole

Not him but you're mentally ill.

great another woman the retards of Yas Forums will be obsessed with and 'stan' just as the retards on twitter do. inb4 at least one thread active at all times purely for posting pics of her

They beating off to a thick goth roastie mate. Chill.

Real queen. She still outing ninja as a peado?



She's incredibly talented.

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Is it weird to want to bread her?

How much Jamal she swallowed?

Impressive amounts of talent on display there

she do be talented though

Why does this turn me on?

get a real job

Cause you’re human

Aesthetic rebellion is so milquetoast.

Mutt’s law

stupid Yas Forums thinks that i need em

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