Attached: 245.jpg (1080x1440, 397K)

Other urls found in this thread:

izone #1

will arin model



Attached: ear pone.jpg (564x846, 64.76K)

This is now a Handsome Guy thread

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V bully is a twitch streamer?

clean pop

Attached: pajama.jpg (1200x675, 72.24K)

Attached: seulgi_3.webm (640x1138, 1.61M)

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My Hermosa and Doyo

Attached: ESWyAj9U0AAlVmu.jpg (2316x3088, 2.79M)

just waiting on a handsome guy to be posted...

fuck this place

Attached: 152178.jpg (1052x905, 57.44K)

Attached: hairband.jpg (826x1280, 1006.23K)

>lisafag Is so blacklisted he has to post her in group pics now
AHAHAHAHAHAHA also shes getting mogged hard here

>if it wasn't for bts, izone would be sweeping awards left and right

Attached: redvelvet.smtown_47216813_1112240028934429_6294011363807199232_n.jpg (1080x810, 179K)

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my kpg initiation was the thread involving this picture

Attached: arin burger.jpg (1600x2400, 2.87M)

unironically kys, wonypedos

show me a male kpop that doesn't have an obviously plastic jaw


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Attached: JungUwU.jpg (2048x2048, 305.96K)

looks like gaybros are still the least mentally ill people here

Attached: seulgi_vlivedrinking20180806.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

doyoung's been looking kind of cute lately

Attached: slug it up.jpg (1500x1000, 318.59K)

who wanted some chink shotas in shorts

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Attached: 0CE7E67F-D125-455E-BC49-9307BDEFB070.jpg (1365x2048, 309.13K)

I got you
>izshit can only compete with nugus
we know

Attached: ERqHEn8UUAAQqhT.jpg (1366x2048, 310.24K)

Guess everglow is corona free or we're all gonna die tomorrow

t. cocksucker

Go back to Yas Forums, you faggot. You're exiled.

let's have a great thread brothers

things you can do to improve it:
no gayshit
no baits
no shitposts
post cute girls (and their ass, feet and thighs)
rec groups and songs
gently discuss about your favorite group respecting others
try to think that you are not the only one having a bad day (or life), there are other people who are actually in a worse situation.
love Jesus. remember we were give another chance thanks to him, let's not waste it and start doing the right things


Attached: 82826779_185115522586676_5736414135990613083_n.jpg (480x480, 41.29K)

post pics of HER
(hint, it's hrt jungkookie)

Attached: strawberry.jpg (1536x2048, 592.5K)

gays are mentally ill by default

B-bros this can't be happening

Attached: BTS more like BTFO.jpg (2755x1424, 493.5K)

Literally no one. Post beautiful Korean women that are of proper age instead.

he's a total jawlet but has always been one. hopefully he'll never get an implant

Attached: D3DzwZQW0AAtUC4.jpg (800x1200, 145.72K)

Attached: yeji telling you to take pictures of her feet.webm (410x1080, 496.47K)

just woke up
where's SuA?

everyone in twice mogs this old uggo manface

why do most girlpops jawmog these gaypops?

Attached: EJ7tbMUUEAAFLn5.jpg (800x1200, 126.02K)

i have no idea. that particular story is old so if he was he probably isn't now.

cute head

>love jesus
you know this is offensive and problematic. most gaypop posters are muslim

>gotta go to manhattan chinatown next week for doctors appointment
bros hold me, im scared of corona.

kissing jungkookie's nose until it resembles the shape of a regular person nose

nice sip ma'am

the cutest active duty soldier

Attached: 1575676629181.jpg (1280x1920, 390.82K)

seulgi eating and drinking is kino

Attached: 15685331443.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

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soobs almost looks like he has charisma there

he’s a corporal now

Saw a German dubuposter on /sp/ the other day
Who was it

no one wants to see old roasties

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Attached: IMG_20200122_002125.jpg (1232x1124, 94.34K)

besides xiumin and kyungsoo, who else is natty in exo

>physical sales

uggo mogged by jihyo

Attached: 1583156126008.jpg (850x490, 28.93K)

natty veauty

ksoo isn't natty

this is based as fuck

pretty much everyone except baekhyun, suho, kai, and pcy
pcy got a nose job

Attached: 1559903999563.jpg (1100x1650, 207.76K)

Attached: 1570403961931.png (1099x616, 713.05K)

ON is already #1 on everything, my delulu friend
try harder next comeback

Attached: 20030.png (1080x628, 106.42K)

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yes i do now get to posting them

Attached: 1577606893290.webm (720x640, 428.16K)

who is that?

Attached: arin pool.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

what did you just say nigga?

Attached: 1739.jpg (562x618, 68.91K)

too bad the mentally ill ones care more about anti faggotry than all that

Attached: 1560288303866.jpg (740x924, 74.56K)

I don’t want a fake guy but awesome boy don’t stop

pcy is so handsome and cool

Xiumin is literally the most beautiful Korean in existence, male or female. He's an ethereal, transcendent, superlunary stunner. His face should be super imposed on the Virtruvian Man to showcase his perfection.

This dude looks dumb but I can appreciate him not having the same hairstyle as literally every other gaypop these days

is this the best gaypop ever

said no one ever
that guy looks like a sewer rat

a pretty one too

Attached: ESWCkyCU8AMXztf.jpg:orig.jpg (1024x853, 123.76K)

02:12 GMT Friday - South Korea reports 518 new cases. Most of the cases of infections were from the southeastern city of Daegu
RIP irene bona and park sojin


>TF family has lewder cordi noonas than Dream
pretty fucking based you communist fucks


*puts jam in an egg sandwich*
*puts cheese on literally everything*

Attached: CBUBDSCUMAAWwb-.jpg (400x527, 46.16K)

no one likes you. hang yourself.

how long will it take him to grow his hair to that length again

Attached: exogirl.jpg (400x400, 33.96K)

based schizobro

Attached: dubouth.jpg (348x415, 29.33K)

i hope all of you faggots burn in hell for all the eternity

Attached: 1583176863757.jpg (768x1024, 95.92K)

I do, but I hate your samefagging limpdick ass

Junji from OnlyOneOf


Attached: 1582237100683.jpg (2048x1701, 438.61K)

I dindu nuffin

Attached: 762203424.jpg (1152x2048, 293.56K)

imagine the roastie meltdown

Attached: lf.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)

korea is gay

>hates gays
low IQ user...

Chinese pretty much invented pedopop back when tfboys debuted so it's not that surprising

Can someone post some Nayeon ugoocrops, please? I'm trying to win an argument elsewhere and I need them.

TF trainee Chen Xi Da

Attached: 8809D349-A901-4401-B601-4C43E2727B50.jpg (828x1236, 514.34K)

hell doesn't exist retardbro

nice teeth

at least several months before he can style it again

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no u

i feel bad for irene

word but taehyung

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Attached: ed14a9-246e963a41ed.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>ywn be in charge of TF family recruitment and auditions
feels bad

Attached: 1564447808799.jpg (801x1200, 151.58K)

is xiumin the gay one that paints his nails?

Super-short hair is the rarest and most based gaypop style though

when is pcy replacing him

Attached: 1568146352496.jpg (1365x2048, 156.89K)

me as the black man in the back

sehun did that for kokobop too

how long until one of these EXO-Lunatics kill Chen in cold blood?


Attached: ice cream.jpg (720x1280, 106.38K)

pcy is the most talented gaypop


Painting your nails is cool and more guys should try it

xiumin looks like a chad with the shaved head. i think he should keep it for one comeback just to flex on kyungdoo and his recessed chin

Attached: Shoeman.jpg (1080x1350, 109.58K)

they know their fanbase well
chink jiejies are based

Attached: 1964C362-BBCC-4907-A7E6-F1CA9DAC0FA1.png (720x1080, 866.12K)

so when the fuck is binnie's drama gonna be out

you call that being jeong'd?

Attached: 29jx89776.webm (640x620, 882.71K)

he’s not gay but yes, a stylist probably did that though

chinks deserve to extinct
Leviticus 18:22
And thou shalt not lie with mankind as one lieth with a woman: it is an abomination.
let's see if you keep thinking that, when your last day arrives. repent of your sins, you still have time

Attached: Mame1.gif (268x350, 2.49M)

looks like that uggo mamamoo, I know youre memeing but Xiumin is clapped as fuck and a Dkang rapist


>vaccines probably not for 8 more months
only a matter of time till an idol gets it

what's this about arin becoming an underwear model?



Attached: 1068.jpg (452x1000, 77.72K)

i wanna koooooooooooom

>quotes the bible
lmao how autistic are you
>let's see if you keep thinking that, when your last day arrives. repent of your sins, you still have time
okay whatever, it it's true then i hope you're not there with me because i will pound that boipussy

isn't it great?


Attached: ESAzOJfXsAE2AxZ.jpg (1366x2048, 284.08K)

the hell is a dkang rapist

Attached: 1560638317915.jpg (1125x720, 82.3K)

daniel kang rapist i think

>old testament

>bible quote

Attached: 1578880115015.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Get jeong'd

Attached: 1553489791463.webm (540x1080, 2.97M)

HRT Jungkook doesn't exist anymore

Attached: ERwUU-GU0AAl9Db.jpg (1082x1440, 768.29K)

wtf? where was jihyo when this was happening?


Attached: pronebone.jpg (1280x695, 71.13K)

and Mork we saw the video(s)

show me your thang, scammer

>Dkang rapist
redpill me

She likes to watch
