Yas Forums made an album

fugg by Abo/mu/nation Records is out now. Check it out, discuss it, rate it.

Attached: fuggcover.png (527x564, 270.04K)

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That's a vibe

Attached: Sounds_Good_Kevin_Crouch.jpg (1000x1000, 109.44K)

three track's in and it's pretty good, no n words yet

i need a download link to reminisce on this day op

great first half, the second half is filler. most songs meshes well together. a very versatile album to say the least 7/10

song 6 is very epic and not filler at all

yo what the fuck am i listening to.
its not bad tho. imma keep listening

Very interesting album, not Yas Forums's best. 7/10



Is track 11 actually 100 Gecs?


What the cover? The album?

Hey Laura

100 gekyumes are still trash

Yeah but that track is pretty dank

>the second half is filler
Tracks 9-14 are all very dank what are you smoking?

Is track 9 by the user who made JFK Shot First?

Very good album, the tracks are really trippy and they fit the album cover. Solid effort Yas Forumstants.

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do you guys like i miss this lil nigga like wouldn't believe?

1241241241 2412421421412421412412124124124124
I give it 8/10

yeah it's pretty dank, It made me coom user

what makes you ask that?

it sounds like 100 gecs

I've written litterely thousands of albums, no one good as me compostition. I've made stuff more comp;lexx then mozart, but album this album iss one of the greats compostion i heard way good then mozart

it is 100 gecs

Based schizo

oh shit they browse moo?

what shizo I've never seen hhat i s that a song?

Columbine references on Ching Ching Chong


Down In The Stink is a really fucking brown track


Where's Nem Las? His opener is really fitting

I think this is a pretty good Yas Forums album, a lot of highpoints on this one. How would you rank it compared to the other recent records?

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My personal ranking;
The Heart of the City > fugg > Mass Hysteria > Bird Like Much




Beans, definitely


I think this is the first Yas Forums album where no one says nigga with a hard r


Where can I listen to Mass Hysteria?

Watch Sky News Live - Cool introduction to the album, I liked the spacey/electronic autistic marching music feeling. It feels like a Mario soundtrack. 7.5/10
Down In The Stink - Really heavy guitar parts, disgusting vocals. It sounds really stinky and sick. 7.5/10
I'm New to These Threads - Interesting beat, very trippy outro. The vocals are a little buried in the mix but it is aesthetically fitting. 6.5/10
..And Each Of The Seven Heads Crowned With A Coronet - Legitimately cool flamenco guitar, the poopy shitty fuck fuck takes away from the track a bit. It could have been a lot better, maybe I'd enjoy the spoken parts more if I smoked more dudelmao. 6/10
This Game is so Realistic It's Scary! - Cool guitar parts, dynamic progression of sounds. Very trippy. The Michael P sample adds a layer of autism and sperging that is very abrasive. 7.5/10
Oh Ok. Kind of a Bad Idea Though - Solid electronic track. I really liked the breakbeats and the synth bass. Just a good feeling of momentum. Very jungle-esque, almost Zappa-esque. 8/10
Ching Ching Chong Suck on My Yellow Pretty Boy Dong - Cool synth track and chinky drum beat. The lyrics are mostly incoherent but it sounds like Chinese shit. The noise bits at the end are very surprising, good track. 7/10
Eat Poo Love Life - A very downtempo track, extremely spacey. It is a cool sound but it doesn't develop as much as it could have imo. Good track, lots of potential. 6.5/10
I'm Sick and The Only Cure Is Borderline Underage Asian Pussy - I might but biased but I think this is my favourite track. The skit at the beginning is hilarious; the 'sentimental' guitar, the build-up to the title. Great sequencing. The monitor beeping turning into a drumbeat and then that punk chorus is really cool. Great track. 8.5/10
Trump's Loose Butt Hole - The solo at the start is cool, it pairs well with the reporting. Gives a solemn but also ridiculous feeling, if that makes sense. The rap at the end is okay, the beat is the coolest part.

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Trump's Loose Butt Hole is an 8/10. It's solid all around.
I Miss This Little Nigga Like You Wouldn't Believe - The string section is cool, so are the chords. It feels atonal. The lyrics are okay, the backing vocals are my favourite part. They sound really ill. 7.5/10
I Hope You Choke On Trap GF's Cock - This feels a lot longer than it is, which is a good thing. It goes through many distinct sections in about one minute. The entire thing is ear-rape tier abrasive. The chorus is very memorable and catchy, the instrumental is similar to 100 Gecs (so really autistic and gay Death Grips). Great track. 8/10
Is This What It's Like To Be A Chink - The loop part is very psychedelic, it fits the album cover really well. The solo feels subtly atonal and the track shift around a lot. The drums towards the end really tie it together in my opinion. And the pitch shifted news samples feel really sick and disgusting, great stuff. 8/10
Big Kev- RIP Big Kev. This is a cool track, the bassline shifts around atonally over a pounding drumbeat. The video that sample is from is from is really gnarly. A very aggressive closer, fitting for an album about sickness. 7.5/10

It is a Four Chan exclusive, it's not on Abo/m/nation Records.


bump, good album

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Glad you like it user, my vocals are really fucked up recently. I've got some kind of respiratory shit.





What a kino cover




skitzo posting at 5am gang

kep alive for morning anons