/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Ear training:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

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This Vinnie Moore signature guitar looks hella familiar.

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Blasphemy rules

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Honestly, I’d suck Paul’s dick.

>Guitars will be provided at Gibson’s sole discretion based on proof of damage or loss. Replacement Guitars may be demo models, prototypes, or shop worn across Gibson’s family of Guitar Brands.
how can you scam them what if the tornado took your guitar miles away

Take that, FEMA!

Sorry, our resident Dean expert rage quit.

What a cursed image. Good lord. Even posting that greasy forehead Chris Cornell wannabe as the OP image wasn't as revolting.

I thought Tosin was 6'5" but the chick is supposedly 5'9" so...

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post sambito and cat pics

My 'tism keeps flaring up. I'm faster alternate picking one way than the other and it only takes a single economy pick to switch but then I think, "If I switch, I'll never get good at the other way." First-world guitar problems, man.

Based edition

Journey fires Steve Smith, Ross Valory; lawsuit alleges attempted 'coup' to hold band name 'hostage'

Why area bassists douchebags?

Because you suck at keeping time faggot

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>tfw you spend more time transcribing than actually playing the fucking instrument

The tunes I wish I had transcribed... Now if I wanna play 'em, I gotta figure them out again.

Wow, that made for good reading. I'm glad Neil Schon came out on top. I mean Journey is kinda soft but he killed it with HEAR 'N AID.

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manlet AND completely uninteresting

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any fingerstyle tab websites? or collections? i'd be super thankful

this man has some really good ones

haven't touched my electric guitar in 6 months now, solo guitar is the way to go who tf needs friends

For solo guitar material, properly formatted notation is the way to go. Offering the ability to distinguish the different voices and see them move from chord to chords as well as reinterpret positions to play them.

would be thankful for websites with notes too!
trying to get into that, but finding out the correct positions takes me forever and with tabs someones just done it for you lol

Who are your favorite youtubers bros. Rick Beato is my go-to.

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is it worth it to get a 4x12?
planned on getting a 1x12 but i didn't know if a 4x12 would sound better or be louder

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thats a cool 4x10, but not so much a 4x12
what did he mean by this?

4x12 is great if you’re playing wembley. Otherwise it might be too much.

so are they louder?

I just bought a really biiiiiig guitar. It so so big. It's so massive I can't wrap my arms around it. I can't play my big guitar.

wow bro
thats big

Why is the Blues Jr memed so much? Not a amp nerd, but its like love or hate.

1x12 will be good. 4x for when you're playing with other members.

it's the boomer's katana

Too big :(

Most of that shit is actually real cheap.
Figure an inch thick slab of flame maple is $150. You don't even need 1/3rd of that for a flat top guitar to get a good 3d effect. Veneers as thin as a couple milimeters are visually identical to real flame, especially if you pair them with a plain maple cap, then you can't even tell it's a veneer.
Graphtech nut...$5.
Coil splits aren't high end despite what gibsons upcharges might imply. It's a two pole switch that grounds out a coil.
Locking tuners? I got some from china for $30 and they work fucking perfectly, wholesale they're deffo cheaper.
Steel frets are an upcharge with name brands because it's just marketing and mind games. It's new tech (an alloy we've had for longer than you've been alive) to retarded conservative guitarists so it must command a premium of hundreds! Not. We have had the tech to efficiently and cheaply work small pieces of steel for centuries! It's a premium because boomers don't consider it the standard. Pscyhology and marketing at work.
Ditto for the rounded neck heel. You know how fender does the heel on ultra strats that cost $500 more than pro strats? THEY LOAD A DIFFERENT CNC PROGRAM THAT HAD 5 MIN WORTH OF CHANGES DONE TO IT. Rounded heels are everywhere on cheap shit guitars. They're an upcharge on expensive guitars because the big names can convince boomers it's a premium feature (the square heel was good enough for hendrix, darnit). Capitalism 101, if you spent $5 on something it doesn't matter, what matters is if you can convince someone to pay $500.
Wilkinson hardware is mass produced in korea as OEM stuff, again it's real cheap. That bridge was probably $10 wholesale.

A lot of what you THINK makes guitars expensive, doesn't. Manufacturers just limit a lot of it to expensive guitars to create an upgrade path in order to sell one guitarist multiple guitars throughout their career. It's like car dealers and charging hundreds for options that take them five minutes and $50.

It's $600, tube, and says "fender" on the front so it's poser approved. Sure, it's made in mexico with a puny reverb tank, one of the cheapest PCBs ever (fixed bias lmao), and no effects loop, but it says fender on it.

Can't pose if it says "peavey" or "laney" on the grille now can you?

once boomers will die we will finally be allowed to have name brand guitars with modern features instead of just slightly inaccurate 1960s reissues


Today's cheap amps are incredible compared to pre-2000.

>r made jcope rage quit

china will have high speed PLEK machines before boomers die (20-30 years). every korean/chinese guitar over $500 will be PLEKd for a perfectly cut nut and perfectly level frets and the only market for anything else will be nostalgia, nitro, and gimmicks the chinks won't take risks on.

>jcope quit a long time ago
>R~ made his own persona ragequit for his personal amusement

deepest lore

As it is, you can buy an asian guitar used for $300 or so and just pay a luthier to do all that. Fret dress and level and a nut replacement usually come out to $150-200.

There's already no reason to buy new guitars from fender, ESP, dean USA, etc. Just guys like Gibson that offer at least one things the asians won't do.

Not exactly faves. Youtube keeps recommending them and I forget that I have bookmarks.
Ola Englund makes everything chug.
Cameron Cooper keeps buying mid tier guitars. He could sell them and buy a beast or three. Check out his two onstage with Steel Panther videos.
Emmelie Herwegh joined Sisters of Suffocation while I was watching her. Interesting touring vlogs.
Guitar Mastery has given me some good advice but the dude talks a lot more than I would like.
Trogly doesn't call the cops when you steal his guitars.
The Captain never really seems to review gear as much as simply show it off. (That's the biz, I guess.) Probably some more interviews that I would enjoy watching.
I don't watch rachelf.

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better to have 10 mid tier backups than two gibson custom shops so you can break a string on one, grab your backup out of the case, and find out the headstock got broken on the plane

Sure, if he were a touring musician then that's the right tier.

most touring musicians drag around epiphones, ibanezzes, schecters, and MIM fenders. however i see a ton of gibsons and other expensive shit every open mic night.

t. goes to a lot of shows, also plays open mics

What is the most boomer guitar?

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Gibson Les Paul standard in cherry sunburst w/ poorly bookmatched maple top and fat 50s neck profile


I watch the five watt world dude sometimes

this really

comes with a financed Harley Davidson

Hi new to Yas Forums here, is this the thread where impoverished brown third-worlders come to violently gnash their teeth because they want to buy a genuine Gibson™ brand electric guitar but they can't afford to?

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The entire world thinks Gibson has QC problems and overcharge, even the people who own them. Get over it.

>overcharge (i.e. teeth gnashing over money)
Ok, so that's one "yes" then. Anybody else?

>teeth gnashing
sipping a $35 bottle of beer and looking at your posts in disdain while my les paul hangs on the wall collecting dust because I play my cheap shred guitars more.

you are a fucking moron. i know lower class creatures interpret this as angry language, but in the college educated strata i hail from we use such language much more calmly.

this is why this entire website needs flags like on Yas Forums and Yas Forums. if you could see where these shitters were posting from no one would bother responding to their poorfag bullshit

I thought you were going to say

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than a 1x12 or 2x12 with the same speakers plugged into the same amp set to the same settings?

I already recorded your "yes", bud. There's no need to elaborate any further. Thanks though.
I'd be for this improvement for sure. Is there a place where you can make these types of suggestions to the 4channel administration?

Post on Yas Forums and link it. Let's see your flag.

my impression of what a riff sounds like, based on months of noodling and listening to turkish rock

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not a boomer telecaster, the bridge is not a non-compensated 3-saddle brass that is impossible to intonate
tuners are not vintage ones
headstock is not vintage accurate
it's not relic'd

this is sam don't click

lol you're so mad you're practically writing essays.

lol him too

imma get some popcorn.

Alright, we've got a second "yes". Who else?

People under the age of 60 play these on the regular for music other than a blues shuffle backing track in A minor so no, telecasters aren't boomer guitars.

Wilkinson make IP and license the design and name. Some are made in Korea, some are made by a Gotoh Japan, and there are a few others.
It's generally not expensive stuff though, it's usually 'cost effective but good' to 'same cost as other premium aftermarket and on par'

R~'s trolling style is a work of art. Don't reply to the responses you get, pretend you're replying to the responses to wanted to get. Doing this alone will make people madder than whatever inflammatory statement you were making.