What's your musical IQ Yas Forums?

What's your musical IQ Yas Forums?


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I'm sorry but you're quite dumb

Why are you so bad at melodic discrimination. Can't you tell melodies apart. Smh

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I think this test depends a lot on musical study/training in the earlier ages of life which I have none of, and a little innate ability

Music is easy, just take some piano classes and you'll see

How fucked am I bros?

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I'm sorry but you're quite fucked

i did alright, a couple of the questions were really similar.

Attached: themusiclab-org-your-musical-IQ.png (652x744, 171.18K)

melodic: 113
mistuning: 105
beat: 109


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I got a few wrong on the tone where my intuition was right. Ended up getting 12 out of 15 right
anyways wont load properly on my firefox and froze midway through melody on edge

what does this mean?

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every time I second-guessed myself and chose something else I got it wrong and this beat stuff is wacky

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I'm dumb ass hell. I don't need a test to remind me.

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I used to be much worse at "mistuning perception." Been getting better over the years, mostly from making music. But now I notice more often when singers are out of tune, oh well.

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Learn to tune retard? Are your ears broken? If it sounds wrong just pick that its not that hard lol


111 overall

My overall IQ was 116

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come from a family of musicians. have almost no theory training. all self taught on the instruments I play. guess it's genetic

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This'll probably improve in the future as I'm starting to dip my toes into actually making music.

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based sperg brothers

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I'm only a little bit tarded

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I don't like these kinds of tests.

About what I was expecting

that beep ain't got no attack, that would've made the beat perception easier

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116 overall, pretty happy with this

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Holy shit I thrashed all of you, especially in melodic discrimination. Wonder if this means I can listen to kusic now

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embarassing, but the first was hard and i don't know scales at all
i feel like rhythm is my strong suit

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MD 99
MP 109
BA 116
Total was 108 iq
I really fucked the melodic part they jumped from one track to the next with no hesitation and I fucked up the first few. Still not bad considering this was my first time taking the test

you guys make me feel stupid

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Attached: themusiclab-org-your-musical-IQ.png (614x684, 147.58K)

>melodic discrimination

i sucked at it but how?

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mine is
BA: 114
MP: 127
did you miss any on melodic discrimination? lol

yeah i dunno what happened, the voices was so easy somehow
gotta do it again with better headphones, actually ashamed

the melodic discrimination part is literally just "can you notice random dissonance" lmao. anyone who's listened to music could get a perfect score. also lmaoing at the sub 115 beat alignment score

Unironically a 100 gecs fanatic btw.

You don't have an argument anymore, sadly.

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honnestly this test is really gay because you cant go back and listen to the tracks. also got a 110 and I'm a professional musician, so how does that work?

>honnestly this test is really gay because you cant go back and listen to the tracks.

>u cant re-do the test so its unfair!11!!!

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nah not what I said mate, you can't re listen to the questions again, it's one play only.I don't care just saying this is stupid

Not only that, the beats on the "Beat alignment" test are super long and not super defined, very distracting.

imagine basing your melodic accuracy on a test made by nerds who don't listen to anything outside basic major/minor scales

Beat alignment: 118
Mistuning Perception: 105
Melodic Discrimination: 108

Haven't practised an instrument seriously for a while. I feel like that would probably help a lot.

Beat one felt easy, other two I could tell if my concentration slipped even slightly I had no chance. Varying length of the melodies in the melodic discrimination one really fucked me up, going from a short one to a long one felt impossible.

I'm pretty satisfied with this considering my only formal training is guitar lessons and I know dick about theory

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Holy shit, I'm literally retarded. The best score I got was a 100 on Mistuning Perception.

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This just means I'm an autist who spends all his time listening to his own mixes for dissonance and off beats.
Despite my score I would still say I'm a shitty musician.

This test doesn't mean shit anons, don't let it bring you down.
Practice with good habits and learn to actually play your instrument, that makes you a good musician.
If you struggle with a musical skill, take lessons, help only makes you a better musician.
Music theory helps too.

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Yea this test doesn't determine compositional skills at all. Most of this is just ear training that comes with time.

Listening to jazz fucked my melodic discrimination.

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awful photoshop

I've taken piano classes for 5 years and got 109 on the test overall. Only slightly above the center on each test

I blame Aristotle for this

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Tanking your friends online research by having Yas Forums crash the servers. Genius OP.

>Yas Forums

Scored better than Neely. Am I based bros?

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how is the beat section?
i aint spending 20 minutes on this unless it makes me cum

I listen to kpop among other things btw

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Got 106 when i did this the other day, was something like 111, 114, 90 something, melodic discrimination fucked me up.

Stop feeding the Harvard machine. Their music program is a joke. Go youtube a havard music lecture and cringe. You guys are so narcissistic to take the time to do this test. No different than any other snake oil IQ test online.


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But did he do any passing

t. got lower than 100 on the test

suck shit brainlets

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