ITT: albums where 1 song stop it being 10/10

The Call of Kthulu

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More like fucking Onion, because listening to instrumental metal is about as appetizing as eating raw onion

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I disagree. I think those two are among the best on their respective albums. Vocals are nice but not essential to my enjoyment. Lyrics even less so

It's escape
The thing that should not be

i eat a raw onions every couple days

I love Orion. Kthulu is boring to me in comparison, but still not the weakest link on RtL, which is Escape like someone else said

>need muh egdy lyrics to enjoy heavey metul
Get filtered pleb, Call of Kthulu is an excellent track and great album closer.


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Yeah okay retard

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>More like onion

Look out galaxy brain comedian over here

Literally best song on the album

could not agree more

how? its so entirely different from the rest of the record stylistically and musically

Fuck you, Ktulu is great

that would be 'Fight Fire With Fire'

>1. Anesthesia
>2. Orion
>3. Suicide & Redemption
>4. To Live Is to Die
>5. The Call of Ktulu

Don't listen to em op, you're correct.
Although, I do think it's a good song, it's just my least favorite instrumental the band has. And even if it was taken off of the album or if it was different, I still couldn't call Ride the Lightning a 10, even if it is my favorite Metallica album. It's just not quite there if you know what I mean.

I'd say Us and Them. It's just so and so, not too much to say about it. I do like the saxophone on it, though.

>The thing that should not be
That’s the third best song on the album.

Agreed. Us and Them is the only song on the record that doesn't actually add anything. Every other song has something about it that is incremental to the record overall. Us and them is just middle of the road, before the conclusive summary in the last two tracks.

Wow, fucking kill yourself.

I know I'm really in the minority here but the only song I don't like off of RtL is the title track.

Why Don't You Write Me? is just a really bad reggae song. What makes is worse is that Paul Simon would later write Mother and Child Reunion, which is a really good reggae song

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It could stand to be a bit shorter, it's an early predecessor of Metallica's drawn-out songwriting.

Good friends and a bottle of pills.

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I think Escape is a good song though. It sounds like Metallica's first attempt at writing a really catchy chorus.

The Screen

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on the run

>It sounds like Metallica's first attempt at writing a really catchy chorus.
And that was the attempt the band made, they only made it because they supposedly had to try and make a single, but I don't hear's so uncatchy to me, less catchy than the songs not trying to be catchy.

Four Sticks

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The live version is miles better tho

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You guessed it, it's Intension
definitely not a 10/10 album but Call of Kthulu is pretty meh, Metallica doesn't have any really good instrumental songs.
>liking on the run
which song? Dawn Patrol is 2 minutes if it really bugs you

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Based Dave Mustaine filtering plebs even without playing

Still 10/10

I honestly considered posting In The Court of the Crimson King here

moonchild doesn't fit

shut up faggot


Solo makes Lucretia 11/10

Lucretia would've been amazing if they didn't do that stupid klinky guitar break thing. Kills the energy of the song. The solo is awesome but that klinky crap makes me want to swallow a landmine.


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I actually think four sticks is a seriously underrated zeppelin song

Viginti tres is also a pretty weak closer, everything else is top tier

Student Demonstration Time

Escape and Trapped Under Ice


Trapped under ice
Leper messiah
Every song. That album sucks.

I think you're right.

For me – it’s the best. I like the slower and heavier Metallica songs like The Thing That Should Not Be, Harvester of Sorrow, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Wherever I May Roam and Leper Messiah while disliking the fast songs like Battery.

That's literally the best one on it

>For me – it’s the best. I like the slower and heavier Metallica songs like The Thing That Should Not Be, Harvester of Sorrow, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Wherever I May Roam and Leper Messiah while disliking the fast songs like Battery.

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Please do you blubbering faggot.

I disagree. It's a nice mostly mellow song that gives you time to space out a bit before the finale.

Faron Young

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Mind Transferral

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For No One

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Lucretia is actually the second best song on the album, after Rust in peace/polaris. The verses and choruses before the solo are also the best part of the song. Holy wars/the punishment due is what I find to be heavily overrated.

I Don't Love You

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I Need Somebody

Suck my ding dong fag
Used to think that, but it finally clicked. So is a legit 10/10
>The thing that should not be
imagine being this pleb
This, never get the praise for that track. It has its parts but is a forgettable song overall
Cock & Roll
Many filler on that album desu. SDT is just the clear worst track
Wtf? That's one of my favs. Blueberry Pies is the only track i don't get, and Desire As is a bit too long for me
>being this contrarian
It's Good Day Sunshine. Nice melody but poorly executed song

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Trapped Under Ice fucking rules. It gets a bad rap because it's next to Escape, but it's a great song.

Metallica is the world's most boring band

the final track of every one of their studio albums

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Suffer Little Children is great though

pleb filtered

I listened to Lucretia after reading this. I don’t know what you’re talking about


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That would objectively be Tool