/metal/ general

Thûlean Edition
(yes, I know that's not actually Varg)
Read the FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

Attached: vroom-vroom.jpg (171x294, 7.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for spoon feed me metal like vinterland

*puts down copy of Silmarillion*

Blind Guardian.

I miss him so much, bros...

Attached: stare-dead.jpg (461x622, 83.53K)

>not picking berries
>not living on welfare
and you dare call yourself a pagan?

Attached: 1574476164886.png (208x206, 112.08K)

Yes, sir, you were the one who ordered the extra large based?

Attached: 81+nzQE4KfL._SS500_.jpg (500x500, 51.04K)

Are you just gonna keep scrolling without saying howdy?

Attached: untitled.jpg (601x601, 35.03K)

Post cool bands that are metal-adjacent!

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Yes, just put it down next to this.

Attached: 5824.jpg (460x457, 28.36K)

Where did the 'Varg is one welfare' meme come from?

from reality

Daily reminder that Finn McKenty is based.


Please follow him on instagram and subscribe to the Punk Rock MBA.

*puts down copy of Silmarillion*

Attached: Varg on Tolkien.jpg (640x908, 89.17K)

How do I take the gorepill bros?
There was a decent chart but I can't find it

What are you listening to, friends?

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dying fetus

This fat glorious fuck

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This gets posted here every day, and yet Varg's cope is so funny that I'm still amused.

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>still had to put a creator (Eru)
Tolkien was a christcuck and couldnt help himself

Acid king

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Listen to Dopesmoker

Attached: Sleep - Dopesmoker.jpg (320x320, 21.93K)

stoner is objectively the worst genre of rock

*Listens to Dope Stars Inc.*

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>a song about poop magic

Attached: CybuEaUVIAAF_HV.jpg (526x402, 25.18K)

Post Boss HM-2 worship

Attached: HM2.jpg (190x265, 8.17K)

>wew a creator deity how lame amirite
Nearly every pantheon had a creator dipshit. Tolkien’s Catholicism influences a ton of his writing but the fact that Eru was a creator is entirely independent of that.

Well it's a good thing that this is a metal thread.

In percentage points exactly how important is the quality of the artwork for your enjoyment of the album?

No, listen to Holy Mountain. Nothing on Dopesmoker can top the opening riff to The Druid.

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Nice try, FBI.

he's still a gay, all the Valar are gay

Shaut Manwë quiinubat gukh

Retard, Eru was clearly the christian god ruling over the germanic (?) based ainur

metal is a genre of rock

The ainur are definitely not based

Weed is catnip for black people.

Metal seceded from rock years ago.

You misspelled white people.

sorry I mean they were inspired by those pantheons, I know they werent based

autopsy - shitfun now thats an artwork

>Why yes, I do only listen to albums with cover art done by Dan Seagrave. What gave it away?

Attached: gateways-to-annihilation-full.jpg (700x713, 156.87K)

>stoner metal? rap metal? No thanks; for me, it's The Mentors.

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He’s obviously an Abrahamic style god, that’s not the point addressed.
The point of the initial post was his status as a creator being a Christian aspect. That’s retarded. Plenty of non-Christian mythologies had creators.

>why yes, I do only listen to albums with cover art done by Chris Moyen, what gave it away?

Attached: C6-5HiXXAAY0dfx.jpg (853x1024, 145.47K)

holy cope

Who do you think gave the catnip to black people? You are a useful idiot.

I don't care that much, but I really appreciate good artwork. Plus if I don't like the music but really like the artwork there is a 95% chance I'll go back to that album from time to time to give it another try. That's how I got into Heavy load and Primordial.

the arabs

The Japanese

Can’t unsee the wall of horrible Geigergoyles


the Finns

Attached: the finn in his natural habitat.png (272x185, 8.34K)

*scythes in your path*

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I do the exact same thing, user.
It doesn’t make the music better, but it does make me inclined to like the band.

will i be considered gay if i buy a lifelover shirt?

Only if you fuck men while doing so.

lifelover is based

*scythe back*

Attached: 220px-Hatebreeder.jpg (220x220, 15.08K)

>Band name is artillery
>Cover art depicts artillery
Pretty based.

Buy a patch, and start working on your vest.

Attached: 20200229_134444.jpg (4032x3024, 3.48M)

why does he need the scythe when he has a cannon?

To look cool

Excellent response, Scythefriend.

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>You should get a patch vest.

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>glitter letters

Worst Iron Maiden art, coming through.

Attached: Iron_Maiden-Dance_of_Death.jpg (300x300, 56.43K)

What's the story behind this art

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Why is this considered melodeath? It's just straight Swedish OSDM worship.
>b-but muh melodic leads
Almost all Sweden OSDM has melodic leads.

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>dude can you do us an album cover? it's Speedwolf - Ride with death
>say no more



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that album no one talks about edition

oops, meant to write BEST iron maiden art

nah that's too much effort for something i'd barely wear. i literally just need a shirt

Extreme aggression is a sparkling and iridescent thrash album.

All music, by definition, is melodic.