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Other urls found in this thread:


Im more of a Lorgnette, carbonado, cacespace, Franssel, jmttmnj510, banjie, armed_snobbery, classifriend, moltenhorror, herkyjerky, brandonsyl, fagix, miningtown, oinopa, Kishinev, xolotl, chumlum, carburador, tide2, insectdilemma, portraits, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, MagaCream, bratty, epizootics, HalfPriceBento, plastictears, picha, No_, lad guy myself.

My wife Bratty has a very good taste in music

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I want to search by descriptors but Sonemic hasn't updated its charts. What do?

You got Nuhskinup banned from the site again, fucking kill yourselves no life faggot losers.

he was a cuckold


still following and copying antiwarhol's taste after 2013 is nothing less than a spiritual vasectomy and cuckholdry (your taste in fine arts being the equivalent of your gf/wife in this scenario)

except he's not copying antiwarhol's taste, there are similarities but nuhskinup has made greater strides in tastemaking and rich has stagnated

also whoever made that eyesore taste chart in OP has a real hardon for ten years behind the times avant teen tastelet virgins lmao

>except he's not copying antiwarhol's taste
yes he is, he admitted to it himself. without rich's guidance he would be just another 200 ratings Yas Forumscore beigie.

he's droned him, sure, but he's since made his own name for himself and veered off into his own territory. probably every "titan" did this

why did mensa get banned again?

>droning anti instead of making him drone you like
Never gonna make it

i assume somebody got mad over being publicly included on that list of mentally ill drug addicts and reported him for it


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you couldve been reading or making music instead of making this
but no, you obsess over a has-been for (you)s

redpill me on cuckroach

hi cuckroach


imagining you with this thread in a tab and your eyes darting over to it every few seconds hoping to see a (1) just to brighten your dull life for a second

t. cuckroach

Anyone know ~serialjune's new account? He deleted his ~thissiteiscool account like a little weasel.

why do you care



redpill me on calgary
why are the people who live there so fucked in the head?

um, nuhskinup already explained why, sweetie

canadians in general are fucked up

send sharifi an angry letter


no one cares, youre and another aspie are the only one pushing this. i want sonemic

>no one cares
the bratty orbiters who keep reporting my posts seem to care

lol thanks for admitting youre just as obsessed with bratty as her orbiters and post about her even more than they do

i report you because you shit up the threads with posts about a thot i couldnt care less about.

Bratty is a pure angel who scorns all forms of sex work as it is the capitalist abuse of the female form

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she used to do chaturbate streams before she became a pseud maoist

except she didn't

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i was there
everyone involved with blogchat etc knows about it too

>i've never dated a drug dealer and i've never harmed any animals.
how deep does this rabbit hole go lads...

post proof faggot

Even if she did it doesn't matter in any relevant way.

>"brattystreamed on chaturbate!"
She says she didn't and that she hates sex work.
>"uuhhhh it was actuallly before she hated sex work!"
She's been posting about communism and hating porn since she was a kid, her blog is public and goes back to when she was 12 if I have her age right.
So either blogchat and Yas Forums love child pornography and Kennedi was somehow an underage pornstar despite dressing like a nun and spazzing about porn............ or you're full of shit.

titan here

theyre trying to humiliate her but she seems unaffected and carrying on with life, good for her

>So either blogchat and Yas Forums love child pornography and Kennedi was somehow an underage pornstar despite dressing like a nun and spazzing about porn
sounds about right


dubs confirm hitler was a titan

the best thing one can do is refuse to acknowledge any bullying on here whatsoever, it's why bayar is the only one whose life did not get ruined thanks to you sad virgins

I was there
I saw it.

Keyword search her blog, retard.
First mention of communism and capitalism were when she was 13.
When she was 15 or 16 (I think this is when she joined Blogchat since she joined rym in 2016) she made this post:
"Porn is one of the biggest and most harmful industries in the world, closely affiliated with human trafficking and drugs and alcohol abuse, causing rape between children, violence, beastiality and pedophilism and its fetishizing race, underage girls, trans people and lesbianism. Thought you should know."


She used to justify her streams by saying they were erotica not p*rn

proof? Why would she support the sites that host what she hates?

>First mention of communism and capitalism were when she was 13.
Tumblr literally ruined a generation of women


all me

Not sure where I ever admitted to "droning" Rich. We took influence from each other.
My transition from Yas Forums to RYM took place between October 2012 and March 2013 as a result of what.cd and a stinto chat that Rich was not a part of.

dont you know bratty? set the record straight did she do it or not

Yep, correct. ~deangelolosangeles did. It was because I posted the actual, real address of his current address: 3035 Cochrane Road Northwest, Calgary, Alberta, T2M 4J4, Canada. He asked me to change the address, which I agreed to do, but he reported me anyways because I was 'taking too long'. He apparently believes in the 'Yas Forums le epic anonymous' meme and thought if anyone on Yas Forums saw his address his house would get firebombed.

I am decently pissed. I keep getting banned off RYM for the most assinine reasons, the first time was because Montie banned Jonas and I got fucked because I lived in the same apartment as Jonas.

what exactly is "metro product"
i've seen that term on ~thissiteiscool's profile pic before he requested deletion and on youtube.com/watch?v=UUcdyR53JBo
do you know anything about this?

I know her, yes. She did not do it. The chaturbate meme is being spammed as an intentional attack on her persona and identity. It's unfair to her.

Metro product is the general brainchild of ~origamierotica, ~serialjune and ~nuhskinup when it pertains to selling items, manufactured or 2nd hand, for profit.

Every cent of my current 17kcad term abroad in Thailand comes from metro record profits, a literal record store I ran in Victoria BC, and in Calgary with ~origamierotica before I moved to Vic for uni.

There was going to be a section on metro record in the list that went into much more depth. However, my account got fucking banned before I could make it.