Can some one give a download for this album in flac and the best version possible...

Can some one give a download for this album in flac and the best version possible? there seem to be multiple versions with different tracks and also a remaster or two.

Attached: R-10728357-1503212288-1511.jpeg.jpg (600x524, 80.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not this shit again

Don't even bother, it's garbage and people have already forgotten about it

fake album, fuck off stop viralling this shit

How exactly is it fake? I heard there even is a discord with the actual artist explaining stuff about the album also confirming that it is from 2000.

lurk moar

ah yes the non answer meaning that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

of course
you cant be arsed to check the archive or anything
stay ignorant then

retard reddit pleb cope tranny zoomer

seethe and dilate

>confirming that it is from 2000.
That never happened. There is no "proof"

>artist literally stating it is from 2000
>no proof
just check the google doc
Discord link is also there.

Learn how to use the archive tranny
stop shilling this shit no one gives a fuck about your hoax album anymore the hype has left

well why didnt you say so to start with, holy shit that changes EVERYTHING

What is... lying?

doc proves nothing lol. nothing to see here, folks

Yeah man, I'm totally going to believe the dude who came up with its word. He would obviously have no reason to lie so he could shill his shitty music.
"He said it" is not fucking proof.

>so he could shill his shitty music
the album is fucking free you retard he has nothing to gain by lying.

>what is fame

Literally no source was posted on that drive. The whole doc is just discordcancer quoting and self-referencing themselves.

Discordniggers and trannies need to be doxxed, and murdered live on stream in order to make an example out of them.
Kill yourself

Attached: 1582124675980.jpg (600x800, 58.69K)

>tfw you try to warn op about the hoax but it turns out it's just that owain dude shilling his discord again

The double standards of this thread is fucking ridiculous. Why do they need proof for the release being in 2000 but no one has to proof that it is a hoax? it does not make any sense.


opinion discarded

There's no proof that it's from 2000 I'm not gonna believe some random fag on the internet

>I heard there even is a discord with the actual artist explaining stuff about the album also confirming that it is from 2000.
Yeah, because you created it. Nobody wants to join your fan club, Owain.

Because the story is unbelievable. I can record music and say it's from 2000 if I wanted it, that doesn't make it true.
Nobody believes your shitty album is from 2000. You can't just throw some static effects on a track and say it's "disc rot."
Even if the album is from 2000, it fucking sucks. It sounds like the worsts parts of soulless 2000s indie that white girls would listen to in high school to seem deep.

the album is trash but its real

fb / ordavies1
fb / lastexile-108471727030

>attention seeking fag has facebook pages and released music under a failed moniker before
This literally strengthens the argument that it's fake.

>Because the story is unbelievable
Then it must be a story I dont know of since recording music with a low budget and no label releasing it to pretty much no one and the internet some fucking how finding it and making a cult out of it is pretty believable. People find source codes of 20 year old games more often than you would think.

occams razor lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel

Is the Varied Autist compilation album on rate your music yet?
Has it even been reuploaded yet?

Fake as fuck.

One of the mods on the discord said asking for proof is bannable lol

>One of the mods on the discord said asking for proof is bannable lol

oh you need no proof for that huh? ah yes ignorance

You know that it's just a heuristic not a principle of establishing ontology right?

Can you provide proof of that user?

Yes but I won’t since this album sucks dick

Just check their band camp.

There's been screenshots of it in the countless threads this album has had in the last few weeks. I can't personally prove it as I have and will never join the discord, should be easily searchable if you join


No you are a retard, they just want all of the hoax theories in one channel. They are actually encouraging it and not banning it when are you retards going to stop?

Attached: Unbenannt.png (613x478, 63.46K)

#9 seems pretty clear they dont want anyone asking for proof here
whats your point?

Are you actually brain dead? how does
>you can make theories about everything being fake
>you are not allowed to ask for proof
to you?

>9. Keep your hoax theories in #proof
>not here
can you actually read what you posted?

You smell bad.

download it free from their bandcamp

There's no "not here" written, you are making shit up, do you even understand how discord works? #proof is a channel IN the the discord server, fucking illiterate retard. Now you will ignore this post because you were completely BTFO.

Cringe retard nigger.

LMAO, can you even read ?

>9. Keep your hoax theories in #proof
fucking samefagging, kys

What is flack? Also heard this on yt abd its so good desu.

They just ignore everything in proof that isn't what they believe it's a fucking circle jerk like every server you fucking mong so stfu about this retarted half assed hoax album go back to your tranny server


>9. Keep your hoax theories in #proof
Where is ir written not here? Fucking nigger
#proof is a channel of the discord server, you retard.

I know what #proof is. and they dont want requests for proof in the general
fuck you have no operating brain of your own
no more (You) for you, faggot

That was not your original claim faggot, stop being disingenuous and moving goalposts, you claimed that the mods were banning people from the server who were asking for proofs, when in reality they have a whole channel just for that in the server. Fucking retard lying piece of shit

I dindt make that claim faggot, i just pointed out that your "proof" substantiated the claim that requests for proof were unwelcome
but stay mad, its a good look for you

>i just pointed out that your "proof" substantiated the claim that requests for proof were unwelcome
How are they unwelcomed if there's a whole channel dedicated for that ?

unwelcome in the general, keep it in the other channel where it can be ignored
you are so triggered...

>I dindt make that claim faggot
Didn't*, also you said "One of the mods on the discord said asking for proof is bannable lol"

Moving goalposts again I see, first you claimed that people were banned for asking for proof in the discord, when you were refuted you changed the topic to "asking for proof in general is unwelcomed". Disingenuous fuck

yes i made a typo
no that was not my claim
do all user look the same to you or something?

you have no idea who you are ranting at anymore, just mad and yelling

Ok typo user, what was your intial claim then.