Oh nononononono you folks arent like Nick, are you ?

Oh nononononono you folks arent like Nick, are you ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>man is dedicated to something
>"lol what a loser"

>straight white guy
So if he was a gay nigger this would be...?

Does he perform or understand music beyond a shallow "dis music sound good"?
That's how this entire board is for the most part.

>Oh cool! This woman's personality is hoeing/sorority life/social media/The Office and Friends etc.


whats the next step from 'dis music sound good'? or how do you get there

ITT: triggered incels


I like how this kike's idea of "womanspiration" is trashing random dudes they've projected their faults onto

What does this music sound like and what parts of it cause what effect to the listener?
What makes this music "good"?

does that spic manlet still post here?

>Getting passive agressive this easily

A nigger faggot!

lmao she's like the archetype of basic bitch

>ur problematic fav
Thanks user, I ate too much for lunch and now I puked it all.

Attached: disappointment.jpg (200x200, 2.33K)

what makes a certain piece's composition bad? a lack of music theory, or something I'm unaware of?

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This is what she looks like.
The femcel was probably rejected by a good looking muso.

Attached: MV5BZjEyYmE4MDItYzVlNi00MmFhLWI0ZDgtODE4ODMxZjE1OTYwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzY1MzA5NzQ@._V1_UY1200_CR285,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 121.33K)


Attached: pic.png (1272x980, 685.03K)

So he's basically saying he doesn't care for his wife's music?

Actually my personality traits are :
I like arts ( Music, Fashion, a bit of paintings and architecture)
And I like science (Chemistry, Physics, Computing and Maths )

Why do so many clickbait articles love to denigrate the most harmless aspects of men? I mean seriously, what kind of a dead-eyed, cynical husk of a person thinks ridiculing someone for having a passion is a piece worthy of being published?

I could just as easily write an article about how a girl's personality is defined by the random "general interest" crap they can meticulously arrange in an instagram picture to make themselves look cultured and interesting (coffee, "literary" book, painting, healthy food, etc), but then I'd get slaughtered for being a misogynist.

Lemme guess you're balding already, wear fashion boots regularly and mostly black clothes


it's satire you fucking imbeciles

That depends what you value in composition.
Can be complexity, can be originality, can be coherence, can be a lot of things, criteria change a lot with time and trends. Y'know "too many notes" and such.

you are the nigger here, serious article would be already retarded enough, but this is actually even more, the "haha I was only pretending to be retarded while not being funny at all and passively agressively putting my political and world views into it" kind of retarded

I’m too young too be bald yet, I have own pair of black boots but I am not eccentric enough to actually wear the clothing I praise and I do dress in black pretty often

It's always secretly/not so secretly about an ex-boyfriend or whatever

he asked a general question retard

And what's wrong with any of those, exactly?

>writes passive-agressive satirical articles for a living
>runs some LITERALLY WHO podcast, also trying to be an indie film producer/writer
I'm getting some Joe Bernstein vibes from her.
I'm sure she'd do some mental gymnastics over whether he's white or not.

who's being passive? I'm calling her out

That’s a fucking thelonelyisland post you’re the one doing mental gymnastics

This user hit too close, huh ?

If you're not attractive, your opinions don't matter

Some of those satirical articles are actually pretty funny
Too bad she's got fat bitch disease.

What is it satirising, and how was I supposed to know that without any link being posted?

>What is it satirising
Press oriented towards females
>and how was I supposed to know that without any link being posted?
Fact-checking absurd news should be mandatory or else you just ingest whatever garbage is thrown at you without a thought

I know TLI's a joke band but I don't see the humor or satire behind the post Andy Samberg made.

You’re fucking retarded then it’s painfully obvious

>Press oriented towards females
that's not an object of satire. For something to be satirical it needs to be satirising "something". Is it satirising rigorous journalistic standards by being shit?

>For something to be satirical it needs to be satirising "something"
How is female-oriented press not "something"? It doesn't exist? It is made of thin air?

Here's the article if anyone cares to read it.

He's making fun of white men that listen to music, like what the woman in OP's post is doing.
It's a weird thing to make of and I don't get it. Everyone in the world loves music.

i appreciate your answer. thank you

no, it just doesn't make sense.
>journalist who writes for a female audience writes article satirising journalism targeted at a female audience.
Maybe it's because I don't have a vagina, but I'm really not seeing the humour.

Because when everyone else loves music its authentic and admirable, but if a man claims to love music he's just doing it for the recognition because... reasons?

Ok now that I've read the article it makes sense.
I thought this would be attacking everyone that likes music. I was wrong. (She says that music is "something that literally everyone enjoys")
She's just making fun of the snobs, which is totally fine by me.

I'm surprised by the amount of Nicks in this thread

He's not writing towards a female audience though. It's novelty.

>I could just as easily write an article about how a girl's personality is defined by the random "general interest" crap they can meticulously arrange in an instagram picture to make themselves look cultured and interesting (coffee, "literary" book, painting, healthy food, etc), but then I'd get slaughtered for being a misogynist.
you wouldnt if it was actually funny and many people wtite articles like that already

holy shit this board is braindead
imagine getting this triggered by some the onion equivalent article
you guys are below boomer facebook

>Actually my personality traits are :
I like arts ( Music, Fashion, a bit of paintings and architecture)
And I like science (Chemistry, Physics, Computing and Maths )

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the cacao one is pretty good desu

Really awful thread guys


He met her because he was a fan

Four fucking dollars for a drink that tastes like chalk though...

Based roasties toasting Yas Forums nerds
Also, this phenomenon is just bad when the guy simply listens to and studies music and doesn’t make any himself

she isnt satirizing racial hatred and sexism, she's just a racist and sexist kike

>calling others racist

no, it's just bad. fucking coping retard

>dedicated to consuming media
Wow what an inspiration!!!!
If you don't create music you shouldn't be on this board

jews arent a race, and being a kike is defined by action anyway, dumbass. Look up the origin