/chart/ /avatar/

r8, h8, masturb8. for the avatarfags here, why not actually share your taste?
>make charts
> avatars picrew.me/image_maker/137904

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Other urls found in this thread:


previous thread isn't dead yet but this is the direction all of these should go now

Boris, dalek, and art blakey are some good artist while the rest kinda seems insane, based but weird.

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>another tranny thread
No thank you. If you're gonna have hookup threads, please limit it to 1 at a time. Thanks.

>another whiny faggot
no thanks

Can we fuck off with these femboy avatar threads? They’re starting to get as bad as kpop general

plebcore, one could even consider it "shit core"

post chart

Attack me

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Just got back from topping a cutie from grindr.

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Like the emo cuts on here, check out You Cannot Kill What Does Not Live by King Loser and Inference 3 by Fog Lake. That lo-fi hip hop on the other hand, pointless listening.

idk, check out There I Go, Daydreamer by Mira and maybe Big Beautiful Sky by Venus Hum. congrats on the cutie.

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I'll check those out. The lofi stuff has a place in my heart, my main introductions to the style.

That's understandable, I just find it so frustrating and dissatisfying to listen to at times, especially tomppa when most of the tracks are

Yeah, the shortness got to me. But there's something comforting in it, most likely just nostalgia. Like how almost all the tracks are the same beat, just differently accented. I could see that being annoying for someone, but I liked it.

hate music

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a hate version of that umpteens ep would be something

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i'd thought i give it a try...

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What's the largest dildo you fags have gaped your shitter to?

I am extremely appalled by the art on these avatars by reasons unbeknownst to me

your crush's dick

>I am extremely appalled by the art on these avatars by reasons unbeknownst to me
I hate this avatar fagging

Good, we're not going anywhere taintsmudge

There’s something about putting effort into creating an idealized cartoon version of ones self and pairing that with a chart of ones favorite music and then eagerly awaiting some kind of approval or condemnation from others that subtly screams pathetic but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

It definitely highlights the participants incompatibility with Yas Forums culture though considering anonymity is paramount value and avatarfagging/tripfagging is heavily frowned upon.

In short, if you all care so much about circle jerking and seeing each other’s avatars and taste, why not go to RYM or reddit or something similar? There’s a million places for people like you yet you wanna subvert the one place that’s not supposed to be like that

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I'm gonna be the first to say this but, Yas Forums is less harsh than reddit, on top of that there's no novelt to revealing who you are on reddit. Anonymitity isn't as much of a meme/mandatory as it is here, so revealing anything about oneself here is actually counterculture and novel. It's more interesting because it goes slightly against the norm here.

I ain't got the time for this avatar malarky, we out here relaxin though.

>Paysage d'hiver and Grouper
v good taste

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Honestly it's better it be limited to a general than several avatar threads hogging spots

frends ITT
++Jefre Cantu-Ledesma, boris
++death grips, brand new
--mom jeans (eww)
++jesus and mary chain, tokyo shoegazer
++ moss icon, grouper, skinny puppy
++ sematary

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what is up, my fellow m-words?
Give Deep Turtle a try one of these days.
I was going to call you a basic art hoe, but then I saw Plantasia.
Now I'll just call you an art hoe that's not too basic.
>Controlled Bleeding
>Paysage d'Hiver
>The Field
>Basic Channel
v. high quality chart
based and fishpilled

Attached: mfw all the albums I like are actually bad.jpg (2668x1476, 1.5M)

Pleb taste, gay avatar. Sorry user

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I second Inference 3! Fire EP.

Geroge Clanton - Slide
Nico - The Marble Index
Anna von Hausswolff - Dead Magic
Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs

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Ed Harrison - Neotokyo

>Geroge Clanton - Slide
im listening to it now, its really nice, I just have a personal vendetta against geroge clanton because he said my album was shit on a discord server

>because he said my album was shit on a discord server
Damn Im sorry about that. What a coincidence lol.

great chart,
I rec Plumtree, Luna, Juana Molina, Asylum Party, Dump, Marie-Pierre Arthur, Canshaker Pi

Great also, love drab majesty
I rec Masumi hara, Medicine, Cranes, Corea, La Quiete, Suis la Lune

love this one also, great to see Kali Malone and Fennesz
I rec DJ Metatron, Prince of Denmark, Thomas Koner, Martin Schulte,

that maja sult album is a belter for sure,
I rec Else Marie Pade (Electronic Works 1958-1995)

don't have an avatar sadly

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>Damn Im sorry about that.
its alright, hes probably right anyways
>What a coincidence
whats the coincidence?

sorry I don't read foriegn no avatar
lantlos - melting sun
Greet Death - new hell
no lazy posting allowed

also someone be my Yas Forumscore gf

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big chart incoming
that naked city album looks cool, i dont like the expression you chose
++the garden, lets eat grandma
++jeff rosenstock, weezer, brand new, dg, attic abasement, radiohead
--mom jeans
shower today
>having sex
++psychocandy, sky ferreira, heaven or las vegas, alvvays, plantasia, lorde, gaga, allie x, kate bush
--mago de oz (lol??)
++brave little abacus, per sounds, anco
--cleaners from venus
you seem cute
++bowery electric, ichiko aoba
that clarice jensen album has a really nice cover
++fishmans, grouper, sunny day real state, the cabs, orchid
irrelevant to the avatar you probably have crooked teeth irl
++melt banana
add the names reeeeeee
++most of these
>juana molina

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I'm kinda bad at recs but i'll try a few

check out PUP if you like Jeff
You might like Teen Suicide / American Pleasure Club
try out Snowing

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that's a great indie, poppy chart, maybe you could try On the Might of Princes, Claire Hamill, Marica ("Jellyfish" album), The Appleseed Cast, Rainer Maria, The Wonder Years, The Wrens, The Zephyrs (go for "When the Sky Comes Down It Comes Down on Your Head" album first, their first album is meh)

try The Railway Children Asylum Party, Kim Phuc, Parallèles de Montségur, Velvet Belly, The Emerald Down, Courage of Lassie


my first chart!! working on expanding it and adding an avatar later

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>Post a chart
>Ask for recs
>Respond to everyone
>Barely get shit or things I've already heard

What makes some stupid avatar more likely to get hits?

It's more that earlier posts are more likely to get replies. If people have to put forth any effort to find your post, they won't find it.

Steve Roden - Stars of Ice
Jason Lescalleet - The Pilgrim
Alan Licht - Plays Well
H.N.A.S. - Im Schatten der Möhre
Ground-Zero - Plays Standards
Raein - Nati da altri padri
Blind Girls - Residue
honestly that meme pachinko album
Quigley - A Kind of Loving
Escape the Day - Ghostless
Crescent - Collected Songs
Twenty-Six - This Skin Is Rust

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Funny enough, I've been listening to that meme album that last few days. I couldn't give less of a shit about the supposed backstory, it's just a cool album.

sap > jar of flies

check this shit out

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didn't he do virtua.zip?

have fun with your AIDS, tranny


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sure why not

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you may like this rare nick drake cover

nice user

the soundtrack of an urban outfitters changing room

enjoying syd barrett ty for the rec and very nice chart

im from the rural west so this goes completely over my head

Finally these threads have people talking more about music in them, was getting tired of making walls of recs

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