reminder that Jews are saviours of western civilization. No Bach without Mendelssohn. Mahler saved us from Wagnerian stupidity and Schoenberg revived classical music.
Help me like more classical music. I mostly listen to Yas Forumsmeme electronic music that's rhythmically rich and has a lot of dynamics (OPN, DG) and feel like most classical music I listen to doesn't have that same sort of energy, even for high tempo pieces.
The only things I've heard that I liked are Rite of Spring (especially "Dance of the Young Girls") and some of Chopin's stuff. And modern composers like Steve Reich but he doesn't count
Why should we help you? Your taste is invariably shit. It would be a waste of time. Just go back to listening to pop, lil piggy. Without a former musical education there is no point.
Jordan Miller
How Wagner is still such a successful pleb filter I'll neve know
Camden Turner
Because why not try to have more people appreciate what you appreciate?
Are Stravinsky and Chopin not considered good by people in this thread? Also, I usually don't listen to pop music or even music with pop structures (4-chord chord progression cycle, verse-chorus-verse etc.), even if it's somewhat more intended for popular appeal than classical music.
Wyatt Foster
Why would I want more people to desecrate my favorite artform with their lack of understanding? Sorry bud, you don't have the ears for classical. Give it up.