Have you ever met a girl that doesn't listen exclusively to top 40?

have you ever met a girl that doesn't listen exclusively to top 40?

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is me...
(bio female)

yeah, several actually

Unironically no. I find that kind of interesting

Yeah, me.

I once met a 19yo girl that listens to David Axelrod and Ride.

hold still

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It’s fairly common, but they usually listen to Green Day, foo fighters, and jimmy eat world

aaaaaaaa save me user

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my ex :(

A bunch yea, hang out in less normie circles dude

women are normies by default

I met a girl who listened to the Mollusk with me and sang The Blarney Stone from memory, she also listened to The Smiths, MCR, King Crimson, Brand New, and Diamond Head. She was an 8/10 pretty cute, nice personality, helpful, fun to be around and had a fiancé

The main audience for every girl singer (and every band with a girl singer) has always been other girls.
It's just that the vast majority of girls only listen to man music if they have a top 20 hit.

yes, but they only get turned on to stuff by their boyfriends and cease listening when they break up


post what you listen to

same :(

mine left after 5 yrs

Mine said "it was time" one year in. she was the only girlfriend Ive ever had coming from khv so I really fell for her. cant imagine 5 years

early norwegian black metal
some death metal, mostly late stuff that borders on black metal, like bathory
guilty pleasure power metal


have sex

whats your bmi?

>have you ever met a girl that doesn't listen exclusively to top 40?
Only one, but her personality was trash

unironically 20

This one Christian girl I dated. Biggest slut ever. Listened to a lot of A Tribe Called Quest.

am bio female, can confirm my personality is trash

alright, where you at?

yeh she was just as boring as the girls that listen to top 40

My wife has more eclectic taste than I do. I consider myself super lucky to have met someone with a super diverse music diet that doesn't channel the whole dreadlocked art ho aesthetic.

Have you ever met a hippy girl user?

Doubters btfo

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What's your discord? Let's talk :)

Begone, thot

A few, but most of those still listen to just more "obscure pop" as I guess I'd call it, as paradoxical as I guess that is. Either that, or modern country-pop, which I literally will not listen to for more than a minute if I can help it.

I haven't found any girls to talk about that share similar musical tastes with mine, but I also haven't found more than a few guys who do anyway. I've come to accept that music is simply not a topic I'll be able to have a fulfilling discussion about with most girls.

It's been tough. Sorry to hear you've been through a similar experience.

I can also confirm this.

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I'm just getting over getting cucked out of a 4 year relationship. Can't really bring myself to listen to her favorite artists anymore though.

I mean,.. myself? And I've never met a girl that does listen to top 40

Basically same. I can't bring myself to throw out the years of gifts sitting around my room.

I guess that makes sense. Getting into music was sort of a conscious effort for me, personally as I didn't really know what I was listening to most of the time back then. I kind of got into indie pop in my early teens (which was more than obscure for me at that time) but my real musical journey only started when a friend of mine introduced me to Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes.

It's been almost 6 weeks now I think, and I still freeze up during any part of my day thinking of her. The worst part is that I've had almost no communication with her I don't know how she's doing or anything. Although that may be for the best. Stay strong user

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No I've never met a girl that doesn't exclusively listen to the top 40 artists in her respective 'taste' category. I've met girls who listen to music beyond radio top 40 but if that's the case then they just listen to top 40 pitchfork core or top 40 soundcloud rap core, or top 40 Yas Forums core. I've never met a female who champions their own serious taste in music like lots of guys do. Maybe my mum but she just doesn't really care about what music she listens to so I don't think it counts.

Have you ever met a girl at all?

My wife listens to bluegrass and Danzig

Also don't believe any of the "girls" in this thread

girls listen to what old boyfriends taught them to listen to

You smell like pee

Have you ever met a girl that doesn’t listen exclusively to the most popular female artist that promotes “sexual empowerment”?


holy shit where do you get these stereotypes??


you smell like vagina

Okay I can confirm this because I started listening to stoner in high school when a kind of "boyfriend" sent me a list of bands lol but I also discover a lot of music myself

You wouldn't know

I can smell you through your last.fm shouts

aight, time to burn my laptop

:- )

Yes, my gf

No, unless they had a boyfriend. W*men just listen to their ex's spotify playlists. I know because my ex gf used to listen to exclusively justin bieber/ariana grande/ed sheeran type shit, and now I see her on Spotify listening to arctic monkeys, the smiths, and local bands i introduced her to.

I've only met a few girls, sure - loads of women, however. When you get older, you'll meet loads. You'll find that young people have generic taste in most things as a standard (and I'm defining young as < 21.)