Artists who have released an unironic 10/10 and an unironic 0/10

Artists who have released an unironic 10/10 and an unironic 0/10.

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What was the 0/10? Don't tell me Low.

The Clash. London Calling and Cut The Crap.

The one we don't discuss.

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The Rolling Stones

0/10... No, u got filtered my man.

The only right answer is Frank Zappa

No one has ever rated Low a 0/10 user

Wasn't loved when it came out... from critics. Never heard an artist who said they didn't love it.

Which one is the 10/10

The 0/10 are Asia, Warpath and Urban Dance
God, what a load of shit.

Lil wayne


London Calling.

The Beach Boys

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This being the 10, obviously.


Ok Computer, Kid A, In Rainbows
King of Limbs, Hail to the Thief, Pablo Honey

This but unironically.

Right about Kid A and In Rainbows

Radiohead doesn't have any albums above a 7/10.

No album in there is either a 10/10 or a 0/10. Lowest score is 3 (Hail To The Thief)

Sonny Rollins released some 10’s and also some real terrible 80’s fusion-poseur shit

literally the only thing I like about In Rainbows is the groovy shuffling drum track on 15 Steps

Also I unironically like most of Pablo Honey. Blowout is a top-5 track for driving in the rain playlists

In Rainbows is the biggest load of shit ever. How they went from doing beautiful, thoughtfully crafted music to mildly entertaining pop rock baffles me. I guess Thom really was gonna off himself if he kept writing good music, huh.

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To Be Kind, The Seer
Leaving Meaning, White Light From the Mouth of Infinity

Lou Reed

Absolutely disgusting


St. Anger: 0/10

Master of Puppets: 10/10

Kid Cudi hahaha, no but seriously Public Image Limited.

Yikes... How can one have such a take

whats the 0/10?
Ziggy Stardust, Heroes, Low, Station to Station, Black Star
idk Hours or Outside? I mean he made some bad albums but he always had at least one good song on the album

In what world is Outside a 0/10. It's a 8/10 at worst with the Leon Suites being a 10/10

i don't like Outside but I don't just get it, though i can tell it's well made. Like I said name a true 0/10 album Bowie made

best answer, intentional 0/10 to btfo the label too which makes it simultaneously a 10/10, so he's the only artist who's achieved this with only one album

Signor Benedick The Moor, his first album is a 10 and the rest of his discography is a 0/10 it amazes me how he did that

His Tin Machine stuff was pretty bad. But yeah he never had truly 0/10 albums

well he had like 30 albums, some are bound to be shit


Never heard either, but hardcore bowie fans i've talked to unanimously agree that the labyrinth soundtrack and that one 80's album with stained glass are unlistenable. probably meant one of those.

Gang of Four

Outside is 10/10 you absolute retarded fucking retard fuck you.

Tonight has "Blue Jean: and thus can be considered a 1/10(nine) at worst. It's also got Loving the Alien

Forgot to add while I don't get Outside it's an album that brainlets would hate

Debut, Pinkerton, White are 10/10.
Never Let Me Down IS 0/10, what a piece of shit

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yeah that's pretty damn close, though I koinda like it because it feels like Bowie trying to mimic Prince

Never Let Me Down is pretty bad yeah. Still has 1-2 good songs

Missing Hunky Dory from that 10/10 list bub


I know it's trendy to hate on them but the albums after Flowers of Romance were pretty good still

But Low is a 10/10

black tie white noise

Never Let Me Down

Musician here. Most of my fellow bandmates/collaborators don't know Low exists. Some of them unironically didn't know who David Bowie was.


This band is the closest we will have to an actual answer

Ziggy Starudst is not a 10. And Outside a 0? What are you, stupid?


Idk, I liked one or two tracks off each them. They should’ve trimmed the fat and released one noise/drone album and just called it new noise literacy instead of making it a series

Well of course not, that would imply they have albs above 3/10

Dream Theater

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