The two types of people that ___***ACTIVELY***___ rip on 100 Gecs are as follows:

The two types of people that ___***ACTIVELY***___ rip on 100 Gecs are as follows:

(And keep in mind, these are people who literally dedicate HOURS per day to enter into 'Gec threads' SPECIFICALLY to discourage the enjoyment of this particular experimental pop sensation named 100 Gecs.) if you SIMPLY DON'T LIKE GECS, and don't SHITPOST about it.. this isn't FOR YOU.

1:::::>Doesn't have a high enough musical IQ to differentiate between top 40 pop and the complex compositions, countermelodies, etc. of the St. Louis based pop-absurdist act '100 Gecs'

If you don't vibe with 100 Gecs..COMPLETELY VALID. I'm glad you know what you like and don't like.
However, there are incels that listen to 100G and feel the need to not only bash them, but display their LOW-IQ reasoning in posts (low IQ in the sense that they LITERALLY lack the ability to recognize musical patterns, melodies, counter-melodies, etc etc.). There are actually human beings with such low musical prowess, that they equate 100 Gecs with such descriptions as "Autotune garbage", 'Ironic 2005 Nightcore vomit',)
Indisputable. They have strong production skills and a good grasp on music theory as both members are students of sound engineering, unlike you.

2:::::::>Those who are insecure about transexuals (I am also desu.) to the degree that they actively seek them out to chastise them as a means to absolve themselves of the sexual interest they want to suppress.

3::::::> Those who don't get invited to parties.

This is a subset of Gec haters who simply haven't developed an acuity for recognizing the 'feeling' of 'FUN', which this particular experimental pop project is predicated upon. Basically, people who aren't invited to parties (and probably haven't even gotten high) simply cannot understand gecs. Try not to be mad at these particular types of incels, as it isn't their fault.

And nver forget.. Gec haters have literally never had fun. Try to be nice to them.

Attached: 1578851424898.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

im all of those fuck 100 gecs

You are that ONE guy who shills for gecs. Stop.

Got into them like 2 days ago because of the ringtone remix, money machine is lit

>dude its like Zappa but with club music

I'm going to listen to this album tomorrow and if it sucks there will be heck to pay, gecposter

Imagine unironically giving a shit about opinions of an artist in the scales of people that have a certain disinterest why they dont like it. You're literally being autistic.

Attached: 1582772739629.jpg (246x208, 4.85K)

I can't wait for this post-ironic culture to end.

go listen to kendrick, zoomers

I hate it because it sounds awful. Thanks for reminding me of this band, just thinking about Money Machine is enough to induce migraines.

Stop assuming shit and actually turn your life around for the better. This place aint for you to be an asshat to all the losers here that somehow in your mind, think have a low musical IQ. Dilate

>Stop assuming shit and actually turn your life around for the better
textbook projection

dipshits who write novels like this just to analyze people who dont like something truly do not deserve the postpostmodernist internet degen genius that has become 100 gecs

Based. Incredibly based. They suck so much. People who unironically enjoy them try to coat their dogshit pop taste in a cloak of irony because they think self-awareness = good.

I liked it on first listen unironically because it's pumping and interesting. Kind of like New Breed by Fear Factory. It's jumpy and catchy all along, like any good pop record should be, and I also like the narrative. That said, I will probably never listen to it again


porsche and horse don't rhyme that's not how you pronounce it

anyone that uses auto tune as a processing effect objectively makes bad music

post your rym

hey i just wanted to say that ive said a lot of transphobic stuff on this site and i want to take it back. sorry if i hurt anyone’s feelings.

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi.png (231x218, 10.66K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi01829172.gif (387x437, 78.46K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: Soi9182801.gif (365x400, 551.15K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soijak(612).jpg (708x800, 94.73K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soy.png (1350x849, 140.11K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi01926291.png (1057x1149, 869.49K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: 1582401563167.jpg (224x224, 16.7K)

>d ▼ Settings Mobile Home
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>03/04/20(Wed)21:53:52 No.93557086
>2.08 MB PNG
>The two types of people that ___***ACTIVELY***___ rip on 100 Gecs are as follows:
>(And keep in mind, these are people who literally dedicate HOURS per day to enter into 'Gec threads' SPECIFICALLY to discourage the enjoyment of this particular experimental pop sensation named 100 Gecs.) if you SIMPLY DON'T LIKE GECS, and don't SHITPOST about it.. this isn't FOR YOU.
>1:::::>Doesn't have a high enough musical IQ to differentiate between top 40 pop and the complex compositions, countermelodies, etc. of the St. Louis based pop-absurdist act '100 Gecs'
>If you don't vibe with 100 Gecs..COMPLETELY VALID. I'm glad you know what you like and don't like.
>However, there are incels that listen to 100G and feel the need to not only bash them, but display their LOW-IQ reasoning in posts (low IQ in the sense that they LITERALLY lack the ability to recognize musical patterns, melodies, counter-melodies, etc etc.). There are actually human beings with such low musical prowess, that they equate 100 Gecs with such descriptions as "Autotune garbage", 'Ironic 2005 Nightcore vomit',)
>Indisputable. They have strong production skills and a good grasp on music theory as both members are students of sound engineering, unlike you.
>2:::::::>Those who are insecure about transexuals (I am also desu.) to the degree that they actively seek them out to chastise them as a means to absolve themselves of the sexual interest they want to suppress.
>3::::::> Those who don't get invited to parties.
>This is a subset of Gec haters who simply haven't developed an acuity for recognizing the 'feeling' of 'FUN', which this particular experimental pop project is predicated upon. Basically, people who aren't invited to parties (and

Attached: soi0172923.jpg (414x318, 31.83K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi6837283.jpg (500x500, 35.38K)

Fuck all of you! Get Whizzed on.

Attached: WHIZ.jpg (1526x2616, 1013.93K)

What does Nat think of 100gecs bros?

Attached: nat-roll.jpg (675x1125, 197.5K)

based roll


These faggots support Bernie Sanders and therefore should be summarily thrown from a helicopter

What does roll mean? I always see anons replying this

Check dubs


You can't be serious

You’re “rolling” a figurative die in the form of the last two or three or however many digits of your post number. Those digits will match up with a corresponding selection on the image that user posted



Fuck, I was gonna write "What happens if you get trips"


Attached: 1522877085588.gif (500x233, 971.62K)

Fuck you
Ah ok, cheers.


I think 100 gecs are shat on clearly because they have a tranny member, thats about it. The music they make is okay at best, interesting and catchy but really just mediocre pc-music genre core. Its fun to shit on them because its easy to do. Dont really care about them otherwise but I know people who I dont like who like them and they all fit the same degenerate fag who throw their lives away category so I dont really like them.

Didn't read

You still haven't explained in detail why it isn't Top 40 pop you just scream insults at people

discord tranny bullshit ruining Yas Forums

Stop being transphobic you faggot.

they see me rollin

Fuck them fat ass gecs
All my niggas hate gecs

100 Gecs is transphobic because he is pretending to be trans for attention as opposed to feeling that way
He is exploitative and you are transphobic for supporting him doing a "stage act" of being trans

>I think 100 gecs are shat on clearly because they have a tranny member, thats about it. The music they make is okay at best, interesting and catchy but really just mediocre pc-music genre core. Its fun to shit on them because its easy to do. Dont really care about them otherwise but I know people who I dont like who like them and they all fit the same degenerate fag who throw their lives away category so I dont really like them.

Attached: soii.png (1080x1020, 475.34K)

This post is nonsensical. Bigot

>03/05/20(Thu)01:51:14 No.93560496
> #
>03/05/20(Thu)02:14:26 No.93560758
>I think 100 gecs are shat on clearly because they have a tranny member, thats about it. The music they make is okay at best, interesting and catchy but really just mediocre pc-music genre core. Its fun to shit on them because its easy to do. Dont really care about them otherwise but I know people who I dont like who like them and they all fit the same degenerate fag who throw their lives away category so I dont really like them.
> # #
>03/05/20(Thu)02:18:03 No.93560789
> #
>Didn't read
>03/05/20(Thu)02:19:51 No.93560811
> (OP) #
>You still haven't explained in detail why it isn't Top 40 pop you just scream insults at people
>03/05/20(Thu)02:33:32 No.93560951
>discord tranny bullshit ruining Yas Forums
> #
>03/05/20(Thu)02:35:45 No.93560975
> #
>Stop being transphobic you faggot.
> #
>03/05/20(Thu)02:39:27 No.93561015
> #
>they see me rollin
>03/05/20(Thu)02:41:56 No.93561038
>Fuck them fat ass gecs
>All my niggas hate gecs
>03/05/20(Thu)02:42:59 No.93561046
> #
>100 Gecs is transphobic because he is pretending to be trans for attention as opposed to feeling that way
>He is exploitative and you are transphobic for supporting him doing a "stage act" of being trans
>03/05/20(Thu)02:45:01 No.93561063
>475 KB PNG
> #
>>I think 100 gecs are shat on clearly because they have a tranny member, thats about it. The music they make is okay at best, interesting and catchy but really just mediocre pc-music genre core. Its fun to shit on them because its easy to do. Dont really care about them otherwise but I know people who I dont like who like them and they all fit the same degenerate fag who throw their lives away category so I dont really like them.

Attached: soy.png (900x1200, 281.15K)

You are transphobic


me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.png (680x410, 179.08K)

me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi.png (454x520, 12.52K)


me saying that 100 Gecs is quirky lol XD randumb dance music that people think is experimental because the synths are outdated, the mixing is shit, and the lyrics are purposely vapid. It's popular because people think when something is described as "ironic" by a transgender furry in a RYM review that it's some philosophical masterpiece that rivals Augustine or Aquinas. Had this album came out 10 years ago it would've been rightfully panned alongside the likes Kesha, 3OH!3, Brokencyde, and other crunkcore artists, because it's just as awful as the material those artists released; instead it is praised today because satire is dead and people think that camp is the peak of humor. It's the musical equivalent of being a fucking retard, then claiming that you were intentionally acting like a fucking retard, and you are therefore a trolling mastermind. If you like this album you're the kind of person who is shallow enough to find that person humorous and immature enough to encourage his petulant behavior. It's music for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m. It's music for people that say "doggo" and "heck" in real life conversations. It's music for kids who laugh at videos that have a sudden increase in volume. It's music for people who think that their lowercase, grammarless tweets about wanting to commit suicide makes them funny and relatable, when they're actually just fucking annoying. It's even more worthless than a shitty pop album that's actually from the late 00's because it's an attempt to artificially recreate the horrible music of that era, rather than simply being its natural product. It's just plain bad music, and that the intent was to create bad art does not make the work any more meaningful or tolerable

Attached: soi01636282.jpg (2048x2048, 368.26K)
