How come jazz is so praised by hipsters? Give me reasons why should I care about this boring genre

How come jazz is so praised by hipsters? Give me reasons why should I care about this boring genre.

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it sounds good and has chill relaxing vibes plus complex writing

desu you probably shouldn’t


>Hipsters pretending to like something unpopular
What's so difficult to understand?

Medeski Martin & Wood and Hiromi's Sonicbloom are fun

Some black people played it at one point so now it is acceptable for white people to like it.

Don't worry you'll probably grow up some day.

Jazz is cool and uses more diverse scales than rock. I've been on a post-bop kick it's been great

It's not for me. I've heard famous jazz stuff like Kenny G and it's not my thing. I'd rather listen to Kiss and Van Halen desu.

> kenny g
pls tell me ur baiting replies

Who gives a shit what you care about?

>K-pop listener doesn't have good taste.

beat his ass user

I would wager that 99% of the hipsters who praise jazz, and most of the people in this thread don't actually understand jazz and listen to it because it "feels like you're in le smokey jazz club sipping wine".
You listen to jazz for the solos, and you have to pay very close attention to most bebop players or you won't get their sense of rhythm and phrasing.

"jazz kids" like the chords and thats about it.

Because it sounds dope you twat. The only boring thing is people acting like it’s a big complicated deal when it’s just cool stuff that bops

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Because my dad tricked me into liking it and now I enjoy it

hipsters literally came from jazz

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jazz is more pretentious and less enjoyable than even classical music, there's more emotion in any rock album than any jazz album, jazz album just tries to be emotional using rules and mannerisms they've been taught whereas rock is an actual expression from the performers. thats not to say jazz cant be enjoyed but it's about as interpersonally relatable as cloud animals; it merely imitates emotional likenesses (of which have to be squinted at and analysed), it can never actually be convincingly expressive or relatable

bruh you sound retarded

What do you mean? What jazz is like this?

Listen to Chuck Mangione

reddit retard nigger tranny cope zoomer

ttpbp (twenty third post best post)

Its based

Gimme some post-bop recs, my dog really likes it.

chris potter is still alive and playing gigs

No one is forcing you to like anything

Jazz was an important part of my childhood, but in the 90s it became an important part of a brand new form of music called hip hop.

It was a huge part of world music culture for decades. 1920s-1990s. Its not very popular currently.


Rock drummers that are trained in jazz tend to be some of the best rock drummers in the world

Fuck off retard

suck shit

Stfu moron


who is that

It's not my favorite genre, but I'll listen to it if it's good. What REALLY pisses me off is when pseuds pretend jazz is some deep art that sets them above everyone else for being the only ones cognizant enough to appreciate it or something.

Literally go fuck yourself tier.

Yeah but they’re living in a world where ecstatic moments are best represented by jazz solos, so they’re looking down in a sense of scratching their heads wondering why someone else wouldn’t want to experience that as well, simply because “jazz is too random lol”

How many experiences do you have like that where a smooth jazz solo best represents their condition at that time? Are they getting fucking drunk at a speakeasy every night because their wife left them?

Listening to jazz, for me, is like a once in a month, or several times a year thing. I'll listen to it, and I'll like it, because I feel like dismissing a whole genre of music is stupid, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to listen to.

You're like 14 or younger if you haven't gotten into jazz yet. Or you have an average or low IQ.

White people liked it in the 40's. lol.... Swing is a jazz you moron.

Or you're a fucking pseud

the term maybe, but "hipsters" in essence have been around for a LOT longer and have gone by many other names

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pseud's have low or avarage iq's, so.......

Although I get where you’re coming from, I’m not there. Bebop hits me because the timing is right, and the musicians making this music were exceptionally great at timing so it doesn’t really matter what their personal lives were like. I’m not just talking about my wife, I’m talking about my life. I can’t seem to get that through to you. I’m not just talking about one person, I’m talking about everybody, I’m talking about form, I’m talking about content, I’m talking about interrelationships. I’m talking about God, the devil, hell, heaven.

Smooth Jazz isn't Jazz. Smooth Jazz isn't even music. It's people playing their instruments with absolutely 100% perfect technical ability, and absolutely 0% emotion or passion. They're doing it for a paycheck. It's elevator music.

This is what jazz sounds like:

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Yes OP I wonder why do people care

Well you should. You should go to scraton.

who is he?

Oh god, no, c'mon. I thought you were cool.

Speak like a person, goddamn it. Don't try and hit me with flighty, abstract words to describe some typically novel experience. You're better than that.

This music doesn't make me feel much of anything, except for dull interest, and then, dull boredom. At least with the type of jazz I can find at a smoker's club, I can at least feel lonely and empty like a PROPER human being.

>Lol, I'm wearing a D.A.R.E. shirt even though I totes do drugs. Aren't I ironic ;)
Fuckin' hipster, bitch. I'd smash "her" face in with a brick.

I didn't even notice that. Jesus christ, what compels people to do something so fucking trite and unimaginative?

>Creating an imaginary scenario about someone you don't know and have never met, and then getting angry about it

They're probably straight edge. Go outside.

The man wasn't born yesterday, user.

you shouldn't. it's just racket. some of it is fun. most is shit. listen to what you like user.

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You shouldn't, its soulless wanking

nice thanks

imagine saying this and thinking you're mature.

It’s a quote from one flew over the cuckoo‘s nest

Kill yourself

ginger baker and john bonham for starters