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I laughed at the scene as a kid, but as an adult find it legit creepy. You'd think it would be the other way around

The initial reveal of the face isn't very scary but the way she floats across the room is pretty spooky. i was terrified by it as a kid though.

Just re-tracked falsetto vocals because the autotune was jumping around too much. Re-did some lows and high on the heavy vocals, fucked with the kick a bit. Haven't tested it in my car yet, so idk how the low end slaps

criticism appreciated

can you pitch white noise?

Yes, with a resonant filter/EQ, a vocoder, some kind of quick repeating effect (like a stutter or delay with feedback), etc.

pretty fucking gay song
but as far as production goes, that kick is distractingly clicky. either bring it down volume wise or make it less clicky. i understand that a clicky kick is part of the style, but it detracts from the song. the autotune part is infinitely better to the straight up metal parts but still pretty shit. the autotune itself sounds ok. your pig squeal is bad. the outro is not bad.

I'm a different user but thanks. Why would I want to be a retard that "makes it", like you, when instead I could be smart and make it? Anyway, I think it's time for you to go clean up your mentor's floor now, so get to licking.

Where can i download drums and percussion and i dont mean "OFICIAL binky beats HD+ wav Drum kit (v2)" with the same 10 trap sounds

up yer ass

copy that, turn the kick trigger up, and more pig squeals

holy shit write a fucking song about it if youre that mad at him and post results who fucking cares

What do you guys use in terms of dedicated plugin to accentuate low end? I can't stand much the sound of additive EQ and wanted something at the same time sweet and somewhat transparent. Most of the time I want dirty or super dirtynlow end so I tend to add bass by using the dark settings on either Decapitator or MJUC, but in terms of a cleaner sound I don't have anything that can really bring out some subs without coloring them too much. I saw some people using a Waves plugin for that on videos and it sounded awesome, but I can't stand how heavy their shit is in terms of CPU.

my cock is a designated plugin to accentuate your mom's low end

I do, I like seeing anons telling people to lick floors. It brightens up my day and gives an overall positive vibe.

This. I can't stand all these kikes on /prod/ talking about "making it". The only thing we're here to make is fucking music. If you want to larp as a candidate on The Voice, go post some pictures of yourself wearing a wig and some coloured sunglasses to Instagram. Keep /prod/ to talk about wavetables and the differences between a granular delay and a tape one, not this gay ass Kardshian shit.

arguments that end in a previous thread should stay in that thread

>The only thing we're here to make is fucking music
um no, sound design is far more important

Can we post our artist igs and network?

no you stupid faggot

Who you want to network with? People like Demarcus and that dude who has been trying to start his Dreams remix for 8 months?

Not if you don't have time to read FM8's manual and learn it properly because you spend half the day licking floors.

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I just pirated FL Studio 20 and every vst ever
I am going to make it because of this

Trying to decide between two cheap MIDI controllers, current options are either the Nektar Impact LX25+ or the Arturia MiniLab Mk II. Right now I use my digital piano for MIDI input but it's very cumbersome, so I want to buy a small controller. They both seem very good for me, but the Nektar has pots instead of encoders, and I feel like that's going to be very annoying to deal with while swapping between synths and so on. However, it does have more controls over all and has some integration software for Reaper.

Which one do you guys think I should get? Anyone have any experience with either or have other recommendations?

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Whoops, meant to post this pic.

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how is this song

sorry but i cant be objective here,
that 90s drum style is so corny and i hate it

not a fan of jungle drums?
im probably not gonna change them desu

Not him but I like them, but I'm a huge sucker for 90s jungle. If that's your style, keep it if it works although it's not for everyone. The thing I don't like is the lead line around 1:30 and :50 seconds. It doesn't feel like it really fits in, it feels too bouncy and goofy for the rest of the track.

im thinking about submitting it to this hyperpop compilation album and i kinda wanted to have a section that was bubble gum flavored. although i could use it as a transition to the ending hip hop section

Agree with this user, the drums are by far the coolest part of the track, and the synths are annoying and downright silly in even more parts than that. Makes me think more of early Prodigy than proper jungle though. No idea what's with the not being for everyone faggotry. Most DnB heads have huge respect for jungle, and a big portion ever prefer it to later DnB. But it you want to go the jungle route, work a lot more on textures, atmosphere and low end density.

I wouldn't get the minilab because of the touch pitch and mod I just don't like that kind of shit

Yeah, really not a fan of the touch pitch/mod and would prefer wheels but I'm also not a huge fan of having pots (Nektar) instead of encoders (Minilab) so it's a tough decision for me.


nin ripoff

earlier result of piano playing and not yet becoming frustrated lol:

IDFK what's been wrong with me the last few days I can't write for shit
watched pic related last night. I fucking love von trier but EHHHHHH

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this sounds like Anal Cunt if the drummer learned to play a little bit better

this has sweet moments and interesting ideas, but seems like the envelope on the sound is totally inadequate to the way you're playing, killing a lot of accentuation and flow

Both sound like you've been tiring your ears a bit too much and are not recognizing much the difference between harsh and annoying frequencies. Maybe a day out letting your ears breathe could do some good. We all need those from time to time.

great guitar tone, but drums are compressed to shit and have very harsh highs.
Overall i'd say the wacky singing style combinations have negated any redeeming qualities to this song as a whole. I'd imagine your effort would be better spent making a legitimate song instead of trying to fix this meme one.

>Anal Cunt
Thanks for rec, this is dope

That's exactly what I was thinking but I feel like i've actally been *slacking* and not making music for a day gives me terrible anxiety.
idk... maybe i'll just keep my laptop off and play guitar all day tomorrow and then give in and eventually /sounddesign/ ... I need a change of pace or something

Quite frankly, it has to be one or more of the 3, you're either:
- overworking
- monitoring/listening to music too loud and working your way up to damage and tinnitus
- have a very bad ear for frequencies and dynamics

Whichever it is, progress seems very dependent on fixing it, user.

>user complains of songwriting issues
>gives mix advice
lol wat

Kill Everyone ain't no meme. Nothing personnel, kid

OH NO IT'S ALL 3!!!!

Well that settles it, I am banning myself from /prod/ for at least a week. I will continue to do those things in private.

mix advice is always welcome.

This is a regular occurrence lol, it's just depression and brainfog and all that shit acting up, just gotta deal with it.

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And how do you plan to songwrite with completely unbalanced sounds that won't even sound musical enough to check if your ideas make sense or not? You don't need to completely balance and polish all sounds before tracking, but they have to be in a state in which making something sound good with them is at least possible. Also, if your sounds are severely clashing and drowning each other out before mix, they can't possibly sound decent after mixing.

>the envelope on the sound is totally inadequate to the way you're playing

btw I just feel the need to clarify that the midi was performed using a piano and I dragged it into massive because pianos are for boomers. Also I disagree.
GOODBYE FOREVER (I really need to sleep (so I can stop splurging))
Also I didn't mix at all lol

Are you trying to revive crabcore or some shit

> I dragged it into massive
Yeah and then you spend 5 seconds adjustimg the decay and sustain on the synth because obviously accentuation on that thing is beyond messed up.
>I didn't mix at all
I never said you did. If that user associates adjusting envelopes and cleaning up very offensive frequencies with only mixdown that just means he does bad practice. Just relax, train your ears more, make sure to work only or at least mostly while your ears are still functioning, and remember that unmusical elements do not produce musical results. It's not that hard, and you can do it, user.


Pls rate this Dungeon Synth I wrote. Also how do I get rid of the "pop" clipping sound between beats of the timpani? I am using a WAV sample I found online, in LMMS, if that matters. Also I am curious if you guys agree with teh user in the last thread that I should vary the pitches of the background synths more.

Also where do people post dungeon synth? Should I make a bandcamp? Should I make (another) soundcloud? Or should I try to put it on sotify somehow?

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just want to say that you should probably ignore the guy critiquing you, I don't know what he's on about

No fights dude chill

>that dude who has been trying to start his Dreams remix for 8 months?
Hey! I'm going to set a deadline for myself once I see how well my foray into japanese-electronic-pop-anisong goes. My next project might be a cover of an existing song just to focus on production techniques before I dive back into an original composition.
Shit. I haven't installed any VSTs yet.
I've got four and a half weekends to learn everything.
>because pianos are for boomers.
I can't hear a "pop" except for a couple timpani hits near the middle/end... is it part of the sample itself? Like, does the waveform not start at a zero-crossing?

the eternal synth

Attached: synth1.png (700x510, 82.3K)

I don't like it


>5 seconds adjustimg the decay and sustain on the synth because obviously accentuation on that thing is beyond messed up

it's true and you know it

it's a solid 5/10
overrated af, pure reddit tier

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Wish you could change the knob parameters without having to confirm them again.

>pure reddit tier
it predates plebbit by many years

i don't know really i haven't used it in a long time i just remember not liking it

yes and it's still one of many shitty meme synths that gets pushed by people who don't know any better

don't get me wrong, it's capable of a few decent sounds, but there's zero reason it should still be talked about

idk, not really. I'm hugely influenced by bands like Attack Attack! and This Romantic Tragedy, but I'm not on any sort of quest to "bring back" crabcore. I just make the kind of music that I enjoy.

has pedophile mafia spyware made by the cia in it
hope you're only using it on an airgapped virtual machine