Does Yas Forums support transgender artists?
Does Yas Forums support transgender artists?
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Yes... no... maybe... I don't know... can you repeat the question?
it doesn't matter to me what their gender, race, ideology etc. is - if i like the music. i like the music.
>go to eagles of death metal concert
>get gunned down
no thanks
they don't have even one second of good material. shit band for ironic rock n roll retards.
On topic: No. I like some older Lapfox Trax albums but do not support the fact Dave goes by "Emma" now, especially after being outed as a serial sleep groper. I believe an artist's gender identity is a gimmick at best and a get out of jail free card at worst, and by their very nature of being performers they are oft disingenuous.
>Lapfox guy.
Transitioned to avoid rape accusations.
Literally just a faggot who took so much dick he lost his sense of self and hopped on a bandwagon.
>Machine Girl & Sophie
Pure marketing. Neither of these two have any form of dysphoria. It's an act.
>100 Gecs.
Look at that motherfucker's unshaved legs and horse face and tell me "she's" trying to be a she.
>Brook/Black Dresses
Literal pornstar with a dick bigger than most men's forearms. If you actually had trouble with your identity you'd probably hide that thing rather than capitalize on it by jerking off on camera.
On the real topic: What's a color combination that the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ haven't ruined?
nothin' wrong with the trannies
'course i support em
nah, fuck trannies
trannies and LGBT fags sucks because they have gender dysphoria and shiz but idrc since we are discussing bout' music.
I don't give a fuck
If you say no you want to be topped desu
Depends how shit they are.
Yes, because you can do whatever you want, but they are still deluded.
I will support them for the gender they were born as.
>Look at that motherfucker's unshaved legs and horse face and tell me "she's" trying to be a she.
does anyone have that pic
yeah LOL that black dresses nigga got a fatty LORD
how does you can do whatever you want = support?
give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act.
"the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector"
contribute to
give a donation to
based. i dont think you mean it in the samr way i do no one is born any gender
i dont support mental illness if cutting your tits off or dick off isnt mental illness you're fucking delusional
Well idk the definition, but i'd treat them like any other artist, but they are just deluded in one part of their life.
Unless I'm pursuing a relationship with someone, their gender is none of my business. Why waste my own time thinking about someone else's problems and obsessing over whatever they're dealing with, it just doesn't make any sense. You'd have to really not value your time and have pretty much nothing to live for if you have the time to care about things that don't affect you in the slightest.
they don't cut off the penis, it's inverted
Heukenkreuz loving faggot.
This is pretty good, desu.
I've never heard of a good transgender band. But I know 90 percent of being transgender requires you to remind everyone around you 24/7 all day every day that you're trans so.... No, I don't support transgender artist because I've never heard one.
machine girl jsut wears weird outfits. literally calls himself a guy on bandcamp
I honestly could give less of a single fuck whatever they are as long their stuff is decent
i don’t support bipolar disorder either but it’s still real and needs to be treated
You C O U L D give less of a fuck?
So that means there is some level of fuck that is given, correct?
could care less vs. couldn't care less have nuanced differences in meaning but not opposite ones
to say "i could care less" implies apathy because it's like you care a little but not enough to do anything about it
to say "i couldn't care less" is like saying "fuck off retard". it's much more aggressive.
the thing with lgbt people is if you criticize them too harshly they go "no u", so using the more apathetic terminology circumvents that
semantics 1
fags 0
I don't give a shit. Caring so much about transexuals means you're obsessed, which is what most transphobics and autists are. It's creepy. I listen to whatever I like whenever I want, and trannies don't bother me as much as transphobics do
Go back to Radiohead, this is not for you
I support big ass big titty shemales with the loose buttholes in brazil
If I could impregnate them i would no lie
>be a smelly Parisian
>go to EoDM concert
>Josh Hommo isn't even there
>get shot to death
I don't give a shit either way about your gender identity if you sound good
search Rookie Stray
Absolutely not.
I generally hate trannies, but can admit their trauma and psychosis can lead to good music.
no. If I found out an artist I'm listening to is transgender, homosexual, or even supports those lifestyles, I delete all their music and never listen to them again.
If they make good music then sure, but I’m gonna feel disgusting listening to them
I'm seriously out of the loop here, what the fuck do the Eagles of Death Metal have to do with trans artists?
>he cant disconnect the art from the artist
Yikes bro...
Whats their casualities currently?
The colors on the album cover match the colors on the trans flag
I don't give a shit
Josh Homme is starting HRT