/gg/ Guitar and Bass General

CKP Edition

>Guitar Lessons:

>Guitar Chords:

>Bass Lessons:

>Music Theory and Ear training:

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the stupidest thing you can do is buy a guitar because you like the paint.

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This is Sam's general, don't forget.

it's from 2005

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No one cares.

don't give R~ and S~ (yous)

>Steve "The Italian Stallion" Vai's Ten Hour Workout
>Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene
>The mega

Bros should I get an actual teacher? I'm plateauing

Who gives a shit what you do?

sam is a grotesque creature

just ignore it.

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>every time you see someone rocking out with a les paul the switch is always on the bridge pickup
>every time I fiddle around with my les paul the middle and neck pickups are always louder and crunchier
What am I doing wrong?

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Nothing, middle and neck are the patrician positions.

If it was up your ass you'd know.

Your bridge pickup is too low and so is the volume on your amp

Who gives a fuck?

For some reason, this heel is not the standard for modern les pauls and is custom shop only. Perhaps because gibson realizes there aren't many reasons to pay extra for the "custom shop" guitars (glued together by senior employees instead of random people, they don't do actual custom orders unless you're signed with them), so they restrict certain desirable features to the custom shop gutiars.

So which chinese company do I have to contact to get this feature on chibsons and other knock offs? Surely, it's just five second step in the CNC process just like all the other wild contours found even on $100 strats.

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someone near me is selling pic related for a good price, thinking of copping, always thought they looked cool in a 60s garage rock type of way, I believe this particular model is the guy from Paramore's sig but I know nothing about that band apart from that WOAH WOAH song years ago and the singer who's pic coomers keep posting here

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No one gives a shit what you buy consoomer

2020 hipster dipsthits get the rope first

is this coming from someone who owns more than one guitar, perhaps? and someone who spent a significant portion of their personal wealth on guitars?

post the number of guitars you have consoomed, and the percentage of your yearly income they represent

for me it's 1 guitar and it costed less than 1% of my yearly income.

>no you have to buy the most heavily marketed product you fucking hipster, obey your corporate masters. buying used is for cucks, buying anything but the most heavily marketed guitars is for hipsters. buy new fenders.


Damn. You really struck a nerve.

I win.

To be quite honest senpai if someone is not regularly on the road gigging or spending time in recording studios and they own more than 1 (one) guitar and 1 (one) amplifier they're probably talentless and beyond all hope. A true square pe/gg/.

As a general rule of thumb, the average number of shows you play a week as a lead guitarist is the number of guitars you should have.

>7 Posters

>don't give R~ and S~ (yous)


>he responded to Sam

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It was worth it because he got BTFO and started trying to act like Roman because he's that mad

first Bernie now THIS?!?

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Not him, but if you've only been playing a year then owning one cheap shitplank isnt proof of not being a consoomer.


Up the height on the bridge pickup or lower the neck pickup. If that doesn't wirk, the wiring is fucky

Then there's chord tones. Here are the chord tones for my post here

Attached: The Easiest 12 Bar Blues (in A) Chord Tone Diagrams.jpg (1352x743, 229.45K)

a true consoomer guitarist obsesses over guitar products more than they use them. they'll take months to shut up about the last upgrade they bought and will post more pedalboards and other gear pics than clips.

they're not musicians, they just consume products.

>look at this new guitar i bought
>look at this new pickup i bought
>look at this new magnet i bought
>look at this amp i bought
>look at these pedals
>which string brand should i buy next
>consuming gear is fun!

A good luthier should be able to do that mod. You're gonna need the back refinished though

>tfw poorfags don't even own three Gibsons
>no I won't post a vocaroo

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yeah, sure. but I've accumulated like $3k of audio equipment over 15 years, that doesnt inherently make me a consoomer. I dont make over $300k/year

>there are retards posting here right now that don't know how to adjust pickup heights to balance out volume

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Not possible. It would cut into the neck tenon and result in a weaker joint (where the glue is stronger than the wood the neck is stuck to). Non-custom LPs are short tenon. I bet axcess LPs use an extra shallow tenon on top of that.

Because Gibson's very old equipment is configured to produce standard les paul necks with short tenons that are nearly as deep as the rest of the neck and that guitar requires a shallower, longer neck tenon or just a neck-thru build.

It's a boomer mojo thing. You're just not going to get that from a company that brags about using the same old inaccurate pickup winders they did in the 50s.

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where can I get guitar pro for free? poor third worlder here

Thats stupid. I have 2 amps. Different tubes in them. I have 5 guitars. All differ in various ways, single coil tele, short scale strat. 8 string, 7 strings, active pickups, passive high gain pickups. Different combos for different tones. I havent played in a band or recorded anything for a few years. Should I just sell it and take a loss on cash?

Because it's not necessary and only wankers make a big deal about it. most great guitar playing is done below the 12th fret.

boomer perspective

zoomers play a capo on the 12th fret. lrn2mathrock.

>Read: All my favorite boomer rock was done below the 12th fret because it matched their vocal ranges and they couldn't reach higher than that anyways

Lol nothing any zoomer does matters.

shredders are level headed people. you could hot rod an LP all you wanted, and they still wouldn't buy it because it's still an overpriced neck break machine that costs thousands to replace a neck on.


>boomer rock

And 90% of Jazz, Funk, Soul, R&B, Indie Rock, Flamenco, Classical music etc...

Only cheesy 80s rock shredders care so much about playing above the 12th fret that they have to get a guitar especially made for it.

>Gibson bad
why do poorfags always waste their time raging online about things because they can't afford them? lol just go get a job jesus

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dumb question: is it normal to hear your guitar through the DAW even without any amp sims/effects applied?

Has anyone owned/played a fender blacktop jazz bass? Is it worth to buy?

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pirate bay (torrent)

audioz (use jdownloader)

yes you are an idiot

Because it would take a Brazilian ten years saving his entire salary to buy a genuine Gibson™ brand guitar. Giving them access to information like that should have never been allowed, it drives them crazy. It's like telling someone born in hell that there's a such thing as ice cream. It's just cruel and unnecessary and there's no reason to do it unless you were a sadist.

if he travel to chile he would import a gibson just fine these are not cheaper but definitely not 10 years worth of saving expensive.

every sudaca go to chile for imports.

>be me
>take humbucker pickups, pots, and wiring out of one guitar
>transfer them to another stoptail electric
>autisticly adjust pickup height to the exact same levels
>go to double a track I recorded with the other guitar I had the pickups in
>sounds like theres a totally different guitar in the mix
>same scale length on the guitars
>same fretboard material
>only neck and body material different
>nothing else changed
>never moved amp or mic
>same length lead
>I have to put the pickups back in the original guitar to finish the track

Welp so much for the tonewood isnt real meme

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Would anyone like sam’s credit card number?

He can’t even afford a microwave lol he’s never going to buy a Gibson EVER

thats because he is bluepilled as fuck he consider usa made instruments "imperialist" is his way to cope with being so poor.

>Unironically me when I paid 750$ for a gretsch that would electrocute me with it's bigsby

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someone please find me a charvel model 1a body in either red or white.

I want to build a Allan Holdsworth charvel

Based i dont hate em but is just stupid

Must be why his entire family lives under one roof and still don’t have basic cooking appliances

Why is position 1 position 1 when it's the most awkward position to play. Position 5 should be position 1. Nice easy box.

Try not to get too "boxed" in tho, I think the reasoning is to force you to have to play "outside of the box"

>when you're dialed in to woman tone on the neck and can alternate with the bridge
the hype is real

I've memorised "A" all the way up the fretboard. Working on E now so I can jam on the same scales as Hendrix.

I really want to learn voodoo chile but I cant figure out how to do the 2-3-0 on the g string without it sounding like shit.

Can someone explain this?
Rockabilly guitarists swear by gretsch, butine would literally shock the fuck out of me when I used the bigsby.
Felt like touching a live wire sometimes, was it a short or something? How TF does that happen?

Ah yes
I'd say practice TF out of that finger movement, but in more places than just G
If you get comfortable doing it in the area your most comfortable in, it should make it somewhat easier to get it down in places you aren't too keen on.
Hope this helps a little

i disagree

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Idk is this you?


Question is; can you play that setup or are you another /gear/tard?

Ngl that's basically how it was lmao

i used to see these for sale all the time on ebay for like 300 bucks

Honestly i have no idea but very often my ibanez art100 in a friend house gave me electrick shocks very often, did it happen in the same place or in every place you played?

It was the bigsby tremolo that'd shock me, always just the trem. id just be playing and the bigsby would work fine but the trem would suddenly just shock me about every 3-4 mins
I list the fucking receipt so wound up eating 200$ when I sold it.

I just feel like im not doing it fast enough. sounds like shit.

Then work on finger speed, keep reeling that lick until you can do it with your eyes closed.
I will say though that I felt that way, that it didn't sound right/too slow, but when I recorded myself playing to figure out what was wrong I was actually going TOO fast
Sometimes it's just your ears playing tricks
Just a thought

if you scoop your mids on your amp you probably scooped your brain at some point too

Fuck mids bro

Guys how i stop falling on the same licks on improvs, i mostly use pentatonic and chromatic idk what im doing it doesnt sound bad but you can clearly realize im doing the same over and over

>guitar is a mid range instrument
>fuck mids! let's cut all that useless shit out!

ok retard

>scooped frecs
>now it sounds nasal
nasal is good fag, is a good tone.

Pickups are supposed to be grounded to the bridge. So that's fucked up in the wiring maybe? But I don't think pickups put out that much current/voltage. And the amp inpit shouldnt be giving out any electricity if it'a wired right.

Use a metronome brudda. Feeeeel the beat. You don't have to go fast, you just need good timing.

And if you DO go fast, you REALLY need good timing.

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It's notso much a problem if you play clean or light OD. But I absolutely agree for high gain. I hate scooped mids high gain amps; you completely fuck yourself in the mix

What is a scooped mid? Is it louder mids? Quieter? Damped? Brightened?

I had no idea what was happening, which is why I ditched it after a week
Biggest dissapoint I've had in a while man

Why memorize specific scales though? A and E are the same scale just starting in different spots on the neck. If you know the shapes and you know the relative position on the shape of each interval and you know which note is which interval on a given scale then you know every scale just by learning a single pattern.

It was this model, same colors
It was fucking CLEAN man
Such a shame, probably won't buy another because of it.

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Just download tuxguitar for free

Well yeah, I'm not looking at a book and memorizing them that way on an individual level.

I'm just starting from a root note and working around it. But the point is to be able to travel anywhere I like and know where I'm going so to speak.

I should probably work more on knowing where all the notes of a given major scale are, maybe that's next. I've got to refresh on the higher positions of the f major though. forgot them already.

I kinda just play by feel, but I can understand wanting to get the theory side down
Learned guitar as a way to get away from theory (was in marching bands, going to clinics and shit at the time) but I totally understand wanting to do it "right"

don't listen to that retard. it's is highly advisable to practice scale positions in every key, otherwise you're only going to be comfortable in one. it's different muscle memory and different visual feedback from the neck. i practiced modal scales for years in the key of E , can shred wildly but in any other key i basically gimped myself. feels fucking bad man.

>Talks shit
>Can shred
Proof? Or LARP

Right, I'm just saying that if you know how to play A major you also know how to play E major if you just shift the whole scale up to the 12th fret (or down to 0). All the intervals stay the same, so at that point all you have to do is know that the fifth of A is E, the fifth of E is B, etc.

It's literally the same scale. If you want to practice B minor just shift the A minor scale up two frets. You just happened to pick the scale that has its root on the open string so you gimped yourself. But if you can play the minor shape and understand the relationship between major and minor then you can play every scale in every key. If you want to practice different modes you just have to understand them in context to one of those scales (Dorian is a minor scale with a major sixth, etc.)

dude im not saying i cant play them i just cant play them without thinking about it like i can with E major/minor

He's right dude. You want to be able to recognise a key and go anywhere with your soloing and licks.

Go put on a backing track in a key you arent familiar with and try to go crazy with it. You cant. You'll have to spend a bunch of time feeeeling it out.

I'm a bit older and I'm just getting back into guitar becasue my health blew out. Trying to be "professional" about it. I don't have 20 years to sit around noodling having a fantasy about my future anymore. That shit is over.

I know that, the other guys knows that. It's about building that muscle memory base so you can fly anywhere without hitchups.