Shoot me some deconstructed club essentials

shoot me some deconstructed club essentials

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that isn't a genre


Andy Stott - Luxury Problems
Andy Stott - Faith in Strangers
Sd Laika - That’s Harakiri
Sophie - Oil of Every Pearls Un-Insides
Sophie - Product

i haven't gotten around to it yet but ive been meaning to work my way through this list

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All genres are genres if the word is used by more than 1 person as a genre name

Elysia Crampton - Demon City

andy stott isn't "deconstructed club" lmao

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oh come on its just house music ffs

you sure about that?

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No, it isn't a "genre" if nobody can name defining properties of it that mark a clear cut difference between close genres, or if it isn't a movement withing a clear time period of development, a hometown and a clear motif (ex: No Wave)
Up until any of these two can be proven and cement in history, it will remain as an umbrella term made by rym trannies

>Identified by aggressive, frantic, post-industrial sound design featuring metallic or staccato sounds such as samples of glass smashing, gunshots, etc., deconstructed club aims for an excessive, apocalyptic-sounding soundscape, with constant rhythmic switch-ups and atonality. Thematically, it is common to address politics such as race relations, feminism, queer identity and colonialism, as many of the developments of this sound and its associated nightlife come from marginalized communities. These topics are not always present, since some deconstructed club artists prefer to engage with futurism and technology conceptually, for example.

- RYM Trannies inc.

genre - /ˈʒɒ̃rə,ˈ(d)ʒɒnrə/
>noun: genre; plural noun: genres; modifier noun: genre

1. a style or category of art, music, or literature.

this definition is all over the place
>"post" industrial "sound design"
Whatever this means
>featuring metallic, staccato sounds such as samples of glass smashing, gunshots, etc.
acceptable property, but I can name several post-punk, industrial and no wave acts which did the same
>deconstructed club aims for an excessive, apocalyptic-sounding soundscape, with constant rhythmic switch-ups and atonality
adjectives are not defining properties
> Thematically, it is common to address politics such as race relations, feminism, queer identity and colonialism, as many of the developments of this sound and its associated nightlife come from marginalized communities.
then it's a movement? when would you say the movement started at the earliest? when was it's peak? has the experimentation ended? defining acts? where was it born?
> These topics are not always present, since some deconstructed club artists prefer to engage with futurism and technology conceptually, for example.
Then it's neither a genre not a movement, not even a musical style
so long rym trannies

Like IDM

i agree actually, don't agree when people say something is idm and something is edm

deconstructed club for degenerate edm is what idm was for techno and breakbeat

RYM is absolutely terrible when dealing with electronic genres.

A mixture of footwork and post-industrial sound designs often with an associated conceptual context. Wasn't that hard. Also, if you think this thing began with trannies you're clearly new to it.

>post-industrial sound designs
there's that term again, can I get an explanation an clear differences between industrial music?
footwork is a house music style btw not a genre
>conceptual context
which would be?

and i'm not new to it, because such thing doesn't exist

>I don’t like the definition provided, so therefore it’s not real
cool, just say this next time so I know not to bother
I guarantee you would pick apart any definition that I provided and write it off as tranny nonsense

>A mixture of footwork and post-industrial sound designs often with an associated conceptual context. Wasn't that hard. Also, if you think this thing began with trannies you're clearly new to it.

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anything from this label

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>heh OWNED I’m so much better than these PLEBS.
>they’re all trannies except for me

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>footwork is a house music style
Metal is a rock music style, what's the point? You can be infinitely generalistic, it won't accomplish anything. There is a clearly defined footwork sound and people use that term to refer to it, wether you like it or not.

Well you could say post-industrial is a modern style inspired by industrial sounds with a focus on granular synthesis, replication of metallic sounds and textures and other sounds associated with a futuristic aesthetic. It all has a very synthetic, artificially realistic sound.

All I am asking is an objective, non-fantanoistic definition with no adjectives and diamond clear cuts.
For example, I would define post punk as:
>A musical genre and movement which started at the very earliest in 1976 and seemed to have ended experimentation and mutated by 1984. There's a clear peak in 1978 and 1979
>Which despite it's hard to describe nature, it has a discernable property from their contemporaries.
>Post Punk was in one form or another experimental at first, but without completely abandoning the punk practice of building simplistic songs with the repetition of little chords
>By taking references (but not necessarily) from other borderline genres such as Krautrock and Dub, post-punk acts had a tendency to rebel against their contemporary punk establishment.
>Some genre-defining acts would be: This Heat, Public Image LTD, Pere Ubu, Suicide, The Wire and Chrome

I don’t care enough to do that.
believe what you want.

>I can't do that.
so long rym tranny

I’m willing to admit that I honestly don’t know enough about it to write out a definition.
all I know is that I BELIEVE that is exists because I’ve heard it before.
also you’re some random pedantic autist on the internet, your opinion could not matter less.
and lastly, I have a penis and testicles and identify as the gender I was born, a man. a man who believes that Deconstructed Club is a genre.
have a good day, hope they cure autism eventually.

sure thing tranny

The thing is, my good chum, music genres aren't all intrinsically defined by your hyper specific arbitrary standards.
Also, Post-punk as a much more broad definition and sound than Declub.

music taste is subjective
music genres however, remain categorical and therefore should be objective
if only anybody is this thread could succesfully demonstrate what deconstructed club and """"post-industrial sound design"""" are, i'd remain at least agnostic

genres are made up, so they can be whatever

>music genres however, remain categorical and therefore should be objective
They already did , not their fault you can't seem to grasp what post-industrial sound design is.

He couldn't explain anything without using adjectives. That's isn't being objective

that makes no sense

don't say "adjectives" when you mean "poetic use of adjectives meant to express what the music happens to evoke"

You conveniently ignored the part without adjectives, which happens to be most of it, but carry on.

You just reinforced my point. You can't dictate what someone needs to hear in music, that's subjective and falls in the ears of the listener
You can, however, give historical context and technical properties as of to some why some music should be put in the same category

james ferraro - suki girls

Arca - Mutant
Odete - Amarração
Iku - Body Horror
AYA - and departt from mono games

These are pretty cool

>post-industrial is a modern style inspired by industrial sounds
which industrial sounds?
>focus on granular synthesis, replication of metallic sounds and textures
again, I can name several industrial music that does this, what is exactly "post industrial" """"sound design""""? you need to be more specific
>and other sounds associated with a futuristic aesthetic
what is the futuristic aesthetic? are we talking about music or what?

here's it simple, name some defining "post-industrial" acts

No, I corrected your use of language, I don't give a shit about your point I just saw you use the word "adjective" in a fucking ridiculous manner

Love Odete, really talented production and conceptual artist. Will check out the rest.

fuck off then

IT'S BASICALLY BREAKBEAT AUTISM (you know like what furries and touhoufags do)


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Now this is a definition I can get behind, but I would appreciate more info on that "drum sounds" bit

Your argument is just infinitely try to close the definition until you are satisfied. You want something more specific than "focus on granular synthesis"? Also, it's all the said characteristics together that make the genre, not isolated singular ones like you seem to be analysing. Of course I can give you examples of artists that use granular synthesis that are not deconstructed club, that's not the point.

Whatever sounds are traditionally used in modern popular electronic music for the rhythmic section

kick, snare, hi-hat, all that.

No, my argument is that everyone seems to be giving me a description and not a definition
give me historical context
give me real properties
no need to be extensive and walk around in circles with cute buzzwords, this guy did better than anyone else

>Your argument is just infinitely try to close the definition until you are satisfied.
is that supposed to be bad?

Deconstructed Club may not be the best name for it but this type of music does not sound like anything that came before it therefor it needs a name so we can properly discuss it

The name does not matter, it just needs a proper definition. No Wave did just fine with that stupid name

I’ve got a good album for you

some of it sounds like really bad aggrotech
some of it sounds like some of Ferraro's autistic experiments
the rest of it sounds like particularly obnoxious EDM

There's nothing new about it, it's just that all these different things that existed in their own little distinct niches are now being done intentionally in a coordinated manner by a bunch of trannies.

>>Identified by aggressive, frantic, post-industrial sound design featuring metallic or staccato sounds such as samples of glass smashing, gunshots, etc., deconstructed club aims for an excessive, apocalyptic-sounding soundscape, with constant rhythmic switch-ups and atonality.
Literally 00s breakcore.

>Thematically, it is common to address politics such as race relations, feminism, queer identity and colonialism
That makes it a subset of conceptronica.

>as many of the developments of this sound and its associated nightlife come from marginalized communities.
3/4 electronic music genres come from the associated nightlife coming from marginalized communities.

>These topics are not always present, since some deconstructed club artists prefer to engage with futurism and technology conceptually, for example.
So what was the fucking point of this whole fucking diatribe then?

Bufo Alvarius and Amanita are better but thanks anyway tranny

kill yourself


I can’t tell whether you got the joke or not.
and Peace On Venus is pretty good too btw

>Literally 00s breakcore.
>That makes it a subset of conceptronica.
>3/4 electronic music genres come from the associated nightlife coming from marginalized communities.
so then these three things combined are the definition of Deconstructed Club?

of course i got the joke but you posted one of my favorite bands of the 90s
didn't really like music past their early output, but lapsed, bufo and amanita are all great albums

no cause it also applies to furry breakcore

>Literally 00s breakcore

hell producers have been doing this shit since the early 90s. "deconstructed club" is about image, only thing holding it together

astrosuka is alright

and shit, even that image isn't special, it's just aping Mechanical Animals era Manson; it's the combo of this not-unique image with that not-unique music that's unique

>"deconstructed club" is about image
wanted to say this from the first post I wrote but didn't want the discussion to end