Synth general

Just found out about Deckard's Dream. A Yamaha CS-80 clone in rackmount format. Anyone here has it? I wish Behringer did this so it would cost 700 buck instead of fucking 3500

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Other urls found in this thread:

Need buy a guitar

So let’s see your setup /synth/

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friendly reminder that you can't hear anything over 10k in a mix anyway.

Well, I don't really need a sampler desu, but there's a black Casio SK-1 for 30 EUR and it got me thinking. Should I grab it?

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I'd do it. It'll probably increase in value eventually too as stuff like this is getting more expensive recently

wear earplugs

I've never posted in this thread but i have a question....What is that synth that kinda is used to make a "solo"? Like in this song

And this

For me, it’s Metasonix

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my ears are perfectly fine, thank you very much.

What are some famous shitshows in synth history? here's a list I have so far:
- corksniffer
- serge ripoff fiasco
- robin from devilfish asking behringer for $300k per year for his cooperation

attaching a keyboard to synthesizer to appeal to normies

give me one (1) example where this happened

it's literally moog's business model.

Almost every 2 oscillator monosynth can make those sounds.

I ended up grabbing it. The seller was really cool, it's already on the way here. I'll make some clyps when it gets here.

where are the keys

What keys?

Hell yeah. Congrats man, was a good buy

ur a retard

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Rabbit, where'd you put the keys girl?

What’s everyone making music with? Bugbrand Red’s and a Ciat-Lonbarde over here.

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>making music without keys
yeah ok sure thing buddy

>5 Posters

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but it's 12 you newfag spastic?

Gonna load up Renoise redux in Maschine shortly

that’s a drum machine, drum synth. step sequencer, polyphonic theremin, etc

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>i plug cables into things in order to show off to 16 year olds on Yas Forums

I'm only joking

excellent, nothing beats making music amirite?

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I’d hate to miss the opportunity to post a pic ;)

what’s your setup lookin like?

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>I am poor and jealous

Got em! It’s amazing how some people are bitter about other people enjoying their life.

i'm not poor, i made a lot of money from touring

i believe you user... you arent poor, just dumb as fuck and jealous

abysmal actually. being poor sucks.

it aint the gear, its the ear user

Indeed. I’m not even a software elitist, but just having far too much fun with Renoise right now.

You is the day

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"all the other kids are just jealous"

Today is best day user. I got packages coming tomorrow and Friday... whatcha getting?

I’ve got a Bugbrand PT Delay and a Bugbrand Stereo Compressor coming today. So fucking excited, still need to snag a second Crossover Filter and my Red’s stereo processing setup will be finished...well a second Spring Tanker would be nice eventually

how about you?

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>when the one loser who bumps these shit threads goes to sleep and it archives
i laff everytim

Meng Qi Karp, Shakmat Time Wizard and Horologic Solum... I got a great deal on the wizard, but the Solum kinda does what it does, so I might get rid of it and get another Clep Diaz. I can't wait to hear the karp in person.

awesome, I get a lot of mileage out of my Integra Solum. I really like Karp but havnt used it in a patch for awhile, did you go with the original or the colab?

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Total noob here, what is a good first synthesizer to buy? Something that I can keep using when I get the hang of things, but is a good entry point?

uh.... didnt know there were two different versions... this is the only one ive ever seen

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That’s original, there is also the Du-KRPLS Detroit Underground version

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I honestly thought that was a totally different module. Makes sense now, because I saw a video for both and couldn't figure out what the Detroit Underground version was doing.

Go to stores or watch youtube videos. Pick one that has sounds you like and seems easy to work with. To me, there are a lot of Korg synths that would be good to start with.

yup, you might check out the Gieskes NoDrum too

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What do y'all think of the Electribe 2 Sampler?
Been looking for a sampler to be the main workhorse of my live sets.

I enjoy mine. Just did get my shift skin in today for it so I have visual reference for all the features.

Might look into a skin, seems like it'd be handy for learning the flow. How's the sample editing?

not bad at all, some things are as intuitive as they should be, though.

loopop has a decent deep dive video on it

I'll check it out, thanks boss

I just want a sub phatty so bad, bros.

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Behringer obvi

I have avoided elektron products cause they require so much menu-diving. But I really need a sampler with built in sequencer for triggering samples in a live dawless setup and Analog Rtym seems to have everything I need.

Please talk me out of this bros, give me alternatives

adjusting for inflation the original cs80 cost something like 30 grand so 3500 from a boutique company really isn't that bad. still would never buy one

i have a rytm mk2 and there really isn't much menu diving at all. most functions are available at the press of a button or at worst shift+whatever button. learn your shortcuts and with a little practice the elektron workflow is incredibly fast and intuitive. tho if you're just looking for a sampler the digitakt is much cheaper and slightly more versatile when it comes to sampling capabilities. octatrack has timestretch but the quality isn't particularly good

Hello synth friends, I got a question for modular fags out there:
I want to hook 1 gate-out to 2 gate-in, can I just use a stereo jack to 2 mono jacks for this or is there a better way?


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retard here

had a dreadbox eudemonia in my case that stopped working after I plugged in a new module (probably incorrectly). Lights flash and then go out. Only the resonance slider produces any sound when cranked up (the light DOES turn on then). Sound can be heard very faintly when patched into the mixer, but none of the sliders does anything.

Cool, I broke it. That's fine. I bought a new one, and it's doing the same exact fucking thing, even though I made sure to plug it in properly from the get-go. The rest of my modules work fine. What the fuck did I do

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Drum machine gate out - to - MS10 Gate in & 303 Gate in.
I don't need pitch control, just want to sync them up so the 303 would play a pattern and I play the MS10 manually using the trigger in as rhythm.

I tried going through the 303 but the signal coming out is not working on the trigger in of the MS10. If I hook the MS directly on the trigger out of the drum machine it works fine.

Heard some shitty stories about stackable cables so im wondering if a split jack would work..

t. poorfag, only want to buy 1 cable because im broke as fuck


you need a passive Mult to duplicate gate/clock/trigger signals. use pic related instead of modules to save space in your case.

so you know in the future, use powered mults for CV so you don't get voltage drops that affect the pitch. this doesn't matter for gate/clock/trigger because even with a slight drop in voltage they will still register as a pulse signal.

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ok thanks, I got that from the article how much $$ do these things go for?
I was just considering a jack stereo to 2 mono because I have some other uses for it and like I said im broke as shit so im not expanding my setup anytime soon.

thanks for the info though

>Behringer Audio is now officially listed as BULLY on Wiki

I can't fucking believe how fucking current year it is now

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forgot the link

bunch of companies slap their logo on these things, you can probably find some cheaper

Thanks, found one cheap ass for 1$, will probably break in no time but good solution for the time being.

do other modules work on that same power connector? are you sure the extra module you added isn't pulling too much power from your bus board?

Modules not receiving enough power is what kills them, so always be cautious of drawing too much power from your bus board. Modulargrid is pretty good about planning modules with case power limitations in mind.

Bummer you are going through this

I'd buy a corksniffer, but I'm afraid I'd forget I had it in the over when I go to cook dinner.

lowpass your tracks at 10k. You hear no difference?