Honest question: How often do you guys de-reddit your music library?

Honest question: How often do you guys de-reddit your music library?

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I don't have a music library

the fuck does this even mean you fucking autist


SEETHING redditor

Meticulously coming through your music collection and appropriately expunging any reddit artists/albums/songs.

Attached: Reddit's most liked artists.png (905x560, 68.8K)


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I expunged all of my music, except Handel's Messiah. I have a soft spot for Christmas.

I don't like most of these anyway. Beatles, Gorillaz, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse, Daft Punk are all I ever really got into but never that deep besides Beatles and Radiohead. The rest like Tool and Green Day I always thought were kind of gay

You’re gay nigga.

beatles and radiohead are overrated as fuck

being worried your music (probably recorded decades earlier) has something to do with a website, & worrying about what ppl on another website will say

i hate every band there except blink 182

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removing music from your library based on what is popular on another website rather than if you actually like it is cringe and retarded.

The only songs I remove from my library are songs that I like less the more I listen to them. Not because of Reddit, but lack of replay value on further listens. I don't remove stuff very often and when I do it's usually just one song every couple of weeks.

>t. redditor

liking reddit music in the first place is cringe and retarded; while deleting it is indeed gay continuing to listen to shit like childish gambino, ofwgkta, radiohead, chance the rapper etc is infinitely faggier

keep your tool and deadmau5 bro


Childish Gambino slaps my guy
Yeah so what? I only use /r/fantanoforever, /r/hiphopheads, /r/NBA, /r/BlackPeopleTwitter, /r/streetwear really but it's pretty chill
I will bro that shit's sick. Tool are fucking epic, the solos are just amazeballs when you're tripping hard watching Rick and Morty or listening to the JRE.

>literal gay rnb + mac demarco faggy basedboy indie rap + proto-retarded tween edgy rap
>anything other than reddit

how do u define reddit music


>Frank Ocean
>Pink Floyd
>Death Grips
These have all made good music in the past, everything else is legit trash. Also literally nothing on this list is especially good. If OP made this thread to troll he's a plebe for thinking Yas Forums cares about any of these. Even the ones I listed are rightly shat on because most of what they made including some of their most popular work is complete balls.

too obvious but pretty funny 6.5/10

I know you're being ironic but please kill yourself anyway

>Guy who started making edgy horrorcore with rape jokes

all of those "artists" are and always have been dogshit

>i want le /r/teenagers audience!!!

incel is the new hipster

How about you just listen to what you want to listen to instead of being a pretentious faggot?

But then girls won't have sex with me

No, they have all made at least one objectively good album.

There is no such thing as an 'objectively good' album.


>crack open the catalog of Yas Forums each day
>delete any album in my library I see mentioned

I don't believe anyone actually does this, but if you do you're a fucking loser.

I hate kanye but most of the people who use his sub are probably fags who use reddit for news and updates on shit only.
"redditors" are still the actual problem.
Prog metal with over the top theory wanking, "technical" whiteboy rappers, cover youtubers, etc, the shit that gets voted to the top of the front page is still the defacto reddit taste.

Removing artists from your library because they’re popular on a different website is the most retarded shit ever.

ew reddit, cunt.


unironically based, redditors are SEETHING

Which orchestra tho

Why yes, I do listen to OFWGKTA, what gave it away?

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>tfw none of these are in your record collection

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shit taste having faggots like you used to get bullied mercilessly and deservedly. i miss those days.

KYS degenerate postmodernist

Your extremely low IQ.

Finally, an excuse to remove that fucking garbage Modest Mouse band from my library.

Are you fucking kidding me dude?


>Don't get on reddit so I don't know what reddit music is
This problem only arises if you're gay enough to get on reddit.

honestly i dont even know why i post here this board is reddit/fantano tier, everyone here is either a closet redditor, has reddit taste or both
everyone in this thread is a faggot trying to fit in because theyre insecure about their taste in music except and before you all call me a faggot redditor because youre mad the only artists on the chart posted i listen to are kanye, kendrick lamar, frank ocean and nujabes but i dont give a shit if you think theyre reddit music because i enjoy listening to them

Because otherwise Yas Forums wouldn't even exist.

Never, cause I'm not an insecure idiot

I don’t, if it sounds good it fucking sounds good and im not gonna feel shame for liking what another site likes. It’s coincidence and nothing more. Niggers

kanye, radiohead, frank ocean, death grips, and phish have never made good music
>he listens to shitty zoomer rap
>doesn’t even listen to the fucking beatles
i don’t think you’re “reddit”. you’re a pathetic zoomer wigger

letting other people decide what music is bad is fucking cringe, have your own opinion

just because the beatles were influential it doesnt mean their music has held up 60 years later
i am a nigger not a wigger

>Radiohead is actual garbag-

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Imagine being passively bullied by Reddit into deleting your music LMAO

I don't have any of these artists in my music collection

>Reddit, reddit, reddit
You sound like a fucking frog you virgin lmao

I find it ironic how mainstream Death Grips have become, when Yas Forums still thinks they're some underground noise band.

blessed thread

They were always mainstream.

their music has held up 60 years later though. if it hadn't, normies wouldn't listen to it still


kanye has made good music. the dude has made a whole album that birthed a new genre in rap (emo rap) in 808s. the college albums and mbdtf are classics. even his shit post-808s is great with some songs in yeezus and tlop. i got nothing for ye and jik tho.

>Actually defending r*dditcore
I think I know just the place for you guys.

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Of course you do, It takes one to know one

>he’s insecure about his music taste and doesn’t just listen to whatever the fuck he wants

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>Is also a redditor

>kanye has made good music
>the dude has made a whole album that birthed... emo rap
this really doesn't help your case

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i know of the existence of your album. the point i was making is that emo rap is one of the worst genres in existence. him pioneering in it only weakens your argument for him having made good music.

>*the existence of that album
my bad, made a typo