*Writes a song with consists shifts from 4/4, 6/4, 9/8, 12/8, 6/8, and 7/4 in E minor, A major...

>*Writes a song with consists shifts from 4/4, 6/4, 9/8, 12/8, 6/8, and 7/4 in E minor, A major, A Lydian and C major in less then 3 minutes*
>"Music theory? Bruh, fuck is that? Just play what sounds good you cunt"

Attached: John_Lennon.jpg (1029x1066, 685.11K)

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Sure user

Paul and John were the greatest genius in music since mozartt/beethoven/vivaldi whoever died last

What song is this?

>fucks up rhythm
Nah, just changed time-signature

>plays out of scale
Nah, just modulation

>cherry-picking examples

im assuming its happiness is a warm gun


learning chords, scales, modes and time signatures takes maybe two weeks if you're not stupid

doesn't take a genius to know these things

Write a song now.

>i prefer the band member who consistently wrote better music

you got me

cringe grandma


Lol you act as if that is a difficult job. If you know how to play a little bit of keyboard, just sit down and improvise along a scale, play around with rhythm if you have the technical ability to do so in your instrument, change the key in the chorus for effect, add a couple of 7th chords for a little dissonance (but quickly resolve them if you're writing a pop song)

there you go

Who cares, it sounds like shit. The Beatles are mass marketed shit for teenie boomers that sounds like nursery rhymes.

just play what sounds good you cunt

Cool post, not a song though.

Time signatures are meaningless
You can say everything is in 4/4 or 7/4 or 11/8
You can always contort things to make it work

No, but I gave you the instructions, go try it and maybe you'll stop idolizing dumb pop artists

Learn music theory.

Anybody can have an idea. Now post your song and stop wasting my time.


I could do one but I cant sing

Lol get rekt faggot, absolutely btfo, all talk no action, what a faggy faggot

>Can't sing
Did you start music yesterday?

>thinking music theory is simply changing modes and time signature, shit that rarely happens or sounds good unless done well
All I hear is bad voice leading and boring harmony

>bim bam bum you put in a lil chili you gotta song

>oh no I don't know even know how to sing, much less any sort of actual theory

>what? Why would I think before posting?

>All I hear is bad voice leading and boring harmony
All i see is a retard trying to come up with anything to shit on a good song.

I never said it was a bad song, I said it has bad voice leading and boring harmony.
Black sabbath's discography is entirely consecutive fifths and octaves but I still love them.
I'm just fighting b& fire with fire.

When people stop posting retarded ways of negating music theory's utility I will stop shitting back on them. No one made anyone learn music theory.
The number one reason everyone on this board is garbage at music is because they don't practice enough.

>theoryfags in eternal cope cycle

Attached: 1399895520048.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

>Fag thinks Beatles shitpost is an attack on him and music theory
If you want people to stop negating theory. You should just post less.

Beats his wife in 3/4 4/4 5/4 12/8

his music is still baby tier compared to the great composers who were versed in theory

>beats his wife
>kills paul
>makes julian deaf
waht a fucking chad

coping from what? being better informed and quickly knowing how to achieve a certain sound?
no need to strawman. I get to do my shitposting too. I made you and your friend here seethe so things are looking ok.
Instead of ignoring it, ask me about music theory. You might find something that interests you.

>Double replying
Oh god oh no he's really this mad.

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cope on love. I can sit here all day, Im bored asf

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Music theory is only good for coming up with the next chord when you're writing a song, or what solo to play over what group of chords.
Timing theory is a waste of time. Let the drummers count. Not even they count.

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Anyone who knows the fucking major scale can write a song now. What kind of lame challenge is that?

just failed that challenge.

Imagine if Elvis was allowed to travel to England.

Write a lennon-esque song about beating the wife with multiple time signatures and modulations

i knew a brute, would accidentally write a riff in 7/8 on the reg, nug. it happens.

you're a fucking idiot

What challenge?
I haven't even been challenged.
You mean when you challenged some guy to write any song with no specifications just so you can critique it?
Ok, here's a song. I,VI, IV, V, I
Chorus goes II V I
Real hard work.

Attached: 1355166873459.jpg (553x600, 57.78K)

You've failed again.

Anyone can just say "you failed".
You asked us to write a song. I did.
Now fuck off infant.

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Preform it now.

You're clearly underage.

No, I’m not

All the chords in 2 timings

Attached: Haaaaaan Solo.png (800x600, 254.5K)

Talent is completely separate from knowledge of theory. You can know all the theory you want and still be talentless. Both theoryfags and "muh soul" fags both use this to defend their poor ability. Just because you know theory doesn't mean you're able to create good music, and not knowing theory also doesn't mean your music therefore has "soul" and is automatically good on that basis.

The whole "theory vs soul" argument is perpetuated entirely by people with no talent who feel extremely insecure and use their theory knowledge (or lack thereof) as some kind of scapegoat for being shit at music.

Theory is just a tool to help you when you're stuck in songwriting, or to help you understand things better. If Bloomberg offered you a million dollars to make a jingle, you could just spend 8 seconds writing something in C major and be done with it. Like I did there, though the timing could have been better, and I should probably have used a pick.

It's shit

So what's your song you just threw together?
Play something that changes timing at least once, and uses the chords. I,VI, IV, V, I
Chorus goes II V I
You have 10 minutes.

I can't play music

How embarrassing.

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theoryfags always without exception come across as that physically repulsive faggoty nerd type who others generally can't stand to be around. i would lay you the fuck out if i ever met you face to face and thats a promise.



His songs are in 420/4 you just dont count it right

>Bruh, fuck is that?
go back to black twitter

Go back to /r/eddit

Bruh what is this

Nigga that was awful

Why are you on this board? I don't even think the average r*dditor would find this funny

hahahha LOL!

Nigga that was awful

>Just play what sounds good you cunt
but that's literally it
you might not know what a 4/4 12/8 69/69 is, but you can hear what it sounds like and you compose based on hearing alone

That’s retarded. It’s like saying to an artist that you don’t need to study perspective or anatomy. Just imagine it bro. Oh, you can’t? Too bad, guess you’re not a genius like me

You can study music by listening and being a fan of other musicians.

You can study art by looking at picture too. Doesn’t mean you will paint like them

Kek gonna use this from now on.


People following the "theory" always produce soulless crap

It's the same with vidya and movies

That's more to do with technique. Not theory. All self-taught musicians will be happy to learn and talk about technique. Just not necessarily theory.

composition, color theory, perspective, anatomy. All that shit is what makes a picture work. all that shit is studied

whats it like being a pretentious retard

No you literally can't write 4/4 as 7/4 unless you have a fucking 28 bar progression.

Your song sucks. Let me help you with a little theory.


And the chorus goes ii-V-I

It doesn't need to be studied formally. An artist has an eye for these things in daily life and just a love/obsession from their influences.

The proof is in the putting. This shit actually happens in reality all of the time.

>take 3 unfinished songs and put them together

Sounds like an Ed Sheeran rip off. Get out of my fucking board you talentless faggot

>beats his wife

What rhythm did he beat his wife in?


That’s all of their best songs though.

>what are tuplets

o thats cool theory nerd, sounds so easy you should make a good song then right?

holy shit, you fucking suck. learn theory? more like you should learn how to be good LMAO.

what a patrician

Where the lyrics?

Retard alert!

He wrote the lyrics, he didn't actually compose it you fucking knob