100 Gecs General /100GG/

This is a thread to discuss the critically acclaimed pop-absurdist duo from Illinois, '100 Gecs'.

As we approach the spring of 2020, we observe the somewhat underwhelming remix of 'Ringtone' Featuring Kero Kero Bonito, Charlie XCX, and Rico Nasty.

The remix is perhaps the first single of a teased 'remix album' (as stated by Laura Les, lead vocalist of 100 Gecs on Twitter some time ago).

Now of course with any Gecs thread we can expect in influx of people who don't get invited to parties, and may not have the musical IQ to appreciate the complex sounds of Gecs. These posters are easily addressed with memes or simply reminding them that they were filtered by a project simply not palatable to 105-IQ syndrome persons.

>Favourite Gec tune?

>Least favourite Gec tune?

>Favourite Laura pic?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>carti + gecs
peak zoomer levels have been achieved


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Kero Kero Bonito sucked the flavor out of the otherwise fun remix.

fight me

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There is literally footage of 100 gecs' live shows and they're full of ordinary teenagers-mid 20s having fun, leading me to believe you have a strange obsession with the type of people depicted in your poorly constructed meme.

Why does young adults having fun trigger you?


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This faggots will rot in hell

>the complex sounds of Gecs
This is copy and pasted top 40 autotuned pop


what do u guys think of the new GECS SINGLE?

look at his fucking face
build your own buzzband

>muh autotune

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Did you even listen to 1000 Gecs? Surely if you did, you wouldn't make such an absurd claim. One of the more notable quirks of Gecs is their completely unpredictable and unique sounds.

'Copypasted' is in fact so far from reality that it leads me to believe you might actually have no musical ear.. or perhaps you did not listen, and simply knee-jerked your opinion because the main vocalist is a transgender woman that makes you feel insecure?

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I can’t get into them. It isn’t horrible but nothing compels me.

This is the normal response to music you don't like.

this is mental illness

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stomp a tranny to death

I have a strange feeling Laura Les could actually bust your scrawny ass up and down.

You don't have a high enough iq to understand them

Because she’s a he.

Being so defensive is unbecoming.

>hey guys Laura Les is transgender

>this means that Laura Les, lead vocalist and co-producer of 100 Gecs, has male genitalia and is not a biological woman

>hey guys did you hear me? haha

I'm actually starting to get what's really going on with gec haters..lol

becumming on your mum's face


Yes, exactly.

being a dude that's so insecure with who he is, he tries to make everyone acknowledge that he's something he ISN'T is pretty unbecoming

All I said was that I don’t find the music compelling and you started sperging out at me

The music is good, I really appreciate their production, but the fanbase is absolute dogshit.

>From Illinois

I can't stand this band, I get what they're doing, a post-modern reinterpretation of the sincerity of mid to late 2000s myspace bands like the Medic Droid and Blood on the Dance Floor. To the younger generation of music listeners this sincerity is certainly appealing, in a world of irony and post-ironic posturing, and I can understand why they have a fan base
The music is just plain shit however, and the concept behind their music is nauseatingly on the nose
Fuck this shit band

I've made craps better than this album!

fraxiom and gupi make better songs without the niche im trans bullshit

I know the whole personification is mean and all, but the image represents YOU kind of people who shill for the album on /mu and not the fans of the band in general. You are 100% more likely to have things in common with that image macro than any gecs fan. Truth hurts.


i love 1000gecs but i wish laura would return to her roots in the hardcore scene
>someone who knows laura irl and would never say this to her face

how do i get into the chicago hardcore scene


u already know don't u

>The music is just plain shit however
This is the exact point where you got filtered. You have a low musical IQ and literally cannot comprehend the web of melodies and countermelodies amidst the chaos, you're too overwhelmed and childishly concentrated on 'understanding' instead of 'feeling'

Fraxiom's melodic and instrumental complexity is literally eclipsed by Gecs'.


I like music from transgenders
This is autotuned and similar to anything I hear on top 40 radio. It seems maybe YOU are pushing a political stance with this

>and similar to anything I hear on top 40 radio
Musical IQ well below average. There just isn't anything left to say to you man. You're sitting here comparing microwave noodles to michelin star noodles. Of course it tastes the same to you, you're an actual retard.

The epitome of 'filtered'.

I don't care if you like it or not, but the fact that you don't see it as any different proves demonstrably that you are in fact an idiot and you simply can't make an argument against that.

To get the Gecs:
>Think in memes, no original thoughts, just memes.
>Despise Donald Trump.
>Recognize gender dysphoria as a legitimate health issue which only cure is surgery.
>Live ironically.

hey discord buddies look i posted it again x3 rofl!!!

Why is that guy dressed like a girl?


>745 sticky remix was horrible
>ringtone remix was worse than the original

Hopefully they don't do a remix album. They should do something more like their minegala "set"



girl he geeked up

transgendered people are worthless. they will never create art of any worth

pray away corona virus


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>Favourite Laura pic

Attached: laurareddit.png (1147x1539, 1.97M)

Ok minus the meme part literally where is 100 gecs adjacent to donald trump haters or gender dysphoria? Their music has nothing to do with these topics just sounds like your forcing agendas onto fun music.

looks like a bunch of cishet white dudes. fuck Yas Forums and reddit. i go to geccs expecting to find a queer inclusive space instead its all sweaty cis dudebros. fuck off i really wish laura stayed more obscure and was just a queer thing

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I-is this the 100 gecs thread?

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Even half hidden he doesn't pass as a woman, poor Laura.

What does that have to do with their music?


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Fall Out Boy is on the remix of Hand Crushed By Mallet


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lmao he looks like a headbanger

no wait nevermind


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>big boys coming with the big trucks

>tfw welder

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You think these two will ever gain enough awareness and look back at how cringy they were

I'm sure they'll be filled with regret when they realise that some nerds on the internet thought they were lame


>Haha look i don't get it! see guys? I don't get it haha look at me

Yes they will surely regret dancing around on stage in front of hundreds of their peers who adore the music they worked hard on, gaining international following and even amassing haters.

Have you ever had fun in your entire life? Honest question.

The tranny won't live that long. 41%

>Honest queston.
This sight is 18+


you tried

Hating the duo because one is transgender is honestly a stupid argument. In the 2020s, you gotta get used to transgenders eventually just like gays. I'm not into them either, but it's really immature.

Based non-sociopathic user.

Just listened to these guys for the first time...what the fuck is the appeal? They fucking suck

The tranny REALLY needs to stop.
100 Gecs has a decent amount of potential that is completely extinguished by the tranny.

Have y'all seen Laura's husband tho? Yikes and an oof from me desu senpai.

How is it immature to be sick of a scourge of mentally ill people who force you to accept their ways instead of getting the help they need? Instead of us being blamed for not accepting them, it should be on them to seek proper treatment (i.e. therapy, not cutting their dick off)


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wtf man

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Instead of talking about memes and being a spastic who uses "retard" unironically use actual talking points why it's not top 40 pop
All you're doing is calling people idiots and retards with no substance to anything you say. It's obvious you're a trolling larper but I'd love to see how far you can go

>use actual talking points why it's not top 40 pop
I literally explained how you were wrong about this.

I can actually envision your pasty, emotionless face based on how you type, too.

>use actual talking points
You think you know what that term means, but you do not

they get the help they need by transitioning

>The remix is perhaps the first single
Fucking retard

So, just tried listening to this and it sounds pretty bad. Maybe it's purposefully harsh/annoying to the ear like TMR is purposefully harsh/annoying, though. I'm sure someone could convince themselves the supposed complexity of its composition gives it merit.

I'm guessing all the attention/threads/trolling are more about the surrounding culture wars than the music itself, because it sounds like a YouTube compilation of sped-up anime music or something. Maybe I'll enjoy it after I've read a few more articles about how revolutionary it is.

it's just a pop album that reutilizes tropes from shitty genres in a nostalgic and fun way bro, you're looking too deep into it, there's no complexity to it other than having good production, all the "high IQ" posters are trolling all it takes to enjoy gecs is to not take yourself so seriously lmao

> all it takes to enjoy gecs is to not take yourself so seriously lmao

But it... also just sounds bad? How would "taking myself less seriously" add to my enjoyment?

>also just sounds bad
that's subjective
>How would "taking myself less seriously" add to my enjoyment?
by not expecting all music to be revolutionary or complex and just enjoying a fun pop album

>It just sounds bad
Elaborate. Too noisy for you granpappy?

100gecs has the same audience as iwrestledabearonce. Prove me wrong.

Bloodstains is an incredible song. Really that whole first EP is highly underrated.

Saw them at the Philly show and met Dylan. Super excited for the NYC shows.

what makes you say that?

Like I said, maybe the sound is harsh/annoying like the sound of TMR is harsh/annoying, but I'm guessing most people would find it hard to listen to. I never said all music needs to be revolutionary or complex, just that Gecs' fans enjoyment of the album seems less to do with the music and more to do with the trolling. I'm also not denying that YouTube anime music nostalgia could be pleasant to some. I'm sincerely glad you're such a fun guy and can enjoy it.

I'd call it unpleasantly erratic/disjointed/harsh (again, like TMR), but I didn't get through much of it. I guess I didn't listen to much of whatever nostalgia it's supposedly invoking.

>less to do with the music and more to do with the trolling
Leave this site, Boomer. If you can't tell who is false flagging and who is trolling vs those that are actually enjoying the music, then just fuck off.

Bait = taken.

>all the "high IQ" posters are trolling

There is literally no other conclusion a low musical IQ person could arrive at. I don't blame you.

Go back to your kendrick lamar and autiechre or whatever pseuds listen to xD

>Merely pretending

Bloodstains is what made them click for me

Lol relax man, I'm 23. I'm just suggesting Gecs' fans seem more like a hodgepodge of trolls and people convincing themselves they like purposefully bad-sounding music than genuine fans of the music. I'm sorry this upsets you!

Then they aren't fans, they are simply trolls and drones.

>people convincing themselves they like purposefully bad-sounding music
i loved it on first listen man, just accept some people like things you don't


I never said or even implied that people can't genuinely enjoy things I don't. Again, I'm just fairly certain you enjoy this album like most people enjoy 'critically acclaimed' but difficult art: retroactively. The opinion came before the listen.

Sort of like someone banging a symbol loudly in your ear. I'm sure a masochist could enjoy it, but would it be because that noise sounds good? No.

>Again, I'm just fairly certain you enjoy this album like most people enjoy 'critically acclaimed' but difficult art: retroactively
Is this a sincere belief of yours? What evidence do you have to back this up? Walt about all the living counterexamples to your claim? Don't be a dumbass. People genuinely enjoy harsh noise that gets no critical attention.

The ad hom is getting old. I don't believe you guys enjoy the music on this album so much as you enjoy the surrounding attention and controversy. Asking for evidence is moronic considering it's all just my conjecture and I don't know any "living counterexamples," hence my stance.

Convincing me you sat and enjoyed this album, with no pretense, just isn't going to happen. It sounds bad. Sorry mate!

Further question: did you like TMR?

Yeah I like TMR, not as much tho.
Also I saw the album cover a few times on Yas Forums several months ago. I dididn't even read the threads, but I listened to the album, and enjoyed it all before even knowing one of the singers was a trans.
It is all conjecture, and I'm telling you your conjecture is clearly wrong. You have normies eating this shit up too. It isn't even that abrasive or noisy.

>Also I saw the album cover a few times on Yas Forums several months ago. I dididn't even read the threads, but I listened to the album, and enjoyed it all before even knowing one of the singers was a trans.
pretty much the same experience here, when i got to the first interlude i just couldn't stop laughing. album is a blast honestly, it's really funny, has great songwriting and creative production
i like TMR too, one of my fav albums, but there's not a lot of similarities with gecs, they're way more melodic

>I literally explained how you were wrong about this.
You explained nothing you just screamed about iqs and called people retards

>i just couldn't stop laughing
you're either trolling or have a turbo cringe sense of humor.
>has great songwriting and creative production
and you wonder why he thinks you're trolling

i guess i do man, i'm sorry i don't have a patrician sense of humor like you. it's ok

>has great songwriting and creative production
Literally they do though. In what world does "Ringtone" have bad songwriting?

i like their music so i want to go to their show in seattle but i fucking hate trannies and fags so i am still debating buying a ticket

i also dont want to have to stare at laura on stage as he is an abomination upon the eyes. what do bros?

what, specifically, made you laugh? what was funny?
you can stop being a detestable gay zoomer now

>you can stop being a detestable gay zoomer now
Ill take that as your concession that you can't describe how they have poor songwriting.

The dog woof and other sound effects in the brostep breakdown on 745 sticky are silly and I can see how someone could have a sensible chuckle from that.

the shows have videos on yotube. it's mostly late teens-mid 20s raver types.

Also if your'e uncomfortable being in the physical presence of trannies, YOU have mental illness, not just them.

>what, specifically, made you laugh? what was funny?
the over the top autotune and mixing on the first song and the brostep drop afterwards made me lose my shit
then the rant at the beginning of money machine
then when it got to the first interlude it literally sounded like a clown falling down stairs and i just couldn't stop laughing and shortly afterwards a fucking ska song comes in

We be at the game, yeah, but we never play them
He could be in danger, I still wouldn't save him
I be in the front like Rudolph the Reindeer
I can tell you got a crush, that's the reason why you came here

'great songwriting' lmao

>Hello everyone! I do not know what songwriting means, but I pretend like I do

Oh and I'm talking about the original mix, not the remix, dumbass

>the over the top autotune and mixing on the first song and the brostep drop afterwards made me lose my shit
you literally do not know what the word mixing means, if you thin 745 sticky had mixing worth laughing at. That or you are listening through 4$ buds.

The drums, vocal melodies, and main instrumental melodies (even the countermelody) are balanced quite well. The experimental counter-melody that sounds like a perverted strings instruments is leveled appropriately into the background noise and the drums are at about 80% volume so that the main instruments and vocals take the frontline.

I mean this with absolute sincerity and without trolling: you do not know what mixing is, and you are a pseudointellectual.

The 'Brostep drop' is not only quite different from a tyoi\cal 'brostep' drop in that it's a tailored sample distortion and not just a simple default instrument tweaked, but is quite BLARINGLY intentional in an 'absurbist' manor as a quip while maintaining its' significance in the artists' understanding of music theory (if you didn't know, both members of 100 gecs went to college for sound engineering. Literally.).

You literally just aren't smart enough to engage in a discussion about what you're trying to discuss. there are reviews on 100 gecs by degree holding experts in music etc. and you're here on an anonymous baord saying, basically, 'I dont get it'.

Please take a moment, right now, to reflect and consider ths possibility that you simply have a low musical IQ. The rest of us see it, but you do not.

Pick another hobby, maybe crafting models or drawing.

uhhhh you realize i like gecs right
nice digits btw

i replied to the wrong post. i am almost blackout drunk at 2pm