/chart/ thread

rec rate b8 h8
guess stuff about people

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oneohtrix point never - replica

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Holy cow that's based

yabba dabba doo
Vektroid - Polytravellers
Transient Stellar - Rkodr
Coaltar of the Deepers - Submerge
Seefeel - Quique

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streets of whiterun makes me cry
Roedelius - Wenn der Südwind weht
Nuno canavarro - Plux Quba
nouns - dogs

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nice i think ive seen this chart before. killer
Hovvdy - Cranberry

i used to love mute math, they're legit. nice stuff on here.
Family Might - Floor Connections

++2814, Bark Psychosis, Nujabes
+many others
you listen to Uyama Hiroto? he worked with Nujabes a lot and his albums are maybe even better

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anyone know of any good reggae albums/comps/eps/etc?

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skyrim soundtrack is a masterpiece

first kill bill poster i've seen kinda a 50/50 of based and cringe
really good shit here anons

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Kirlian selections- the flashbulb
World's end girlfriend- dreams come to an end
Dirty projectors- dirty projectors

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Sparks- kimono my house
Tak shindo-mganga

Great taste in ambient and jazz.
Jon Hassell - Forth World and Aka/Darbari/Java
Mo Boma - Myths of the Near Future
Paul Schutze - The Surgery of Touch
Stephan Micus - Listen to the Rain
Tomasz Stanko Quintet - Dark Eyes
Jan Garbarek - It's OK To Listen to the Grey Voice
>clock dva
Based, I prefer their earlier albums but buried dreams is also great, hide is one of my favourite tracks from them. Try Severed Heads - Since the Accident.
The Dream Academy - The Dream Academy
Grover Washington Jr - Winelight
>naked city
Also based
God - Possesion
Psykovsky - Da Budet

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sorry for lazy

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UMO- IC 01 Hanoi

No excuses, reply to others IMMEDIATELY


globe unity - compositions
ghost - ghost (1997)
camilo tirado - outdoor museum of fractals/555hz
morricone - veruschka
bogdan raczynski - boku mo wakaran
porter ricks - biokinetics
matthias urban - gideon's disease
woo - which ever way
meitei - komachi

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gil & jorge - ogum xango
the alchemist - israeli salad
12 year old tranny
oingo boingo nothing to fear
yes, the gladiators
if you enjoy this : youtu.be/KTcZSl96biI , listen to their records
shawn kemp - softwehr
enduser comparing paths
mlfaw by goreshit if you haven't checked it out yet

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ugly cassanova - sharpen your teeth
black heart procession - 2
cassiber- man or monkey

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I just imagine you sitting in front of your computer for hours coding in C++ in one window and snorting at memes in the other. Probably wears glasses and has an above average computer. Wears big chunky motherfucker headphones.
Trentemoller - The Last Resort
Vangelis - Themes
CCCP - 1964-1965
LSD and the Search for God - s/t
I'm going to rec you Sun Ra - Atlantis just cuz
I feel like you love Fleetwood Mac but won't admit it
Harlem River Drive - s/t
Sorry I can't
Royksopp - Melody A.M.
OMD - Architecture and Morality
ABC - The Lexicon of Love
You fucking boomer
Love - Forever Changes
T2 - It'll All Work out in Boomland
These recs are too good. You honestly don't deserve them.
Miles Davis - On the Corner
I don't know anything except that album by flying lotus, but one of your albums say Detroit, so you're good by me.
Also, I gave King Krool a listen last week and it wasn't bad. You can tell he actually puts effort into his work.
The Sound - Jeopardy, my dude

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You'll grow out of your "Progressive Rock = Best rock" phase soon

>the sound - jeopardy
listened to it already thanks tho
the index - index (the black album)

Glad you liked him
I rec ptah, the el daoud - alice coltrane + pharoah sanders and quasimoto - the unseen (personal favorite)

Fire! Orchestra- enter

I heard it when it came out. I was impressed, but it's a little too atonal for my taste

I'm not too good at recs so I'm just gonna post my chart

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No, too dissonant, that's what I mean.

Also, it has a bit of that "too artsy for it's own good" thing going on and I'm not about that shit.

This should be Yas Forumscore!

goldfrapp - black cherry
lou reed - the black mask

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Based Ecco2k

Tatsuro Yamashita - For You
or anything in my chart

Kid Dakota - So Pretty

Standing on the Corner - Red Burns
N.O.D - Niggaz of Destruction
Teen Wanted Men - Wanted Dead or Alive

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Listened to all of those, love em besides the SOTC one

Nice, have you listen to H.O.H - Livin In A Casket?

Gangsta Boo - Enquiring Minds
Mauve Sideshow - Dark Flowers
Twink - Supercute
Old Hearts Club - Old Hearts Club

What qualities do you perceive about me?

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new so cant really recc

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No I haven’t thank you
I like his collab with Chris Travis I’ll check it out

>Bolt Thrower
Methinks you are quite based

what albums are the bottom row?


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Helvetia- Headless machine of the heart

Absolute based boi

Gastr del sol - upgrade and afterlife
Lord snow - solitude
Ricky eat acid - three love songs
David attias - elephant

very good chart, try scars - author! author!
leonard cohen - songs from a room

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more alternative/outsider pop recommendations?

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all big name major label. industry insider albums....

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Momus? Katie Dey? Hoops? They're big names? With the others I guess that's true.
idk man I want more weird lofi pop stuff that isn't super experimental or abrasive

Holy shit you’re a drone. Listen to more music for ten years before composing another chart

Where's your chart lad

>Twink - Supercute
wtf bro I'm not gay

Shove your head in a garbage disposal

Beograd - Remek Depo
Videosex - Videosex84
Clan of Xymox - Clan of Xymox
Front 242 - Official Version
Nitzer Ebb - That Total Age

im terrible at recs.

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Probably because you barely listen to music.
Listen to more music user.

i do im just retarded

You are a hiperactive yet shy girl who needs to listen to tiger trap self titled album

there are no girls here

based, but you have also never had sex
machine girl - the ugly art
good shit, clipping. - There Existed An Addiction To Blood
37 years old
stoner college dropout
based but nothing is coming to mind in terms of a rec
boomer music but ok ig
delete the oliver tree and it would be ok
reminds me of what my chart used to look like, listen to some autechre
no lazyposters
you could try out some trip hop, massive attack - mezzanine if you havent heard it
lil b - 6 kiss
youd probably like most of the stuff in Yas Forumscore
i would not pass you the aux, good music but not my type of thing
same for have a nice life - deathconsciousness
you need to listen to more music in general
jon hopkins - immunity
good taste but you probably study cs
ugly man, bad bait
youd probably like carrisa's wierd - songs about leaving
my favorite anime :)
cool i guess i dont really listen to much rock
tropical fuck storm - braindrops
i havent listened to much japanese music sorry
listen to some bedhead

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Try Elvis Perkins

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I'm really bad at recommendations but I'll give it a shot.
Relating to you liking the 2814 album, I guess check out I'll Try Living Like This - death's dynamic shroud or Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1 if you haven't already.
I really wasn't sure what to recommend to you, my ex-girlfriend was big into draingang stuff and the like and I've heard that Trash Island - Thaiboy Digital is good.
Some really great albums here, I'm a big fan of The House of Love and Minutemen. I guess on the Japanese side of music if you're into noise rock stuff listen to I Am Not Shinzo - Xinlisupreme and on the math rock side of things AND - Tricot is one I really enjoyed.

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Fantastic threads boys

s-shut up!

