/chart/ thread

rec rate b8 h8
guess stuff about people

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oneohtrix point never - replica

Attached: march01.jpg (2473x1320, 482.75K)

Holy cow that's based

yabba dabba doo
Vektroid - Polytravellers
Transient Stellar - Rkodr
Coaltar of the Deepers - Submerge
Seefeel - Quique

Attached: february.jpg (2418x1914, 806.54K)

streets of whiterun makes me cry
Roedelius - Wenn der Südwind weht
Nuno canavarro - Plux Quba
nouns - dogs

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nice i think ive seen this chart before. killer
Hovvdy - Cranberry

i used to love mute math, they're legit. nice stuff on here.
Family Might - Floor Connections

++2814, Bark Psychosis, Nujabes
+many others
you listen to Uyama Hiroto? he worked with Nujabes a lot and his albums are maybe even better

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anyone know of any good reggae albums/comps/eps/etc?

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skyrim soundtrack is a masterpiece

first kill bill poster i've seen kinda a 50/50 of based and cringe
really good shit here anons

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Kirlian selections- the flashbulb
World's end girlfriend- dreams come to an end
Dirty projectors- dirty projectors

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