When the (((vaccine))) for COVID-19 finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on essential services...

When the (((vaccine))) for COVID-19 finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on essential services, what will be the best way to remove the nanotechnology the vaccine contains, that will keep us tracked for easy contact and reliability? Via 5G technology, of course. Do you think a standard defibrillator will work? Or will something more extreme be necessary?

Attached: Bill.jpg (970x450, 58.98K)

If we don't do it, we will fall behind china.

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I guess you'll have no choice but to take your own life.

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

Just nuke China, easy as pie
Look, JIDF, just because you see triple-brackets doesn't mean you HAVE to reply to a thread. Go spin your dreidel or something.

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You have to shoot yourself in the head. That will stop the 5Gs

>implying nanotecnology its bad for u
>implying youre not gonna be able to control it with your mind and use it to better yourself in any way possible

Nice work, faggot

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>anarchist nihilism
you say that because the world isnt burning i bet if something bad happens to u you would really shit your pants

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

This copy pasta is really gay and always has been

>replying to pasta
You need to lurk more, newfag.

we're ... already falling behind china..

oh god I hope it has chips and the xtians refuse it (and the anti-vaxxers refuse it) and the alt-right refuses it over muh freedums

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Ever notice how his wife looks more like a man

How about this? Just dont take it.

Schizotypal Personality Disease

There will be large sections of people that refuse it.

The real purpose of the immunizations is global mass sterilization / castration of all males regardless of age.

The nanobots / nanomachines in the vaccine over a period of 6 to 8 years will painlessly sterilize all males regardless of age, then thereafter all the males will develop testicular tumors / cancer in both testicles, requiring removal of both testicles.

10 to 15 years from now the world will be full of castrated males, very few fertile males will remain.

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What about it, amigo?

There's nothing we can do to stop the stupidity from happening. So I plan to just enjoy the inevitable conspiracy theorist shitstorm. Fake reality tv can't compete with these people, there lives are just naturally dumpster fires.

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>I am free

Attached: Flouride Stare.jpg (600x314, 36.22K)

Only way is injecting bleach or injecting sunlight

sure gonna be laughing at the fucking retards taking the Bill vaccine and get either paralyzed, chipped, sterilized or straight up killed.

Body windows, small windows into the body which allow sun light into cleanse body/blood are already in development.

>i am not a paranoid schizophrenic

We are all trolling right?

No one really believes any of this?

Someone, reassure me.

Hahaha, it's so funny when people don't take vaccines, amirite?

Better dead and unable to breathe than... not either of those things, because vaccines nowadays have standards.

Enjoy your seasonal chance of permanent suffocation, asshole.

I wish I could tell you that people don't actually believe this and it's a troll, but I can't. I'm sure it started out as a troll but there ARE susceptible, paranoid, low-iq people out there that will actually believe it. That's why it was trolled to begin with, to thin the stupid out from the herd.

You forgot to mention the nanobots have HD lasers.

Who are you to deny the entitlement of The Dark Prince Messiah, the AntiChrist, The Divine Retribution William Gates?
Begine peasant!