Gentlemen, i bring you Crash getting his face nutted on. With Crash down, who shall be my next victim?

Gentlemen, i bring you Crash getting his face nutted on. With Crash down, who shall be my next victim?

Attached: Cumming on Crash.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Obvi his sister coco

Fucking sad kek

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Here are the candidates

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Any takers?

>Dubs Pick Joshi

Thrust your fat dick inbetween R.O.B.'S arms like hes giving you one big handjob.

Attached: 1200px-Garfield_the_Cat.svg.png (1200x716, 132.5K)

This and the trips require delivery.

Trips... You gotta do it OP.

Attached: star_trek_return_of_the_archons_4262.jpg (300x224, 18.75K)

Coming right up!

pussy wont deliver

Yah he better its a good trip too.

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Can it be me?

OP delivers.

Attached: ROB grabs a throbbing object.webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)

He might be able to make me cum actually, its not too bad thrusting in his lil arms

Yoshi in pooper, cum on bowzer

Light them on fire instead


one cum on bowser comin up


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Unironically the best thread on/b/ rn.

set yoshi on fire and put it out by nutting on he

Damnit, i can't cum lol. Here's a pic instead i guess

Attached: bowser.jpg (899x1133, 101.76K)

The power of the dubs are stopping you from doing so as yoshi ain't in your anus op

WTF this is real

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The absolute madman....

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Nick Wilde eagerly awaits his turn get some cum. But this time, he wants it in his ass.

Attached: nick.jpg (1759x1321, 239.15K)

"Come to bed, OP-Chan!" The hungry fox calls, as he eagerly presents himself for entry onto the bed

Attached: NickRear.jpg (997x1329, 137.52K)


Alrighty, op signing out. It's getting late here, been fun!

Send me a chat msg on imgur sometime if you want another thread tomorrow or something, username is Roadhog26

I'd link my telegram but i dunno if there's traceable shit on there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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