I feel like an alien species observing humans. I can do all the things to fit in but I don't understand them...

I feel like an alien species observing humans. I can do all the things to fit in but I don't understand them. It's a fun thought, anyone else experience?

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you're not special

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Keep it a thought, you sure as hell aren't different.

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I remember being 19 once

op has autism

+ I'm not psychopathic, maybe sociopathic but not 100% as I've cried recently caring for someone else. I run little social experiments all the time just for my own interest. Such as making people feel uncomfortable slightly to see how they'll react.

Yes, actually. I don't seem to feel very human.

People are somewhat like dogs or maybe spiders to me. I just don't understand what makes them do the things they do. For example, I know its "good" to give people presents because they may return in kind and there's some very small chance of a higher reward on some strange larger scale, but in the end, I don't know why anyone would sacrifice that much when that person will probably like you not much more than otherwise anyway and not be me more or less likely to provide you things.

Honestly, its not too bad of a deal though to put on my human mask. Other people just seem so worried about everything.

Actually, to be honest, other people often feel like threats to me and its comforting to see them hurt.

Yes I am and so are you!

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Doesn't really say much, though. Doesn't seem too different since everyone is different and can't fully understand each other.

Depression, schizophrenia, psychopathy, anxiety, general loneliness, even things like tourette's, ADHD and, to an extent, OCD could cause this in a negative way.
If you say its just a fun thought and there's nothing more to that thought, then I guess you're somewhere between the ages of 14 and 20 or are trying to explain something that is impossible to truly explain...

i feel like niggers are a bunch of chimpanzee apes

congratulations, you're a sociopath

Oh, or now I think about it, you could just be really subtle and somewhat interesting troll.

Most humans have specific chemical releases to encourage positive herd behavior, as it has been evolutionary advantageous. The way you were raised rewired your brain so these chemical releases are too small to encourage the behavior in you. It's wired you to be afraid of people, which is unfortunate. This abnormality can be mitigated with certain drugs if you are ever interested.


don't insult chimps like that

>All these things.
We see the bigger picture and we're not supposed to. It's nice to be able to talk about it. Like you said giving presents/doing good things is only for personal gain.
Personally though I don't see others as lesser, just a fascinating study.

> I run little social experiments all the time just for my own interest.

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>Drugs that can help sociopathy or whatever I presented there?
...Okay I can't keep this gay troll up any more because I'm actually genuinely curious what these drugs are you refer to. I had no idea that I had mentioned something treatable.

Bumping for information about mentioned chemicals/drugs.

Binge drink alcohol for a few years, kills off the free thinking brain cells.

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Nothing extraordinary. Anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, and mood regulation medicine. Combine this with DBT, and sociopathic and psycopathic behavior becomes treatable. People tend to think psychopath is some fixed human state because of hollywood potrayals of these personality real disorders, but they are indeed very treatable.

"Wise" old ones, couldn't fathom this as anything more than "some dumb kid thoughts" so use age difference as an insult.
Learn something new everyday or your dumb, I say.

I'll have to look into psychopathy more, then. Its interesting to me. Especially since I'm a writer and this could be an interesting thing to think about in relation to some of my villains, some of whom are deliberately meant to have mental illnesses that seem impossible or bizarre and others who might actually just be sociopaths or psychopaths haven't really decided yet...

I hadn't realized I was harboring such a misled generalization so strongly.

Hopefully this is not offensive, but mental illness is often a lazy tool for writing villains, and it simply perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Real world bad guys think what they are doing is correct for complicated reasons. A focus on these reasons can develop a character and leave an audience even sympathizing with an otherwise evil bastard. "This character is evil because they are crazy" is shallow, and only exists today as a writing trope because of the literal legal banning of making villains have any likable trains in television during the 20th century (because of a dumb moral crusade).

Researched it more
>. Right now, however, the data we have on rehabilitation of psychopathy is somewhat muddled, with some studies indicating it is possible and other studies suggesting treatment could actually make things worse. Until we have a more definitive answer, we should be hesitant about assuming psychopathy is untreatable; at the same time we should be exploring controlled experiments that allow us to obtain a better understanding of the response of the psychopath to rehabilitation.
Hmm... No clear answer. That's kind of annoying.
Oh well.

Personality disorders are highly stigmatized because of a complicated history (part of which you can blame cinema for). I wouldn't trust a studies that weren't done in recent years. Psychology is an evolving field, and good research is finally being done in that area. The DSMV lists these personality disorders as treatable.

>lazy tool for writing villains,
I would disagree with you, as despite what I say, I would not actually just be using these as little 'tags'. I intend my villains to be complex.
>Real world bad guys think what they are doing is correct for complicated reasons.
But that's the real world and actually, a lot of criminals who do bad things will do so because they have some mental issue i.e. that something bad has happened and made them snap.

That said, depending on how I write it, I think its pretty shallow to assume I can't have a shallow evil villain and not make it work. Sometimes, a simple villain can just mean this is a thing that works and I'm using it differently.
> only exists today as a writing trope because of the literal legal banning of making villains have any likable traits
Okay you lost me. This sounds really far-fetched, I'm afraid. I've literally never heard of any such ban. What country are you from because that's not a thing here in the United States which I would typically imagine someone stereotyping us as banning.

Its not bad to have a villain that acts bad. Stories don't have to be as realistic as many people seem to think for one thing...

Oh well.. addendum there is one villain that isn't as complex? But that's because its explored differently.

Oddly, people seemed to like this particular villain even though I myself was a bit worried that he would just be "crazy villain". Probably the way he spoke I guess. I used him as an "excuse" to have more poetic imagery in his dialogue.

Another addendum because I forgot to also add importantly that I don't just open up the DSMIV and slap my finger on a page.
I intend to look into how the disorders actaully work and what they are like so I can use that as a vague baseline to think about my characters and maybe say they have them.
Sometimes, I might do that some other way around, both with villains and with protags or whatever, where I become curious what a person who has a particular problem would be like.
But that's no different than some of the standard recommended methods of coming up with characters where you watch people do things or notice odd behavior or interesting things about them and think about what sort of life that person may lead, how they may think, act etc. and then come up with a character from that.

You are free to write how you want. I just urge you to think about it if you are in writing as a career. FCC decency regulations really limited how and what could be on TV for a long time. There is a long history that is quite fascinating. A good place to start is looking into the American Western, where morals had to be simple, black & white, and the hero wasn't allowed faults. I tried to find a digestible video for you on the subject, but only came up with this rather long, but good, video that touches on the subject.


People do these things you mentioned, for example positive gestures, to reassure eachother that they are part of the same team and understand social cues and unspoken norms. Its a system that evolved to weed out weirdos like you who either cant or wont play by the rules.

Yes! I too am autistic!
