Is number of deaths per million in USA very very strong?

Is number of deaths per million in USA very very strong?

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try google dumbass

Our death count per million isn't as high up there and dramatic statistically and mathematically as the media portrays it.

The reason we go by number of deaths per million is because we're 1 country with approaching 340 MILLION population where as Sweden has like 10 million for instance.

A lot of people don't realize we're not an entire continent.

But is it very strong?

this, also the fuckin people who died in the us so far are mainly really old people with underlying health issues and in all likelihood would have died this year at some point regardless.

The young healthy people who died is a bit of a tragedy.


In fact it is very weak.

But why did the President say it is very very strong?

I'd have to see in what context he says it in. I don't watch the medias very often.

If he's saying strong as in it's a lot, then no, it is not a lot.

If he's saying strong as in the country has done a good job mitigating a lot of deaths, then yes. It's strong.

aaaaaaaaaaaand it's another episode of.. What Trump Really Meant When He Said The Shit He Said.

open up america! its funny to watch you all dying

>high up there and dramatic statistically and mathematically

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I just said I haven't watched it, so I don't know the context of it, and would need to see it.

Are you this quick to get riled up over logic?

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>Are you this quick to get riled up over logic?
yeah bro I'm fapping real hard now as we speak

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Yes there are countries with more deaths per million than the u.s.

I know. But did you know that I'm naked?

all people who make more money off of unemployment than their actual jobs if they ever had one to begin with before the pandemic

you idiots should fuck off to another country, you're free to leave. Let some immigrants with an IQ above 85 come in to do your jobs for you. we'll be better off for it.

> I don't watch the medias very often

> a good job mitigating a lot of deaths

You obviously watch one side of the medias if you believe this to be true.

Tremendous numbers. People are saying the most tremendous numbers ever. Nobody has ever had such tremendous numbers. Tremendous numbers. The lying fake news doesn't report about my tremendous numbers.

lel epic troll my guy XD
how on earth are you single while being so funni XD

Hopefully a credit has been deposited into your blueshare account.

>people who make more money off of unemployment than their actual jobs
but bro that's literally impossible where I live.

>You don't like America? Well, fuck off then!
>Oh, you're not American? Well, fuck your opinion then!
Catch22 for conservatards.

I gave two examples of context it could be put it in.

Since you lack all critical thinking, and ability for context clues; please add a third context.

Another alternative is that you could just outright tell me the context he put it in.

the same in every country

USA number 1 in covid deaths
USA number 1 in gun violence
46% of Americans don't believe in Evolution
40% of Americans don't think Gay Marriage should be legal.
America has the 4th largest wealth gap in the world, only topped by Chile, Mexico and Turkey, and it's growing by 4% per year.

and #1 most moronic leader

seriously, what a joke of a country.

>but muh boats and planes!
big fucking deal when China owns your ass lol

why do americans struggle with google?

Why yes, how did you know?

You should strive to be more important. Your life will be easier and you won't have to message discord girls about your problems in life hoping they like you out of pity.

Very strong. Very big. The biggest.

USA hundreds of millions more in population than the other countries.

>guns = covid19 deaths
>evolution = covid19 deaths
>who cares, it's legal and has nothing to do with covid19

>imagine a moron getting further in life than you ever will

>china is about to owe the world a huge debt by spreading a virus it's known about since november

Do you ever get sick of the smell of your own asshole? I guess not since your head is up it the entire time.

Just leave the country, you're not forced to stay. There's a reason you need a system that coddles and babies you.

oh no his blood pressure is about to spike as he types at the speed of light i can hear the heartbeats as he responds to you lmao im in discord with this kid he's a sperg 22 yr old in his parents basement, literally.

I can tell he doesn't have much experience in the world. I bet he thinks all boomers need to die and doesn't realize he has a boomer or two supporting his every need.