The perfect body for a woman

The perfect body for a woman

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Can we get some babecocks with this girl?

Ok pedophile.

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OP Pic is gorgeous.

>turr hurr anyone who doesn't like fat hambeast San Antonio women is a pedo hurr
Seriously, quit voicing your own insecurity. Anyone who prefers a fat fuck marshmallow woman has serious mental illness.

pedo my ass

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imho the only kind of women that should be allowed to procreate.
the only true humans

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Thats a guy

that's what a woman looks like when she actally cares for herself

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you posted a whale
the girl in the OP is indeed the ideal bodytype. mad, roastie?


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>inb4 someone starts posting their favorite sheboon "ebony goddess" with fucked up body proportions

lol you fags sound like the insecure ones
Protip: if you don't like both those girls you are probably a faggot

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add a couple centimeters between the hips and knees and im sold.

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>you fags
>you are probably a faggot
your argument is "if you don't like overweight, out-of-shape lard buckets, you're gay"
you sound like a retard, but you posted a hot girl so you get a pass
just kidding, you're still a fucking retard. saved the pics btw. thanks retard.

wrong, this is the perfect female body.

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>your argument is "if you don't like overweight, out-of-shape lard buckets, you're gay"
Might want to get your test levels checked bud

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This is

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nice dubs
server w/ plenty of thiccoritas

Translation: I’m a gay faggot let me see your cock fellow gay faggots

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>that's what a woman looks like when she actally cares for herself
And is on steroids to boot.

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Both of you are retarded
>overweight, out-of-shap lard buckets
what type of concentration camp do you run to think that that's an overweight woman?
And not liking big tits doesn't make you gay

Are both of you faggots trolling me? Am I not understanding something? Fucking hell

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haha am I funny yet


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these girls are not heavier than me with tits larger than their fucking pedos

if you fantasize about fucking Flea, then by all means

fat ass American cannot even imagine people exist who dedicate their life to achieve a goal

as long as the flea is 6'6 tall and a bio woman I'd smash that

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>fat ass American cannot even imagine people exist who dedicate their life to achieve a goal
I'm not American, she's a professional athlete. She is on steroids, just like every other professional athlete. That's all I wanted to say, you're reading too much into it and assuming a whole lot.

Christ almighty, why would you want to ruin perfectly good women with dicks. You neanderthals have plenty of other gay as fuck threads to post this shit in. go be gay somewhere else.

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