Girl's made for BEC (Big Elephant Cock) thread: #3

Girl's made for BEC (Big Elephant Cock) thread: #3

Attached: BEC elephant cock humanbois BTFO cucks.jpg (1281x730, 399.69K)

my nigga, what?


Can we get more

both of you are fucking disgusting niggers


I have lost everything i valued i need something to look at

look down an ar muzzel

bitch u

>ar muzzel
If i had a gun i wouldn't be spending my time here i'd be hunting or at a shooting range

Elephant are superior

I wish there even was legit elephant bestiality
nigger&horse&dog&pig is getting old
talking beast on bitch, obviously

BUMP for interest


BEC addicted niggerboi

another one bites the dust lmfao cuck


This idea was fun until all the samefag bumping and shit.

Got a chuckle

and why are you bumping too?

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>you just know

You just know.

Tiny body made for humongous cock

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trunklets literally cannot compete

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god damn it...
Now I want to see them drink elephant cum

all jokes aside her body is actually breathtaking



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Agreed and I thought it was funny until "dessert dust" so now I know it was just made by an uneducated nigger. Body is crazy though God damn

need name of the gril

Attached: !zayre! sick evangelion shemale scat hentai (no lie!) - asuk.jpg (653x768, 67.16K)

how do we even compete with THAT?

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dude I know

Honestly think I'm a sissy little beta at this point
she needs better elephants than me

Literally made for elephant cocks