What if trump does lose? what then?

what if trump does lose? what then?

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Biden would be the idiot in chief the ass kissing will come from cnn/nbc/etc and the critique will come from fox, the people will be equally fucked

then hillary will be president because biden will either die or end up in a nursing home before his first year is up

Go after him in the courts. Nail him for tax Fraud.
Anything & Everything.

Course the faggot declared or in the process of becoming Florida residency to attempt to escape NY authorities.

i dont know, I dont know who is running or when the election is, I dont care. how long has trump been on offic was it 4 or 8.

Half of me says there is no way Trump can lose to Biden. The other half says they're definitely going to steal FL, PA, MI and then the massive riots and death squads begin.

A degree of normalcy and decency returns to America. We begin to repair the damage he has caused.

>Democrat in power
Pic one

Something is telling me the republicans are going to rig the election. I'm not sure if it be through restricting voter booths, cancelling mail-in ballots, or advocating for voter id laws. Just kidding, there doing all three at once in the current time.

So you don't need an ID to exercise one right, but need an ID for just about every other right.

Makes sense to me.

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None of this really matters

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Economy improves

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there's a right to drive a car in our Constitution?

We heal.

you should question your life.

We'll show antifa how to stage a goddamn revolution

kinda like how Biden is activly covering up his sexual allegations...right?

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says the crowd who shit all over freedom of the press and gun rights

you commies need to be flung out of helicopters

>one thousand
>ten hundred
>pick one

Then we start mopping up his mess, and start making America respectable again

Shut up, dumb ass

>says the crowd who shit all over freedom of the press and gun rights

your right to own guns has been suppressed in America?

also, isn't it Trump's Republican Party that is actively shitting all over media? Fake news, etc?

you seem very confused.

Then "they" have control over you again. Enjoy.

Will we have to provide our own tiki torches?

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Well we can safely say he's not the anti-Christ, even if he gets 4 more year, you retards will still hate him, and everyone's gonna like the anti-Christ. according to revelations. They gonna fool everyone! lol

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Protip: commies like guns

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no really, who is "they"? what are you baselessly implying?

You can't talk sense to a trumper this late date. They were ignorant before and now the ones left are just too far gone. They waste oxygen

Who takes bump stocks?

Cletus, you put on the wrong log again.

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It's hilarious. This is how Trump will be remembered; for absolutely fucking up a response to a pandemic which erased whatever "gains" his loyal supporters actually thought he was responsible for (which, btw, he was responsible for none of it).

cute bait dear

Despite all those allegations being debunked, and the "grabbin em by the pussy" thing all guys do, and you are only lying if you try and say otherwise.

Thing Diff with Biden tho.... He actually pushed a girl up against a wall and actually grabbed her...and more.. by the pussy. Kinda funny that one, Trump only said it, your guy actually did it, believe one of those is worse than the other. But as usual, instead of actually debunking that shit, Biden's actively covering it up. lol

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>muh constitution
has putin's cock in his mouth
"i have total authority"
threatens to dismiss congress

you traitors need to be rounded up and shot with your own guns
not like you will use them for the intended purpose of resisting a corrupt government, you're bending over for it

seeing a picture of biden with obama today reminded me of this old man:


that's what would be president.

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Yeah, Know what, when a giant asteroid falls from space and destroys half the earth, lets blame that on Trump too! It's obviously something that's in his control! It's all his fault!

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I only want him to win so I can watch the butthurt. Couldn't believe the literal crying and screaming when he won years ago. It was hilarious and strange at the same time to observe so I can only imagine the butthurt if he wins again. It will sustain me for years to come.

They were debunked, just cause your fake news still likes to bring it up, does not change the fact.