Daily reminder for godtards: your god's fake, your heaven's fake, your hell's fake...

Daily reminder for godtards: your god's fake, your heaven's fake, your hell's fake, your baby jesus was nothing more than plagiarised fiction, your religion is a scam designed to separate idiots from their cash, your priest knows that he is a liar and you are a knuckle dragging, drooling gigatard. Questions?

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Do you know what happens after the expiration of the brain and heart? Neither do I. I'll wait.

Yes I do. It's game over. Permanently. There is no good reason to believe otherwise. Anyone who who tells you it's not the absolute end is in deep cope.

No but that doesnt change the point.

I'll continue to wait.


You won't get your answer. You will be dead, but you won't know you're dead.

It's a wrong interpretation of symbolics. There is old, white bearded man in the heaven. No red skinned, hoofed guy in a fire place under the earth. The bible is fiction, based on real things. For example: Jesus is the symbol, that we all are of only one origin. 'god' (who doesn't exist as person) is a principle, that is in all of us. So that we treat others like we would treat ourselves.
The original religions are a lot like Buddhism, but it's wrong to interpret the God, Jesus, Allah and so on as real persons.And that's why all those christians a just a bunch of idiots, which only believe, what others in their group say.

There is NO old, whitebearded, smelly guy in heaven.

>God is fake
>religion is fake
>has an anime waifu
Kys faggot

lono owes me five bucks, me and jesus were fucking smoking a doobie,with thor, and lono was all like "let me hit it" you pitch in you can hit it. never paid up. wat a bitch

what do I say to you If I have no religion?


religion is fake
god is real

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>godtard-tier "debating"

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I AM God. Your argument is irrelevant.

Sage goes in all fields


Lono existed before all things, he brings rain and fertility. You literally can't prove that he doesn't so go fuck yourself.

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religion is not fake, it may be based on fallacies but its not fake. If you're gonna be a megalomaniacal atheist at least get it right.

ayy lmao

Which god is real?

good thing I don't care what you think

If that were true you would not be here

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Lono. Imagine not thinking that Captain James Cook was the reincarnation of Lono, come to celebrate a harvest festival to signify a new season but also be killed so he can be freed from his mortal shell to dispense rain and music from the heavens once more.

I pity you and your crops.

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logical fallacy

Might want to identify the type of fallacy, helps to strengthen the argument. Have a Papika

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This is now a Lono thread, post Lonos

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Just gonna wait.

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You've never heard of Odin? Weird.

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*twirls fedora*

Dubs for Lono, harvest will be good this year

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so nobody answered my question, what do I do in this thread since I don't believe in any god/gods (besides gtfo)

You shits wish you had a god as powerful as Lono

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Preteen fuck off Yas Forums

Hey dude, you dropped this.

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