A running mouth may have sharp teeth, a running mouth may gnaw and seethe

A running mouth may have sharp teeth, a running mouth may gnaw and seethe.

Be careful for flies that buzz buzz buzz, for rot is surely not what's sought.

The clues are clouds, so bring your crown; be sure to not outfox the town.

Threes is what You get, Threes is what's not sought; Threes brings numbered days upon You, Threes will bring that buzz buzz buzz.

One is what You have, One is what you have. Twos is what's at stake, for One is not that great.

If One is what You have, then Twos is what You fear, for Threes brings grief and mourn, for all of those You're near.

All rules to hear, some rules may spare, some rules to obey, all rules to comply:

a2, a3, b7, c6, c7, d1, d2, d3.

All ears.

You have what's needed, you have the map. All that's needed, is a pen with sap.

34.474334, -97.001438









Attached: output-onlineimagetools (1).png (200x200, 1.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


based and chadpilled

Bump for curious



Who does the signature belong to

The answer is balls

Attached: 213A97E0-9BD9-48E6-8229-3BFC2730F37B.png (750x1334, 345.85K)

how did you post a pgp encrypted message? i tried it the other day and it rejected it every time.

Irl coordinates are in this park

Attached: Screenshot_20200430-214416_Maps.jpg (720x1480, 717.38K)

Anyone near this area?

Attached: coordinates.jpg (1090x742, 85.96K)


Attached: Screenshot_20200430-214401_Maps.jpg (720x1480, 610.16K)


Attached: Screenshot_20200430-214406_Maps.jpg (720x1480, 445.7K)

Also bump

The numbers, Mason!

Sigh, okay give me a little bit of time and I'll look into this.

Ok so the
>A running mouth may have sharp teeth, a running mouth may gnaw and seethe.
Probably references the nearby river

The rules look like some sort of reference to regulation or something. i.e. fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/2000-9300.html

Anyone figure out the picture yet? It's not a QR code

A binary code? Maybe the gray is 1 and the black is 0, or vice versa

There's a website with part of the image's file name



Also...image is 200x200, contains only two colors, but is 1KB? There's more hidden in the image

Hope you newfags don't actually go find this, it's more than likely a homemade bomb.

Attached: 242020053801.webm (480x720, 776.28K)

Just made it into blocks so that it's easier to count

Attached: Untitled210_20200430220003.png (200x200, 8.66K)

I'm about 30 minutes away from there, why?

So can anyone on PC and preferably a virtual machine see if it can be unzipped?

Tried with 1 as gray and 0 as black, resulted in garbage. Switching the two around.

Go forth, user!

May be someone with less than legal intents

Image is base64

Attached: Untitled.png (1026x546, 68.5K)

Treasure hunting time my friend

Well now isn't that just unsettling.

Possibly relevant to pic

>output-onlineimagetools (1).png

Just checked on virus total and the puc doesn't seem to have any viruses in it

Yeah if you go be careful. Is the park even open due to corona?

Should I wait a bit? Or go now?

Says it's open online
But it seems to be quite far away from any buildings

People are going to ask you to go now. Please wait until day time at least. God knows what's there.

Dont go alone if you can help it user

Go now, if theres anything to find you have better luck being sooner than later. Keep us updated

take a friend and a gun and go

Try to wait and get some people to help incase something happens

go go go

Attached: 79EFD1E6-7842-4E15-B35A-127D4EB02CA7.jpg (1200x800, 120.19K)

Scratch that, resident retard here. Grab friends at the least if you do feel like going tonight, but daytime sounds better.

If you're crazy enough to do it you should at least take all kinds of precautions lol

Which directions? Did you tried up to down, down to up, left to right, right to left?

Ok Yas Forumsros let's try to crack the riddle
The first part seems to have something to do with the river near the given coordinates

Don't end up like VHS user from that thread