How is this gay

How is this gay

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It’s not


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It’s a man, simple really

Who is that, I'm going to need more

Fuckin men ain't gay
But fuckin men is gay?



I get it, it's a turn on that trannies can look exactly like chicks and have a dick. It's like watching fetish rape porn. It's just an odd thing that's so out there and weird it becomes hot. I can fap to some Sarina Valentina but I don't think I could fuck a tranny. In person, I bet there's no way to fool your brain into thinking it's a chick. There would be little clues everywhere, and if you have a foot fetish, fuck that. I can spot dude feet from a mile away. I bet their breath smells like a dude's too. And jfc their voices are terrible.

TLDR: Hot to me in theory, disgusting in practice. Muted porn is as far as I can go.

It’s a dude lol big feet big hands wide shoulders Adam’s apple man voice and most likely man smell. Women and men have a distinct scent and dudes when they sweat smell fucking disgusting.

Oh also dick and balls so pretty gay.

gay is a meaningless word

Because of the dick

I’m not reading any of that shut the hell up lol

To people in denial lol

Your moms pretty gay

See the dick and balls? Gay.

the balls

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I mean she married a man so I’d say she’s straight.

Lol a dude taking female hormones is still a dude. Also GAY


thats the gayest thing i've read all night

If you wouldn't fuck that you have the big homo

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Ok faggot

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Ummmm no fucking that dude would make you gay buddy get over it.

Fucked several trannies in my life, top shelf trannies are a dream come true. So not gay and if it is im a big old fag


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it's not

if that had a vagina it would be a 10/10

The thing is, I am not so much attracted to vagonis but to a cute face and nice round ass. Also I am starved of butt sex (pitcher only).
so this could work for me

but i have to say the ball sack and the dick are kinda distracting even if they are not in my main focus.

But if she manages to get me really up and ready ... am I think I'd go for it anyway