God-tier labia thread

God-tier labia thread

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more like dirt-tier

You mean roast beef thread, also no thanks coomer. Get the fuck off my board.

Looks like someone dropped a sandwich.

fucking ew

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wife's hangers

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>9000 hours in ms paint

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last one

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That's literally scar tissue
>A key that can open many locks is a master key
>A lock that any key will open is a broken lock

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Threadly reminder that the left can't meme for shit.

Kek. An upvote for you

Me likey

Is that you Mom?

>That's literally scar tissue

You are literally retarded.

Much like your diminutive penis, there are many physical attributes that have a significant amount of variation in size and appearance.

Back to r'eddit with you, faggot

What's your mom doing on Yas Forums?

Or more of a pressing question, what am I doing on your mom?

I cant tell if this is bait or you are 12/retarded

S'okey, you're allowed to be dumb. Embrace it, lots of people do.

No. It's literally not. It's literally labia, you dumbfuck.

Does anyone have the unedited version of this without the text?

hurrrrr someone used the extremely common convention of two lines between paragraphs. must be from reddit

Here's some God tier tits: xnxx dotskis com slashskis video-getahbd slashskis lorena_saggy

I have extra labia and i'm curious if guys are actually bothered by it

Labia minora, in fact.
Only virgins thing labia get larger the more sex a woman has.

nice meat flaps on her

I love it. I love pulling on them, licking them, sucking them, rubbing my nose up in them... and of course fucking them. I have a huge fetish for them.

>do all men like X
Has it occurred to you that preferences exist, like some dudes will love it and some won't. Find one that does.

That said, having strong opinions on labia is the sign of a true beta virgin

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show em

thoughts on these

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Looks like a pretty and normal pussy to me :)

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I love hanging labia because it feels awesome having a pussy in my mouth.

my gf pussy

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girls with flaps are very hot. Your dick just disappears when you plow a girl who's smooth. A girl with flaps wraps your cock.

I'd be all over these.

literally top tier vaginas

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Nevermind, found it.

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Fuck yeah, I want that on my face so bad.


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(Roast) Beef Tataki