Come on in and have a talk

come on in and have a talk

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Bought a steel series headset and the mic dont fuckin work no matter what I do

what's up OP

Extremely lonely for about a year now and i don't know if i'll ever feel the sweet warmth of being with people i genuinely am friends with ever again. Needed something to vent this too so thanks

I'm trying to spread the word of Marx, but no one will listen.

Same boat, I’m stuck at home due to this virus bullshit and I miss friends. Hope for the best and stay positive.

Marxism is kinda dead, even the North Koreans have gone away from it.

I’m a self destructive beta cuck posing as an alpha and I alienate all my friends and family, continuously pissing people off including much gf. Hate my life and I’m in a shit ton of corporate and personal debt.

What’s up OP?

Show dick

I feel so removed from myself, like I'm not even here. I try to relax but it's difficult. I worry about if my daughters OK constantly. Sometimes I'll just stop what I'm doing and start blubbering. Im desperate for some love and companionship plus I want to have sex again, I miss it. And I'm tired all the time.

I dont mean to be an ass, also not OP, but being alone for a month because a virus is a little different than being alone involuntarily no matter what's going on. It makes me mad because I know what is going through and then people bitch about a few weeks of being lonely. Fuck that.

It'll be all good, peeps.

This virus situation is pregame. There will probably be more happenings like this, but it will only make us stronger in the end. Just keep on keeping on and don't give in to astonishment.

Keep the love alive. Cheers.

not much not liking this quarantine

i just want to go to the park and stuff

The virus will go away eventually, just gonna take forever thanks to hillbilly idiots and money hungry butt fucks who dont care if we live or die

These days I'm more concerned that the girl I proposed to is either cheating on me or is gonna self sabotage this whole thing by being gone all the time till I decided I've had enough.

trying to play vidya gaems but everyone i know has a sleep schedule the complete opposite of mine.

Give yourself that love man. Now is the time to build that up again. Your daughter will be alright just keep talking to her and tell her you love her. She needs you now and will need you later too.

That's too bad, you may not. Now show dick.

Yea the virus has just amplified it really. I used to have the option of at least going out to get piss drunk. Now i don't and i'm on the verge of just calling it a night and jumping off a roof or something

Don't be afraid to talk to yourself. It helps. Your mind-you and your mouth-you can be two different people at times. I find my mouth reels in my mind when it starts to run away with me.

Thanks user

Wrong, one-party central planning is dead.

Can you describe to me what a worker owned economy and a people’s government means in your eyes?

henlo frens

im burned out on my job man, combing list sites for new employment but afraid to take the plunge in this economic environment

stores are prioritizing people that lose there maybe consider looking for a new job

I’m more scared of the aftermath. Many employers are reconsidering employees that aren’t that needed.

A worker coop or at least work place democracy and either de-central/local planning or self management.

I feel lonely too, Im planing to start a youtube channel or radio and talk about COOL stuff but its just a d idea but thats been in my mind for quier some time

I met a literal autist on this site and they ghosted me.
I had to search for quite some time but I found them again.
We support each other because we are both very lonely.

thanks yall, i think i might go get some OSHA certifications and go do some construction

get my hands dirty and thicken up my shoulders

Being shut in and working from home has been harder than I'd like to admit tbh. Granted, spending time with buddies online made time easier.

Im obsessed with a porn star who looks like a girl i loved