Look closely at my wife's vagina. What can you see?

Look closely at my wife's vagina. What can you see?

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A portal to Hell?

...the void..

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user and op were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me

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I think china

Middle Earth


The bottomless abyss stares back unblinking

I prove nothing post with your dick on it




Traces of vomit

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I stared into abyss, the abyss stared back.

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I can see that it's a bad photoshop made to look like it's much wider.

You can see the blurs from the smudge tool, you amateur.

Does she have crabs?

god damn it you made me look at it closer. you asshole. I was squinting real hard as to not have nightmares.

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kek thought the same

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Straight into the depths of hell.

That's the gonorrhea wife!

Wasn't a troll.

Here's the original. Wasn't hard to find.

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Thank god for that

A cult of personality.

That's even worse!

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Full marks to OP for trying to fix that shit up.

Never said it was pretty, just said it was shooped.

The Mines of Moria

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