

Make a new board exclusively for general porn, and take it all off of Yas Forums so I don't have to scroll through your degenerate and godless fetishes to laugh at all the stupid shit on here.

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coomers deserve the gas chambers

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Yas Forums has always been for fapping. Quit being jelly monsters.

>degenerate and godless fetishes

laugh at this faggot

Uh oh, found the newfag, this has been a porn and gore site since you were shitting in your diapers. never changed, never will.

ive been on drugs for years so my memory might just be shit, but Yas Forums really did have less porn than this right? Whats up with the porn increase over the years?

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Not to this extent

On average there used to be 3-4 threads for fapping in Yas Forums.
Now it's more like 30, with at least 3 threads being the same ones.

Imagine being such a retard that you think Yas Forums has always been this filled with porn. You're literally just a faggot trying to perpetuate child porn drawings. Shut the fuck up you docile coomer

Yes, even more so at times.

All threads on Yas Forums are for fapping. How new are you?


Start posting what you'd like to see then

Either way, this isn't addressing my proposal. I want to come on Yas Forums and laugh at the stupid and funny shit, not see fags, traps, and coomers get it on to borderline pedophilic and degenerate fetishes

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Would be great if people could actually see the post (literally gets overflodded by coomerfags)

Porn threads are being posted at about the same rate as they always were. The issue is that the posting of actual good threads slowed down. If you want porn to be a smaller percentage of what you see here, make actual good threads

If you are brave enough, yeah. I mean, it has never been a problem for me.

Fuckin' Ghandi over here.

Thats. What. B. Is. For.

Yas Forums is random you faggot

You have to admit that more individuals have been chained by the industry of slavery, and has obviously drastically changed the proportion of posts. People are tok focused on getting a wank in than doing some fun shit and fucking around


>Literally the vast majority of the board is porn

Yes I know but, I think that the number of pornographic posts should be limited, not seeing enough fun threads.

Exactly. In its very nature, randomness is supposed to be exciting, intriguing, and interesting. Seeing thousands of poor girls (who probably grew up in shitty environments) being exploited for the sake of a dollar all the fucking time and seeing pedophilic drawings of children is fucking annoying, childish, and outright fucking disgusting.

Make something fun then. Otherwise jerk to traps and BBC like the rest of us or fuck off.


You know what b is, bitch and complain, and yet you keep coming back. Hmmm...

>Make a new board exclusively for general porn, and take it all off of Yas Forums so I don't have to scroll through your degenerate and godless fetishes to laugh at all the stupid shit on here.
Be the change you want to see, Padawan

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gas pornniggers and yellowfags alike

op has it right, actually try to discuss a reasonable alternative.

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Even though I post fun threads everyday, it does not seem to effect the state of the board, if the problem could have been solved just by posting something else other than porn then people wouldn't have been complaining so much, there needs to be a limit, also limiting the number of pornographic post seems to be the only logical conclusion to me unless some faggot comes up with something better, I say we should limit these posts.


>Even though I post fun threads everyday
You mean like "why does God curse me for being black?"

We still can't out right ban porn, that would change the board drastically, porn should be there but under a limit.

If the gold is washed withe the sand, the majority will see it as futile to dig through the sand, for a gold that they cannot see.


No, posts that are not porn and bring a chuckle you dumb faggot.

Perhaps, but the amount has gotten ridiculous. Probably because a lot of young people got their hands on it at a young age and are now addicted to it, spiraling into an infinite degradation of fetishization that they will ultimately never fulfill.

I doubt you've ever once posted anything funny in your entire worthless life.