Tik tok thread cont

tik tok thread cont

Attached: 1588295579064.webm (576x1024, 1.98M)

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post some slutty tiktok makers

Attached: gjh.png (395x699, 330.35K)

Attached: 1588287647839.webm (576x1024, 1.98M)


Please more of her

Attached: 1588195840549.webm (576x1024, 1.8M)

whats her tik tok

ive been jacking off to tik tok thotts since lockdown now.


Attached: download (30).webm (576x1024, 1.34M)

sexy af

Charli user still around?


Your mom is fag

I'll never tell you bitch.


Katie. She's got a cute little sister too.

Attached: download (31).webm (576x1024, 1.77M)

little slut needs stuffed

Why do 99% of tiktok vids featuring QT's look almost identical? Oh look thot #4548953789 is doing the EXACT same thing as the other 4548953788 thot's! Lets like and follow and donay to her!!!!!

post the sister

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Attached: download (32).webm (576x1024, 1.83M)

fuck yesss more

What the fuck is this stupid lame dance? These kids have zero grace.

i genuinely dont get the appeal of these autistic trendy little dances. its not even a real dance, theyre standing still and just moving their arms and lip syncing whatever dumb song

you must be homosexual

Imagine getting to blow raspberries on those tummies each night before tucking them into bed and telling them you love them more than anything only to have them turn into black baby making machines a few years later.

When did this type of dancing become normal. It's all just hand gestures... wtf it all seems so recent

I'd be more interested if they didn't move like they just found out their arms moved.

they just want you to look at their bodies


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yeah its called being white, we will take over your planet and we will fill it with "authentic mexican restaurants" and god dammed if we dont flail our arms around like a mid evil weapon when we dance.

Now there's fucking TIkTok threads among all the cancerous larping fap threads where people pretend to know random girls they saved off of IG and FB? This board has to be 75% underage. You fucking cancerous faggots.

Attached: Merry.jpg (500x617, 54.25K)

I thought that at first... but I think they genuinely worked on memorizing semaphore.

I've said for years that I'd have to have a very long internal debate if I could push a button and remove all redditers or muslims from the planet. Tiktok users/viewers have become my number one group to remove by light years.

you faggots, if you want good dancers go to the theater; this is to rub your cock to


Live.me and musica.ly had some amazing stuff.. wish there were sites like that again. Thots did anything and with covid .damm