Europeans of Yas Forums

Europeans of Yas Forums

What is your honest opinion of the US/America?

I am ripped between America being a kiked, horrible nigger infested shithole destroying Europe through their meddling in our affairs more than once, with 0 culture aside from consumerism and America being a new homeland for the European Race and People.

It's kind of like love or hate it in my head, and I'm not sure what to think of it.

Let's do a case that everyone has to answer too;

>you get a full 10/10 trad wife, but she's american and you have to move to America with her.

Your children will grow up in a culture so kiked that cities literally are built around McDonalds restaurants.

What do?

Americans are invited but let's keep it civilized - there is no denying your country is a shithole in many aspects.

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our friendly friends who invented friendly fire

most of them are alright.
they seem to have a slightly higher proportion of lunatics than most other places, but most of them are alright.

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They should never have imported nigger, I think that so much would be different.
I am actually planning to move to America to work and save the money and then move back to Sweden. Just like my grand grandfather did.

I would never let my children be Americans with the state USA is in now. That would mean that my grandchildren would be mutts.

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How long ago was your autism diagnosed OP
I’m sorry for your loss

Cope harder nigger

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They are quite pk unless they got a gun.
Or money.
Or black cock in them.
Leaving that here.

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Americans seem to be undereducated, superstitious, and generally incompetent. Not someone I’d want to rely on.

I admire white Americans a lot. Forging an entirely new country & making it - at one time- one of the best countries on earth for a European to be, is certainly admirable. Think I have a soft spot because 5 generations of my family lived there at one time, but hey ho. The shithole it’s become today isn’t a reflection of the great people that built the country, but of the ones who destroyed it. The destruction of America is a sad thing to watch, but the rest of Europe isn’t far behind them anyway.

Buzzword harder nigger

Back to /lgbt/

Post jaw.

How do Europeans feel that when Europeans were actually accomplishing anything worthwhile, North Americans were still European?

Who says you have to live in the cities? if you go into the country (BEWARE OF SOUTHERN COURTY, NOGS) it is quite literally the most based place ever.

>people actually care what happens in other countries

but they'll send most anyone back to the stone ages just for oil

>Posts anti American thread
>Posts thread in impeccably perfect English
>Does not start thread in native tongue

this, if you worry other countries politics you're a pea brained retard.

Jeeze..eurofags really are obsessed

i'd be ashamed to speak retard too

the problem is its 50 countries in one, you can only agree with about half of them, glad i was born on the east coast, if i had any advice its avoid major cities

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He shit himself when he was hung. Both eyes popped out too.

>what do?
Get shot at the airport because muh rights. I know have to sell my house to pay an Amerifat doctor, who treats my wounds with Big Macs and Jesus.

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Yeh, the last one I met said he had a personal relationship with Jesus. WTF does that even mean? Are all Amerifats fanatics?

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basically means they actually have morals and hate fags

Fuck off, Nazi asshole.

Yeh, but why are they weird about it? Why not just go to church like a regular person? He also asked if I had "met the man Jesus Christ" and tried to tell me about his weird Amerifat religon.

If you don't like the thread, there are several blacked tranny threads for you.

>amerifat religion
are you stupid dude? yeah it's popular in merrica but it's not an amerifat religion at all lmao

You're wrong. I go to church every week, but at least two Amerifats have tried to convert me to weird Amerifat versions of Christianity wher you can't have a birtday, or Jesus and Satan were brothers, etc. It's just the sheer American arrogance of it. I go to a church that's a thousand years older than their country, and now their Amerifat Christianity is better? Fuck that.